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Blood under skin after surgery appears as dead skin?

It has been 3 years since surgery to insert plate and 7 screws to repair my tibia where forms ankle. Blood has formed under my skin below the surgery site and is now very ugly looking and starting to flake. Several times can feel strange movement and pain in the area especially when a low weather pressure system is moving into area.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have had friends who had surgeries on their ankles of feet WITH pins/plates/etc.

    After 2 years they had them removed and all pain went away.

    Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    've suffered with acne for awhile now, however, I think treating acne takes time. I got rid of of acne by drinking lots of water and eating very healthy, which was the best remedy by far. Also, washing my face twice daily. ,However, using natural cleansers made my face feel, look healthier, and clearer. Though, having a workout plan also takes a big impact on your skin, ALSO, NEVER TOUCH OR PICK AT YOUR FACE. But, if you absolutely have to, get two q-tips and squeeze the puss out gently. Then, put an ice cube on it so the redness will go away. Also, changing your pillowcases every other night helps too. I hope I helped. :)

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