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  • Typical cuisine in Lovisa, Finland?

    Hi all. I have a works training trip in Finland next month. I am pretty fussy, and Lovisa is in the middle of nowhere. All they seem to eat is Reindeer and fish.

    What can I do??

    1 AnswerEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • How to explain the importance of pre-heating an oven?

    I live with my fiancée at her parents house. Long story....

    Her father was a butcher for 50 years until he retired. He has just turned 70.

    His hygiene with food is a joke, (The dog made a mess in the house and he used the dish cloth to clean it and put it back)

    Now, we have this argument "You do not need to waste electricity pre heating THIS oven"

    It is a fan assisted oven, not a combination microwave or industrial oven.

    He likes "Chicken Grills" he cooks in the oven, but cooks everything for a min of 45 minutes when these things take about 22 (Hence the pre heat)

    Sorry for being long winded, but getting pi§§ed off now with this constant moaning.

    How could I approach this without having him watch me cook a chicken cgar grill as per the instructions WITHOUT a pre heat?

    This should maybe have been in friends and family issues. The oven would not be hot enough to cook from the word go, nor would the finished product be cooked or safe to eat.

    Sorry all, your advice on this sort of issue? Rant over.

    Dan x

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Pain in knees, ankles and feet?

    I'm not sure which way to go on this.

    I'm male, 36 and 14 stone at 5'7.

    I have been drinking a lot of alcohol since my brother started running a pub in 2002.

    I'm sure it's to do with drinking. I have a history of gout after a blood test on liver count was over a hundred, Trouble is i get these attacks on both legs at certain times. I have been to hospital with cronic knee pain and they did not find a problem.

    As it stands, i get the odd ache and pain now and then, but if i stop drinking, these problems start.

    As from monday this week, i have been stuck in bed until 12 hours ago when i get myself 8 cans of beer at 9%. (or 36 units). Now apart from a sore right ankle, i can actually walk again.

    I have been taking declofenac 50 and codeine phosphate 30/100 paracetamol for about 4 years to deal with the attacks.

    I have also noticed a pain in my right side where my liver is located, but it's more a spasm attack for a few seconds but not constantly. The pain scale of the attack could be 9/10.

    I'm guessing i've done serious damage to my liver, or could it be a cramp.

    I can drink a full 700 ml bottle of vodka, and just feel happy.

    I can't think of anything else to add.

    My emails are not private, so feel free to mail if you can give any advice.

    I know i must abstain, just not sure what to say to my doctor as they just don't seem to care as they are under so much pressure.

    Last but not least, I love the jokes, I love trolls. Just where do i go?

    Thanks for anyone that can be arsed to read this lot, but it's christmas....

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Home Ownership - Proof of "no interest"?

    Hello all, this matter would concern UK readers only i am guessing, so here is the query.

    A friend of mine had a house with his girlfriend a few years back. They split up and she has the house/deeds/mortgage in her sole name.

    Four years ago he bought his own property, only to loose it a year later to non payment, and has since been reposessed.

    As it stands, he is homeless and staying in shared accomodation.

    He cannot get Housing Benefit (LBA?) since they need proof that he has "no interest" in the previous properties he was paying a mortgage for.

    How does he prove this ?

    As far as i can make out, this is obtained from the Land registry site at , but i cannot for the life of me work out where, how and how much this will cost.

    Any advice much appreciated.


    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Why are breasts called boobs or boobies?

    I learned the other day that a boobie trap was called such as it would catch sea birds in flight called boobies. What is the connection to boobs?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Feliz cumple....un abrazo!!!!!?

    Can anyone tell me what the translation is for this and what language it is?

    Languages1 decade ago
  • Dyson DC07 Service Manual?

    Hello, all, and thanks for reading my post.

    I am looking for a SERVICE manual for this Dyson model. I'm pretty sure the carbon brushes have worn out on the motor from the sound it's making. I have ordered the part already, but just incase i have trouble putting it back together i would like a service manual to hand.

    Any help much appreciated, and thanks in advance.


    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How would you "say" this ?

    Hello all, my very first post.

    Probably more concerning drugs or any material, but it is sold in ounces (oz).

    You have a Quarter, eigthth (1/8) then a sixteenth (teenth) (1/16) next is 1/32. Would it be a thirtytooth? thirtysecondth ? thirtysecond ?

    How would you say these fractions, especially 1/32.

    Was down the pub just last week and arguing about it. Any help much appeciated.

    13 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago