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Why do so many people hate buddhist?

I don't get it, Buddhist are proble the most kindest people on Earth. Yet all I ever see is people ranting about how precious all life is to the buddhist, from a gnat to a human, along with other thing.

Also no ingorant answers.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes well joking apart all life is precious Buddhism teaches We have been taking rebirth since beginningless time In all the six realms of which this Saha World is but a small part This being true We have all been each others Mother at some time or another

    We are also encouraged to have a Bodhichitta attitude towards all sentient beings A sentient being is any being who can perceive

    It doesn't matter whether you are Reptilian and I am Human we can both experience suffering When push comes to shove I want your suffering to cease just as much as my own

    Take care Okay

  • 5 years ago

    Buddhists didn't go around shoving bibles or qu'rans in people's hands with guns\swords at their heads. Buddhists did not forcably convert ANYONE. Buddhism is a truly peaceful, tolerant religion, which some consider to be more like a philosophy\teaching, then a doctrine that one HAS to abide by. Out of all the religions, Buddhism is definitely the one to go, if one feels that you must adhere to some sort of organized faith-group. Personally, I think that you should take some University philosophy classes, do alot of thinking, keep an open mind, do alot of reading on different beliefs, and form your own beliefs instead follow anothers'.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a bizarre question. I really haven't seen any hatred directed toward Buddhists. If anything, I think that Buddhists concepts are too easily accepted and should be more sharply critiqued.

    More than other religious group, I think Buddhists get an easy pass.

    What has lead you to this question?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I haven't seem much hate directed at Buddhists here, and the atheists here seem to have a great deal of respect for them. This may happen where you live, but not here in R&S. At worst, some Americans dismiss Buddhism as a 'fashion statement', but then again, some Americans are amazingly ignorant.


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  • Fred
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No one hates buddhists. Christians and muslims are destroying the world, but buddhists are not even on most people's radar.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have met some westerners that call themselves Buddhist, but they are pretentious wanabes. in truth many of them are not really willing to embrace anything spiritual.

    A true Buddhist can be very interesting to speak to, but the path of Buddhism leads people to spiritual accomplishments. being "enlightened" is not something to "strive" for.

  • I don't hate Buddhists, I like them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice of God. If you think that is not a big deal, try living the life of Buddha for one day and you will realize the Truth.

    God as creator and the manifestor has created different Religions - Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism. The idea of God is to transcend all view points, Religions, sects, traditions, beliefs and realize the totality i.e. all inclusive - oneness of God in every being. Conflicts within people happen due to their ignorance and their inability to see the oneness of God in every being.

    Religion is created by God for the Spiritual transformation of the beings. One size does not fit all. Similarly People have a personal relationship with their favorite God (Christ, Allah, Buddha, Nanak, Krishna, Narayana). When the spiritual transformation matures for the individual person in the form of love for all beings, only then will they realize the truth that all Religions are the same.

    Different people have different needs to complete the Spiritual transformation and attain salvation, enlightenment and Supreme God Consciousness. A person who does not accept all Religions are true has to be reborn again and does not attain Salvation for the simple reason that God does not accept people who cannot attain the transcendental knowledge about Religions and Truth. The one who understands all Religions are one, is the one who truly understands.

    God shall be realized by one who considers everything as (a manifestation or) an act of God.

    Pre-requisite to see the God is -

    1) Un-conditional love to all beings

    2) Surmount the desires, attachment and material possessions. Give up all desires and wander free from hankering, false ego and possessiveness.

    say YES to divine pure love

    say YES to loving ALL.

    say YES to forgive ALL whatever needs to be forgiven

    say YES to helping all - whatever help is needed

    say YES to action without desires, without expecting results

    say YES to action in the name of your favorite God, the Holy Spirit

    say YES to YOUR innermost fire of LOVE and accept the HUGE flow of LOVE that IS possible to flow through ALL OF YOU

    PRACTICE all above positive affirmations in all possible situations of life and as a positive result you will see progress in your process of LEARNING to LOVE and practice that ever increasing purity of love in all new upcoming and existing situations of YOUR life.

    May all the beings in all the worlds be happy;

    Peace, peace and peace be everywhere.

    Source(s): Aum Mani Padme Hum
  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Oh come on and give us a kiss You know you love us really

    Have a Star Now don't you feel better

  • 1 decade ago

    How can someone hate a group of people who do nothing?

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