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Why do you believe in saved by grace ONLY since that is not in the bible?

I have notice over the years there has been a GREAT and HUGE REVIVIAL without REPENTANCE preached by the majority who exclude the doctrine and the fear of Lord found in the Word of GOD. Instead they preach, "We are Saved by Grace Only" thus sidestepping the NEED for REPENTANCE. It appears that what a man has to say has more validity than what the bible actually says. We are hearing right now here in the last days many things preached not found anywhere in the bible such as this doctrine of Saved by Grace ONLY and the same refuse to preach many things that are in the bible such as REPENTANCE. Truly people are being misled by irresponsible men they trust.

Hos 4:6 MY PEOPLE are destroyed for lack of knowledge.... My People? That’s you and I. We are belivers in God.

Destroyed? Why? “For the Lack of Knowledge.”

2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be FALSE TEACHERS

(Strongs # G5572 : Propagators of erroneous Christian doctrine/teachings) ....................

AMONG YOU, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.


We are saved by ENDURING to the END. Mat 24:13 by BELIEVING and BAPTISM. Mar 16:16 by FAITH. Luke 7:50 by CALLING on the NAME of the LORD Act 2:21 by the BLOOD. (Rom 5:9 by by CONFESSION Rom 10:9 by ENDURING by the BLOOD Rom 5:9 by by HOPE Rom 8:24 by PREACHING 1Co 1:21 by the GOSPEL.1Co 15:1 by by DOCTRINE. 1Ti 4:16 by BAPTISM. 1Pe 3:21 Not by any one thing but by many things found in the bible.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people are just plain lazy!!

    Believing IN the Lord is NOT enough . . . "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." - James 2:19

    We however, should believe ON Him (John 1:12, John 6:29, John 7:39, John 9:35, John 9:36, John 11:48, John 17:20, Acts 16:31, Acts 19:4, Romans 14:24, Philippians 1:29, 1 Timothy 1:16, 1 John 3:23, 1 John 5:3). To believe ON Him is to put ALL your trust in HIM and to Let Him be the Lord over your life. For if He is truly our LORD and Saviour we should OBEY Him and put all of our trust in Him.

    There are many good men, charismatic men, even Godly men preaching the gospel. Many are led by the spirit of God, but not filled with the spirit of God, rejecting the whole of God's truth because of self study, or theological or denominational beliefs. The most dangerous lie there is one that is wrapped in so much truth that you can't see the lie that will send you to hell. First, pray that God will reveal the truth to you regarding his plan for salvation. Then, study God's word for yourself. It's there in black and white. Not a mystery, yet there is none so blind as them that will not see.

    You can disagree on many things in the bible, much of which we'll know by and by. But there can be no mistake in the plan of salvation. To be saved you must first believe, then repent (turn away from) of your sins, be baptized by submersion in water in the name of Jesus, be baptized in the holy spirit as evidenced by the speaking in other tongues.


  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 has the answer for this question. "For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories. "

    People simply want to believe what is easiest with no effort on their part. There is an travel commercial here where the company gives back money to a customer because another person booked a room at his hotel at a lower rate. The customer said he did nothing but he did book with that company. Another man laying in the pool asks if he could have a check as he did nothing? No.

    The point is if the 2nd guy did not get anything for doing nothing, why should we expect God to give us something more precious than any check could be? Surely even the dumbest among us can reason the answer to this.


  • 1 decade ago

    God makes it emphatically clear that His children are saved by His grace alone.

    If you don't see that than you have not inquired of the Lord -- the truth cannot be missed.

    Yes, we should make every effort (as Lord says through Peter), but that IS NOT the means of Salvation. It is a mark that we have salvation already.

    No man's work gains Him an inch of Heavenly ground. We can only do work that is good in the eyes of the Lord IF we have already been saved by His grace.

    The true spirit of Repentance comes from the recognition that we are hopeless without His Grace. After we have received this grace, then, and only then, can good works come as an act of thanksgiving, not under condemnation of the Law or threat of hellfire.

    *** In fact, the damnable heresies that Peter is speaking of does include the notion that we can add anything to Christ's work. No, no, no. Our work is to trust the one who was sent.

    **** Even with all of those examples, you do not override one simple truth. We cannot do any one of those things unless God's grace is upon us -- not even one.

    Source(s): The Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    I haven`t heard anyone preaching on being saved by grace only. In the book of Romans, Paul talks about being saved by faith in Christ, by God`s grace & even ourselves.

    We are saved by our faith in Jesus as our Savior & the Holy Trinity of God.

    We save ourselves by responding & accepting the teachings of Jesus & receiving Him in our hearts.

