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Kman asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

What year did the Canadiens stop having exclusive rights to Quebec players?

Did the other 6 original 6 teams have territorial rights also?

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    1969 was the last year Montreal had territorial rights to players within 50 miles of Montreal, they never had territorial rights to all of Quebec until the NHL draft came along in 1964.

    Prior to 1964, all NHL teams had a 50 mile zone that they had exclusive rights to. Montreal was given a 'cultural exemption' from 1964 through 1969. The 1970 draft was the first draft where the best French Canadian player was up for grabs (and Buffalo got him when they chose Gilbert Perreault with the first overall choice)

    Source(s): Retired NHL scout (30+ years) who was passed over by Montreal in 1958 and signed with Chicago instead in 1959
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, Sam Pollack was a genius, that's what makes him probably the greatest GM in the NHL's history, he somehow was able to make everybody think the Montreal Canadiens should have the right to the first 2 Quebec prospects in each year's draft, how genius was that on his part, he made other's look foolish, no one else had exclusive territorial rights.

    However back in the early 1900's you kind of played where you lived, anybody who played for a team usually lived there.

    Anyways to answer your question, It was the 1970 season where the territorial rights to Quebec specific players was lifted, If it had not been, Gilbert Perrault would have been known as a Montreal Canadien and not a Buffalo Sabre.

    This was Pollock's best move perhaps ever to get Lafleur 1st overall in the draft.

    "Among one of his shrewdest moves, was a series of trades in which the Canadiens obtained the first overall pick in the 1971 NHL Entry Draft, the year in which Guy Lafleur would be eligible. It appeared as if the first overall selection would be held by the California Golden Seals so he persuaded Seals owner Charlie Finley to trade the Seals' pick and François Lacombe in return for Montreal's first round pick and a veteran Ernie Hicke. However, during the 1970-71 season, the Los Angeles Kings were playing even more poorly than the hapless California Seals. The Kings were in danger of "beating" the Seals out for last place, and if this happened Pollock would lose his first overall pick. Pollock cleverly traded the aging but still valuable Ralph Backstrom to the Kings for two insignificant players. Backstrom's presence lifted the Kings out of last place, the Seals finished at the bottom, granting the Habs the first pick. Pollock hesitated between Lafleur and Marcel Dionne, but chose Lafleur with his overall no.1 pick."

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


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  • 7 years ago

    I was under the impression the Seals were sold to a trust for three months and it was during that time that the first pick was dealt to Montreal?

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