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Dana1981 asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

If you were to establish the Church of Global Warming Denial, what would be your ten commandments?

A few possibilities:

Thou shall blindly believe that climate models are inaccurate and worthless.

Thou shall not consider physics.

Thou shall believe the Earth's climate changes due to magical natural cycles.

If you were to establish the Church of Global Warming Denial, what would be your ten commandments?

14 Answers

  • David
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thou shall have any beliefs thou wishes, so long as disbelief in AGW comes first above all

    Thou shall not worship scientists who believe in the false concept of AGW, or hold any representation of them, whether they be textbooks, peer reviewed journals, or any other physical likeness

    Thou shall not take the name "Denier" in vain

    Remember the day the emails were hacked, and keep it holy

    Honor thy Spencer and Monckton

    Thou shall not commit Alarmetry by agreeing on any point an Alarmist makes, no matter how benign

    Thou shall not bear false witness against other Deniers, and defend the claims of all thy Denier neighbors, no matter how absurd

    Thou shall not covet the Alarmist's education, published works, or scientific integrity. Believe always that the Alarmist sympathizes only with communism, and that it is Thyself who must be free from all political bias

    Source(s): Mike I thought you were the one who was complaining about a lack of humor here...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Top Ten Policies Necessary to Ensure a Global Apocalypse

    Following are the most urgent policy prescriptions necessary to maximize the likelihood of a collapsed global ecosystem. They are listed in order of importance. To have any chance of hastening the end we really must get at it.

    No. 1 - POPULATION - Human population is not relevant to our current situation. We can make as many people as we wish and there will be no consequence. Human ingenuity can solve any conceivable problem. When we run out of room here we can colonize the Moon, then Mars, then the whole Universe!

    No. 2 - GREENHOUSE GASES – Global Warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated. The Environmentalist / Socialist / Secular Humanist Axis of Evil must be destroyed at all cost.

    No. 3 - PROTECT ECOSYSTEMS? –Nature will regenerate itself endlessly no matter what we do. A lot of the stuff we do is better than nature anyway.

    No. 4 - CONSUMPTION – We have a God given economic right to consume what we want. Period. I worked hard for my money and I’ll spend it as I please.

    No. 5 - AGRICULTURE - God gave us dominion over the earth. It is ours to use as we see fit. We can tinker with the genes of our food, and heck with everything else for that matter. When all that is left is green slime, so long as it's nutritious and tastes good, who cares!

    No. 6 - ECONOMIES - Markets are the purest form of Natural Law. Let the cream rise to the top and let the rest eat cake.

    No. 7 - TECHNOLOGY - Technology is the Holy Grail. By God, what Man would ever want to stick his hand down into the dirty Earth, the smelly slimy Sea. The end state of humanity should be to live in a hermetically sealed bubble with all his wants and needs artificially provided.

    No. 8 - ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION? – We already give up too much to the crazed hippy environmentalists. We have a God Given Right to take the last 2% of world that hasn't been spoiled and make some more money off it. When Antarctica unfreezes, I want first dibs there too.

    No. 9 - POVERTY- Poor people are lazy and deserve their lot.

    No. 10 – DEMILITARIZATION? - If I can’t defraud you out of what you have, I’ll make laws that make cheating you out of it legal. And when that fails I’ll just kill you and take it.

  • endpov
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ten Commandments for the Church of Global Warming Denial:

    1) Thou shalt like global warming and accept nothing else but WARMING, WARMING WARMING !, but still somehow manage to deny that global warming exists.

    2) Thou shalt see snow and then say," See, it be a snowin', everyting gonna be awright !"

    3) Thou shalt say,"Soon global warming shall be proven wrong and it'll be business as usual."

    4) Thou shalt honor thy global warming with thy gas guzzlin' ways.

    5) Thou shalt have a very short memory.

    6) Thou shalt not have any sense of logic and understanding.

    7) Thou shalt covet in general, or in other words, have lots and lots of reckless greed and disregard.

    8) Thou shalt not admit to killing the planet, but continue to kill the planet anyway.

    9) Thou shalt learn to use the words "treehugger" and "environmental wacko" with much sarcasm and hatred.

