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what would u do if this happened to u?

so this actually happened to me tonight. i was leaving denny's when a guy approached me. he said that he and his family (including small children) were staying in a hotel near by (which is, by the way, known for drugs and prostitution). the cops in mexico (i live a couple miles from the border) had taken all their money and they needed something to eat. he said that he lived about an hour away and worked in a tattoo shop. he wanted to borrow $20 which he could pay me back tomorrow. he would let me keep his ID as collateral and could hook me or friends up with tattoos. what would u do?


to put affordability in perspective, it takes me 2 1/2 hours to earn $20.

Update 2:

um... yeah, adam... but he looked white. u know, us gringos go down there as tourists... for fun...

Update 3:

not to mention i don't hit people unless dirrectly threatened... ur not serious...

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    20 to feed a hungry family?. If i could afford it, i would give it to them for free also.

    Might take his business card though for a reduced tattoo later on maybe :D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would probably give him the 20.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would let him borrow the $20 bucks without taking his id's or anything from him

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