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Christians, are you afraid of going to hell?

If you are, there is a correlation between true moral actions being atheistic, rather than forced morality through frightening myths of a Christian god.

Atheists never need prodding, don't need to be coerced or frightened into being good, moral, decent members of this human race.

15 Answers

  • Tony B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most people are 'good' simply because it would go against the current rules and morals of human society if they were not. They don't avoid stealing and killing and coveting because of god, but because they do not wish to harm their fellow human beings. Morals and the codes of right and wrong are purely human concepts, which make it possible for people to live together in societies.

    The morals and codes were then ascribed to the imaginary 'gods' and have effectively been hijacked by religion. These rules and codes would persist in the absence of gods, as they do among atheists. If that were no so, then the millions of atheists would be outlaws, which they are evidently not. Personally I found myself unable to believe after 26 years of fervent catholicism, and it didn't make an ounce of difference to my moral codes and ethics,

  • 1 decade ago

    You put forward an intelligent argument for morality. Also while I am not an atheist, I agree that there are humanist-atheists have far better morals than many professed christians.

    The belief or lack of of belief in a God need not inform morality as such, but belief in any higher being would favor a moral world for the betterment it brings the world is intrinsic to christianity and in western culture has provided most of what is perceived as moral by atheists.

    I personally don't believe in the stereotype of hell but think that we can all create our own versions of hell in our own existence. If we are granted an afterlife through belief, those that reject it will just cease to be..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The ONLY reason all Atheists aren't out there killing everyone they meet is not because they're moral people. They're simply afraid they might get caught by the fuzz and perhaps end up in jail.

    Any time an Atheist makes it through the day without robbing a convenience store, it's only because they fear the consequences of being caught. It has nothing to do with any of them being a good and moral person.

    For any Atheists who are still students in school, the only reason they don't go out and massacre their fellow students with AK47s is because they know they might get in trouble if they did such a thing.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    She could be enacting drama to transform you to Christianity and not something. women persons are very smart. be careful with this GF of yours. tell her that u r non-non secular and a non believer of all religions. word her reactions. U will understand her for actual. do no longer attempt to strengthen right into a sentimental fool interior the hands of that woman. tell her there is not any God, Ghosts, Heaven or Hell throughout this universe.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I always figured a true atheist wouldn't have any concerns over the feelings of people who believe in a "non-existent entity". I do however, feel you're wrong in ASSUMING why others do/don't "do the right thing". I've said for several years: Most "Atheists" are TRULY "AGNOSTICS". Most just don't understand the difference. By your merely asking this question, you prove my point.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, they are because christianity is based on the fear of god and punishment in the afterlife. Without the absurd concept of hell, christianity could not survive.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why would a loving God condemn humans to eternal torture? Makes no sense. Therefore, I believe there is no hell, just paradise or death for humans.

  • 1 decade ago

    Living a moral life is not out of fear of hell but out of a love and reverance for God and what is right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi again.

    If we are wrong. . .we decompose in a pine box.

    If we are right . . .we live forever in paradise.

    If you are right. . .you decompose in a pine box

    If you are wrong . . .You have turned down a free gift from God. No rules, no test, just a simple love story. You had your whole life to say yes. Imagine how tragic that would be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one of The True Christian Faith fears going to hell.... because no one of The True Christian Faith will go to hell... can not happen.... that is the promise from God to all who come to Him in The Way He prescribes....

    Source(s): God's promise to me in the instant of my Salvation
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