    10) Thou shalt pollute.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1. I am Taxes, your God; thou shalt have no other Gods besides me. 2. Thou shalt not use the name of Dana, Trevor, or Mann in vain. 3. Thou shalt hyperventilate over each passing end-of-the-world fad. 4. Thou shalt respect thy lunatic leftist leaders. 5. Thou shalt kill the scientific method. 6. Thou shalt steal in the name of AGW. 7. Thou shalt accuse skeptics of being Holocaust Deniers. 8. Thou shalt bear false witness against Watts, Spencer, and Lindzen. 9. Thou shalt not covet Dana's boyfriend. 10. Thou shalt blindly accept faulty climate models, upside-down Tiljander series, error-ridden IPCC reports, and that Myths #1-35 are myths (not truths as at least most of them are). I must say, I was stunned by the irony of the AGW religous cult accusing skeptics of being a religion. I couldn't even tell Dana how ridiculous he was being because he blocked me for reasons unknown.

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  • 1 decade ago

    1 - I am Exxon, hear me roar. You shall have no capital investments before me.

    2 - Thou shalt not make Al Gore your idol.

    3 - Thou shalt not make rightful use of the scientific method.

    4 - Thou shalt not honor correct graphical extrapolations, and keep them holey.

    5 - Honor your Fox News and Limbaugh.

    6 - Thou shalt not use peer-reviewed scientific material.

    7 - Thou shalt not quit ad hominems against the alarmist scum.

    8 - Thou shalt not perform opinion polls in an honest manner.

    9 - Thou shalt not covet your neighbor's windmill.

    10 - Thou shalt not EVER politically support green energy.

  • Trevor
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1) We are the Lords your Gods, but you can call us Monckton and Watts. We brought you out of the land of reason, out of the house of logic. Through us we shall lead you into the house of darkness; where you shall dwell in your ignorance and be content with all that we provide.

    2) Do not have any other gods before us but you can still worship the Piekle and take as holy the word of thy saviour Lindzen, for it is us alone that shall provide for your needs, seek not to feast upon the offerings of higher authorities and do not question the word of your Lords and Masters

    3) You shall make for yourself an idol and this idol shall be fallacy. Worship thy idol in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

    4) You shall not bow down to reality but must worship us for we are the Lords your Gods and we are jealous Gods, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject us,

    5) You shall make wrongful use of all that is right, for the Lords will not acquit anyone who seeks not to misuse that which superior powers sheweth to be right

    6) Remember the Sabbath day and pay homage to thy Lords Monckton and Watts

    7) You shall not murder but everything else is permitted.

    8) You shall steal from those who would seek to spread the word, for that word is the truth and it is with truth that your Lords and the Church of Defiance shall be slain.

    9) You shall not bear false witness against any person who holds the Nobel Truths of Monckton in their hearts

    10) You shall not covet truth, you shall not covet all that seeks the truth, or any ox or donkey that knows or seeks the truth, or anything that belongs with the truth. You shall not seek the truth and must reject all that is true for truth is the power. Flee children from the truth lest you be educated. The wrath of thy Great and Holy Lord Monckton and the Venerable Pielke shall rain as fire and brimstone on those who seek the truth.

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    Best question asked on here for a long time and some excellent answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    "global warming is a good way for the government to get in the people's pockets and if you believe it's real you are just brainwashed my a man's word and graphs that you can't prove to be real yourselves" -- big sid

    its a theory, you cant prove your damn charts and we cant prove our theory either

    i believe its either a natural cycle considering there is scientific proof that there were several ice ages therefor several warming periods and now is just a warming period or its happening for something else and we cant control it

  • bubba
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1 --- worship no other god but petroleum!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    global warming is a good way for the government to get in the people's pockets and if you believe it's real you are just brainwashed my a man's word and graphs that you can't prove to be real yourselves

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1.) Thou shalt not be a tool

    2.) Thou shalt not believe the world will end because of the air that plants need to live

    3.) Thou shalt not worship communism and socialism

    4.) Thou shalt not try to scare humanity with lies

    5.) Thou shalt not create computer models without testing that they work

    6.) Thou shalt not accept computer models that have shown inaccurate

    7.) Thou shalt not pretend like advanced degrees give you reason to abandon the scientific method

    8.) Thou shalt not cause the death of innocent people by denying them power

    9.) Thou shalt not give up all your rights because some fools have tried to scare you with a true 0.74 degree rise in temp.

    10.) Thou shalt not believe that consensus of some warming means that 7 degrees of warming will occur.

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