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Lv 6
Bridey asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Fellow experienced rescuers, I have a dilemma. What do I do with these kittens?

One of my workers just found 3 kittens, approximately 4 weeks old. I currently have 6 indoor cats of my own and am fostering one that is to go to his new home in about a week. If I take these 3 cats in, it means round the clock bottle feeding, etc. We are almost maxed out time-wise as it is. There are no rescues in my area that will take them this young. If I don't take them in and leave them to fend for themselves, if they survive, they will turn wild and add to the problem. I have managed to trap/spay/neuter most of the cats that people have dumped at our place of business. There are so many out in the fields that there is no way to get them all and sometimes kittens pop up. Timing is bad. So, do I suck it up and take them home until they are weaned and healthy and then take them to the shelter or do I see what nature does? I'm so frustrated. This year we've seen so many dumped here it's unbelieveable. Please give me your kind opinions on what you would do.


Thanks for the camera idea AngelaW! I hadn't thought of that! I think the mother cat is around somewhere because they look pretty well fed and comfortable.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh goodness. I am well aware of the cruelty of our species. I have nine right now that I am still feeding and just introducing to food.

    I also have six full grown cats and as of today, 14 dogs right now. Of course, I operate a rescue.

    Please take these little ones in and start the search for a rescue. My email is open. If you send me an email and tell me where you are I will try and help you find a rescue to take them. I know it is hard, but the alternative for them is death. Our solutions mean a loss of sleep and a lot of crankiness as we attempt to work together, but I cannot tolerate the alternative. So I do what I have to do.

    If you email me, I will help you search for a rescue that will take these kittens. It sounds like you are doing all you can to help the cats in your area and I know this is very hard. I have not had a full night's sleep since I brought these little guys home from the animal shelter where they were dumped way too young. But now, at the end of two weeks, I find myself very happy I did it. They still need me and will for a while as they are probably just hitting 4 weeks. And I have actually closed one of my bathrooms down and turned it into a "kennel" for these little kittens. I have slept better, but I have no regrets. You sound a lot like the type that will not rest knowing these little guys are in need. So... suck it up and get the formula and nursers handy. And remember, they are getting to the age where you can start giving them the formula in a dish and soon will be mixing food in it. Hopefully a rescue will step up quickly.

    Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd call around to the different vet clinics and cat rescues asking if anyone has a nursing queen that can foster the kittens through weaning, then you'll take them back.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is almost impossible for them to survive at that age, if something has happened to the mother. If you can swing it, please take care of those babies and turn them over to your local rescue. It might not be a bad idea to invest in a camera near the road to see if people are dumping these animals off there. If so, that is a crime and should be reported. I think its wonderful that there are people out there like you who invest your time, money and hearts into these creatures. BLESS YOU!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Call your local Humane Society and see if they can refer you to another foster home. They have a list of people that foster animals for them. Many of them specialize in kitten care.

    Source(s): Cat Socializer with the Humane Society.
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  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    at 4wks old you should be able to mix some kitten milk with wet food for them. It's not ideal, but at that age they can begin to eat soft food. Just give them as much as they can eat.

    i dont want to tell you what to do, only you know if it's even possible for you to take them on. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    see if you can find volunteers

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