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Lv 4
VCat asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

What's the reason for declining pain medication during labor?

I'm watching Birth Day and the lady is committed to a natural birth. I've never given birth, but I've often heard of women rejecting pain meds. What's the medical reason for this? I don't understand why anyone would want to endure that type of pain.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I did. I just wanted to do it naturally. I suppose I am a bit of a hippie in that sense. Medication isn't necessary - although I am sure it makes the entire experience better for many women, it just wasn't the choice for me.

    It felt very empowering to me to handle the pains of labor without assistance. It is just something I wanted to accomplish. People don't question when others want to climb a mountain, or run a marathon. Nobody bats an eye when someone wants to see the Eiffel Tower. I think it is just something some women want to do. It shouldn't be a big deal either way.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I would like to say I absolutely loved the epidural. Once I had mine I had zero pain and was able to relax and watch tv until the time to push. The contractions hurt and so when I got my epidural I didn't even feel it. I had no idea when they gave me a shot to numb the area. The only thing I felt was a little pressure for about 30 seconds when the line was going in. I understand there are horror stories but that doesn't mean it will happen to you. There are many more women who have no complications with the epidural than those who do. The epidural also has no affects on the baby. I don't know the names of the pain medications but do know it will not really take the pain away, more like it takes the edge off. Also these medicines can get to the baby. So the baby is born a bit groggy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people don't decline it during labor...some don't even need to ask for it. And yes, I am one of those women. I never, ever said I would not have an was in my birth plan that if I asked for one to give me one. I wasn't doing that whole "hippy" (as the previous poster said) thing. But when I was in labor, at 9 cm, I mentioned to my midwife "So what if I did want the epidural later". She laughed and says "there is no later, you have this down" and so I never looked back. I delivered my son in a half hour of pushing with no pain meds at all. And I LOVED it. It was not painful at all. A little uncomfortable at times, mostly because the position I was in. But I felt like superwoman afterward :) I was up and around in a half hour and really never thought labor was that hard. The tattoo I have on my foot hurt worse. And that is no lie.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because there are risk associated with the medcine.

    Baby is "out of it" when born and less likely to latch on to feed.

    Risk of spinal injury during epidural incertion

    Risk of brain fluid loss during incertion

    Risk of infection during incertion

    Fear of needles

    Allergy to medicine

    Personal gain for endurance


    Unable to dialate due to enduring the pain

    The list goes on probably because everyone has there own ideas.

    I TRIED to go without because I didn't like the idea of not being able to feel anything and having a tube in my back. But when the pain kicked in real bad I didn't care! If anything it helped because like listed once I got the epidural in 2 hours I was ready to push. 7 hours before that I was in a lot of pain and discomfort. You do the math.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people think it is better for the baby. Others want to experience the process as it was intended to be experienced. My friend had a "natural" birth for a combination of these reasons. Right when she was ready and yelling for drugs it got to the point where it was too late. Personally , I want to be drugged up for the whole last month at least.

  • Jodina
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The thing is that that type of pain can be managed.

    Women refuse the drugs because it has negative effects on the labour and the baby's responsiveness after it is born.

    Often drugs can prolong a labour cause higher chances of tearing and c-sections.

    I tried for a drug free labour and would do it again in a heartbeat. I never forgot the pain but it was all worth it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i havent had a baby yet, im pregnant with my first.... but in my opinion, women are built for child birth.. obviously... so the pain wouldnt be anything that cant be handled, basicalyl what i mean is it wont kill you... im sure the whole process is just a lot easier with the meds... but personally, im hoping for an all natural birth myself.. i dont like the risks involved and on top of the that, im scared shitless of needles... the last thing i want is one in my back. i have a hard enough time with just getting my blood taken... hahaha

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    people worry about it hurting the baby, or hear horror stories about epidurals not working or drugs prolonging labor. and some women just want to be natural about it.

    personally i see no reason to feel more pain then i need to, i am going to get an epidural, they wouldnt give you drugs that would seriosuly hurt the baby. but it's each woman's own chouce, my sister had all 3 of hers naturally, i just can't even imagine doing it that way i am such a wuss about pain

  • 1 decade ago

    I have had completely natural child birth because women have been doing it for centuries and there is no reason why I can't. To be honest, I really didn't find the pain to be "unbearable".

    Source(s): 39 weeks preggo with #3
  • 1 decade ago

    She must be very strong & can bear labor with out medicines

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