    We are saved by God`s grace because of His love for us.

    A fine example of God`s grace is the salvation of those who died before Jesus came; there`s also those who will receive salvation & God`s grace at Jesus` second coming; this includes believers who have died & those who are alive during the Rapture. There`s also, & this is one of God`s mysteries, non-believers who have been set aside by God until Jesus returns. God is full of love, mercy & grace for everyone; His salvation through Jesus Christ, His Son, is extended to everyone, all we have to do is to save ourselves by accepting this gift of salvation that He has given us.

    Still, if we want to have a close relationship with God, we need to recognize that we are all sinners, because of the legacy of Adam & Eve in their rebellion against God`s will, then we need to repent of our sin full nature & receive Jesus in our hearts.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My friend

    I hear you.

    Do you know that Grace means UNMERITED FAVOR

    Unmerited because we have not earned it , lest any man should boast.

    It is a free gift of God, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

    Do you know we now are living in the Dispensation period of GRACE.

    It is the time of the Church/ gentiles and any jewish peoples who accept Messiah.

    This Dispensation of GRACE has never been before nor shall ever be again in the history of man kind. It is for all who WILL to Come to the saving Grace of Jesus.

    Titus 2:11 For the GRACE of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.


    Rev 22:The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you ALL.

    I believe GRACE in this verse means ( a period of delay granted as a FAVOR )

    The dispensation of time we are now living in until He comes again.

    His GRACE / UNMERITED FAVOR is sufficient for me.

    Praise God for His willingness that none should perish.

    God shed His GRACE upon us as people and on us as a nation


    For by GRACE are we saved and not that of ourselves, lest any man should boast.

    There are 165 verses in the Bible concerning God's GRACE beginning in Genesis 6:8

    with Noah and his family.. God showed Noah His GRACE / UNMERITED FAVOR and saved him and his family from the flood.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You must be Catholic. Going to Mass will not save you dude. Kneeling in your bedroom crying out to Jesus Christ will. We are saved by grace. If you weren't believing what the Catholic Church teaches you you would be focused on God's actual Word and not be blinded by false doctrine, Idolatry and religion. Repentance is important but that does not involve anyone but you and the Lord Jesus Christ. On the cross He said, " It is finished". What do you think He was talking about? His job was done. The atonement for our sins, from the first sin of Adam and Eve to the last person on Earth that will be born. Once you are saved by His grace that He did for us, it is from deep repentance to Him and no one else. It is the repentant heart and soul that is saved and you are given the Holy Spirit to dwell inside you. You are a new creature in Christ. From that moment on you are saved from Hell if you continue to live by God's Word. Not the churches word or their ideas. God's Word the Holy Bible. The Holy Spirit gives understanding of the scriptures not someone that is not saved because they are on their own understanding and not God's. Praying the rosary to Mary and only half of the Lord's prayer will not save you. Going through anyone but Jesus Christ for anything is Idolatry and Spiritual Harlotry. You can not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ going through someone else. We are to go straight to Him. You need to get away from your religion and cry out to Jesus Christ for everything and no one else. Do you realize you are praying to dead people? Do you have any idea how bad that is in the eyes of Lord. I am telling you no ritual or religion will save you Only Jesus Christ and His true Word, the Holy Bible.

    Source(s): God Himself
  • 1 decade ago

    Well.....we ARE saved by Grace alone. Perhaps you have the wrong idea of it. Yes repentance is what makes us turn to God and ask for the mercy! Admitting we need to be forgiven- that is the first thing that happens.

    Without admittance of our need- we will never turn to God in the first place.

    But, God does the rest, freely. He is the one who comes in and changes us from the inside out. Salvation produces the works, not the other way around.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are saved by grace, THROUGH FAITH, not of works, lest anyman should boast - Ephesians 2-8

    It's that "through faith" that alot of people gloss over. In that faith are the actions required...the repentance, the belief, the commitment of life and heart, that is required to complete Christianity

    I agree with you....however. I think you should put down the jawbone and try another approach

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in salvation. To me this means redemption combined with God's grace saves. Neither alone will save. God's grace COULD save, if He meant it to be that way, but He doesn't. Confession of sins and forgiveness by God of those sins is paramount to being saved. Without being forgiven of sin, one cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because God cannot look upon sin.

    <edit> You wrote in additional information that one could be saved by calling on the name of God, but the Bible says "Not all who call on me will be saved."

    Source(s): non-religious, spiritual Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree!!

    And for once, I agree with No Chance....

    "It's that "through faith" that alot of people gloss over. In that faith are the actions required...the repentance, the belief, the commitment of life and heart, that is required to complete Christianity"

    He is completely correct.

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