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Why do liberals continue to bash Christians?

Given that there are hypocrites (come join us; there is room for more) at least we are not routinely going throughout the world murdering innocents by the thousands. We are against homosexuality, but we are not for killing all the homosexuals. We believe in different roles for men and women, but we do not believe in enslaving women and denying them their rights. Islam is everything that the left accuses Christianity of being, yet the "religion of peace" seems to be no threat to the left.


10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is like whack a mole. They do it for the tickets.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do ppl use the word "Liberal" as if it's a religion and somehow against Christianity. Considering that there are Liberal Christians (just like there are Communist Christians).

    What the "left" accuses EXTREME Christianity of doing is what they have, in fact done. They view Islam as more of a threat than Christianity overall... but you also have to consider that 75% of our own Society claims to be Christian. Islam is just a drop in the bucket in our society. So yes, Christians who are hypocritical who try to force theocracy, who attack others verbally just because they aren't Christian, will continue to be bashed till they stop their bullshit.

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  • 42
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Maybe because of comments like this:

    "We are against homosexuality, but we are not for killing all the homosexuals."

    You use Lev. 18:22 to justify your opposition to homosexuality, but then you conveniently ignore Lev. 20:13, which says gays are to be put to death. You obviously can't do what the latter verse says, yet you continue to insist that the former verse applies, because it's convenient for you and you like what it says. Talk about hypocrisy.

    I'm not saying all Christians are bad, but by the same token, not all Muslims are bad, either. Every religion has its extremists and hypocrites. Muslims have terrorists, but Christians have abortion-clinic bombers. All I'm saying is you might want to look in the mirror before you start casting stones. What's that verse again about motes and planks?

  • 1 decade ago

    I have plenty of issues with Islam and Christianity both. I oppose bigotry and fundamentalism in any form, be it violent or subtle, insidious or blatant.

    Liberal is not a negative word, and never will be, no matter how many times you ultra conservatives try to twist it's meaning into something ugly. Liberal means generous. How can that ever be a bad thing?

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  • 1 decade ago

    You aren't for the killing of homosexuals? Then please explain the legislation for the execution of homosexuals in Uganda that was supported and sponsored by Christians.

    You don't believe in denying women their rights? Then explain the irrationally anti-choice stance of evangelical Christians and the Vatican, as well as the significant number of denominations that REFUSE to ordain women.

    Evangelical Christians have in the past twenty years alone: committed acts of terrorism by destroying abortion clinics, murdered doctors, supported the abuse of the democratic system by voting away the rights of tax-paying American citizens, had universities whose sole purpose is to educate peolpe to infiltrate the government and Christianize our laws (Regent's University, as featured on CNN), opposed life-saving scientific research, tied the court system up with frivolous law-suits in an effort to give their religious views equal time in a science classroom.

    How are you NOT like Islam again?

  • 1 decade ago

    You are messed up.

    First, I have met plenty of people who label themselves as 'liberal Christians'...and 'believe' like you do. These are the people who apparently do not read history books or their Bible. The OT is full of sexism and violence...lots of killing of innocents then...and it's not even that far back in history that the KKK was rampant and there are stories about homosexuals being killed for religiosly motivated bigoted reasons.

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In my home country I'm a conservative. In the US I'm a centrist. So I see the hypocrisy in christian conservatism just as clearly as you see it in christian liberalism.

    Why do conservatives call themselves christians in many cases when they expressly ignore their own deity's concern for the poor? They go out of their way to not only ignore those verses, they do all they can to directly contradict them while simultaneously working to further social injustice rather than act against it. Reference Deut. 15:7, Lev. 19:19, Prov. 31:8, Is. 58:66, Jer. 22:3, Luke 12:33, Luke 3:11, Mt. 5:42 and hundreds more. The message is simple and very clear - help the needy and expect nothing in return in this lifetime.

    There are consequences for ignoring the poor or further oppressing those with whom you disagree. Reference Is. 10:1-3, Luke 1:52, Ezek. 22:29 -31, Jer. 5:2, James 5:1-6, Luke 6:24, Luke 16:19-25 and my personal favorite of Ezek. 16:49 "Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it." Again, there are hundreds more that try to pound home the message you are to help the poor and the needy and "woe to you" if you do not.

    The sexual immorality the bible tells you to be concerned about is YOUR OWN. Jesus did not even judge the adulterous woman when she was about to be stoned, telling the crowd that he who was without sin should cast the first stone. Do you really put yourself above Jesus? You should not concern yourself with who may or may not be gay, but with what will happen to you and your church for ignoring the thousands of verses in the bible that make the concern of your deity for the poor and needy and other quality of life issues very clear. Those verses far outnumber the legalistic verses commanding you to kill non believers or meddle in the affairs of others.

    Also, it is the Abrahamic faiths alone that advocate different roles for men and women without regard for anything other than their interpretation of their faith. My own faith also has different roles for men or women but those roles are determined on a strictly individual basis and are predicated on individual skills and abilities rather than gender. This is why we find old graves from before the christianization of the Scandinavian lands with women buried with their weapons and a key (a sign of power) and their husbands buried at their feet with a sewing kit. In those instances - which were not common but also not UNcommon - the women were better providers and stronger leaders than their husbands, so they would leave the children at home with the hubby while they went out and brought home the bacon, so to speak.

    As far as Islam goes, it is no better, or no worse, than Christianity. Both have great sparks of compassion and wisdom in them while simultaneously holding in their midst the most atrocious commandments and behaviors. It is up to the individual which they will follow, the "good" parts of their faith or the "bad" parts of their faith. When I read online things from an extremist religious person I can sometimes not tell if they are Christian or Muslim unless certain words are used. The faiths come from the same base faith and are very, very similar. Both are commanded to love their fellow man unconditionally and most especially to love and aid those that are very unlike them - even those they hate. For you, this would be gays and Muslims.

    You, sir, are no christian if you do not follow your own book. "Liberals" aren't bashing Christians. They're just calling some of you out on your own very un-Christ-like behavior.

    Source(s): Nordic Heathen - we study many faiths in depth before we are called "Heathen" in my faith. Faith through ignorance of other faiths is no faith at all. Ignorance of the preponderance of the commandments advocating good, loving, caring and "liberal" behavior in your own faith is simply inexcusable.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The interesting thing about this is that people who label others "liberals" for "bashing" Christians seldom if ever use liberalism as a criteria (thus their label ranges from inaccurate to fraudulent in the first place), and the "Christians" being "bashed" seldom live up to the name.

  • N
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because they try to turn America into a Theocracy against the wishes of the founding fathers.

    Source(s): Don't Ask Don't Tell (unnecessarily limits our troop size) Defense of Marriage Act (LOL, divorce ends marriage, not gays)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Explain what a Liberal is and maybe i can answer.

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