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raw food diet feeders poll?

For those who feed a raw food diet can you answer

1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet

2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start

3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what

4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons

5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw)

6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why

7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness

8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog


18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet

    It was a multi-part decision. A b*tch who died from a small intestine cancer - older veterinary oncologist informed me of a tremendous increase in the numbers of cancers since the advent of kibble especially low residue kibble failing to clean out the intestines. Noting that my grandparent's dogs of the same breed lived longer 40 years ago and they had not fed kibble (nor vaccinated). Discussions with European breeders of Bernese and the fact that those who were raw feeding seemed to have dogs that lived longer.

    2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start

    Yes - and then some. Decreased vet bills, no teeth cleaning and no yard clean up (poop melts away in the Seattle rain)

    3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what

    None - unless you count an uber thick lawn where the dogs poop. I was concerned about sourcing meat inexpensively.

    4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons


    I'm frugal by nature and get a kick out of finding inexpensive meat.

    5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw)

    Solid Gold's Barking At The Moon - I use it for treats now

    6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why

    No. Unless the owner is incapable of learning how to balance a diet or how to source meat well.

    7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness

    No. I'm not a vet. But I haven't run into anything.

    8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog

    Bear bones.

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet

    well my ferals eat rodents and hardly touch the food I set out, I Noticed they were healthier than my indoor pets and the only real difference was diet.

    2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start

    Sure did

    3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what

    Lack of convenience. Plus when I'm fostering or pet sitting I have to hid all of the kibble or mine will find away into it.

    4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons

    Well yeah LOL It's not that big of a deal though

    5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw)

    Ummm natural balance is what I was feeding, I'd have to look at their ingredients again but we'd probably go back to that.

    6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why

    Probably not.

    7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness

    Again probably not.

    8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog

    Well I haven't fed it yet, but I got some bison for them =) Besides that probably deer. Or if you count the cats- mice. Holly won't touch mice but the cats love them lol

  • Okay...I am not an exclusive raw feeder, but I'm choosing to answer anyways....because I want to :P

    1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet

    My Bullmastiff puppy had massive allergies to most foods which made me look into other alternatives. After reading information on raw feeding I thought it was awesome to feed a dog the way it was intended. However, having 2 small children at home and being generally busy between them, work, and the dogs, I didn't feel I had the time or energy to make sure their diet was balanced enough on raw to provide proper nutrition. I will go fully raw maybe at some point in the future. I instead feed Orijen kibble and supplement raw when I can. The improvement in all three of my dogs is drastic.

    2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start

    As I said in the last question, they all improved drastically. Shankly finally had non diarrhea poop. My 13 1/2 year old dog seemed to be 5 years younger. My little cavalier seemed to have a softer coat and have more energy. Although I don't feed the raw exclusive, I have seen improvements just switching off of grain filled kibble to the Orijen combined with the raw supplement.

    3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what

    The biggest con for me is the time involved. Obtaining the different meats, organs, etc and then making sure it is balanced out and appropriate weight for each's just too much for me right now. The other con is that it can be on the messy least with one of my dogs. I have to clean after I feed them raw whereas when I feed them kibble, I scoop food into the bowls and then all I have to do is pick up the bowls when they are done.

    4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons

    I used to be WAY more worried about the bacteria, not from them eating it, but left on surfaces. A simple clorox wipedown is sufficient for me now.

    5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw)

    I would stick to my Orijen or another grain free food.

    6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why

    It is hard to say. I do think each dog is an individual and each will respond to things differently. I could see the argument for an extremely elderly dog or one with dental issues needing a wet food diet vs a raw or dry kibble diet....but that isn't a healthy dog now is it?

    7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness

    As stated above...elderly dogs with trouble chewing might do better on wet, canned food vs raw. Obviously you can cut up the meat small, but the bone and such might still be hard. I really don't know.

    8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog

    OH OH OH....I just scored myself some antelope and elk. My dad knows hunters. They are stripping the "good meat", but giving me everything else. I'm excited to see how they like it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well, one thing could be that it's closest to the ancestral diet of the dog. It's the basic form of what's IN the dog's kibble, but it's unprocessed, uncooked, and untampered with, so it has more nutritional value. Have you ever fed a dog (or any other animal) a raw diet? My ferret is fed raw, and within days of switching him from the Marshall crap, he had a lustrous coat, cleaner teeth, and more energy. You can't say that it's unhealthier if you see all of these benefits. I'm all for feeding a good quality kibble. Some dogs don't do well on raw. While it may be acclaimed as the 'best' diet, it doesn't work for all dogs. ETA: Feeding raw is also good if your dog has food allergies and you need to limit the ingredients your dog gets. You get to know exactly what your dog is eating, whereas with kibble, there are so many ingredients (except for with limited ingredient foods), it's difficult to rule out exactly what's causing the food allergy sometimes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet- Ladys allergies

    2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start- yes

    3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what- nope

    4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons- yeah

    5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw) Taste of the Wild

    6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why- yes, my pom who has little to none good working teeth can't eat all the bones so he is on a high quality do food.

    7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness- not to my knowledge but I am not a good vet either

    8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog-raw pigs ears.. nothing out of the ordinary really.

  • 1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet

    haha I actually ran out of dog kibble, and was broke, so I decided to just switch them over with the chicken I had in the freezer. Got tired of paying $90 a month too

    2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start

    Yep. Much cheaper, less doo, and overall healthier.

    3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what

    Not really, just a bit of loose stools in the beginning

    4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons

    No more loose stools since then

    5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw)

    I couldn't turn back to kibble EVER

    6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why


    7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness

    No, raw is healthy even for unhealthy dogs

    8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog

    Pig feet

  • 1. Tricky. I'd actually switched to a raw diet once before. I was new to it so wasn't quite confident yet, and my vet blamed anything and everything on raw. Including what I've now found out to be a weird genetic fluke in Max. He's got a bit of extra skin on his third eyelid that makes him look like he might have infection, but he doesn't. So mostly to humor the vet I went back to high quality kibble.

    Then Bindi came. Silly dog wouldn't eat for nothing. Several vet checks by multiple vets, "Yep she's healthy, that's just her normal" WHAT! The dog was a dam walking skeleton, but Ok, that's "normal". Not.

    At a year old I was told Bindi would need yearly teeth cleaning. Um no. Not putting my dog out that often. So back to raw we went. Her teeth cleared up, she gained 10 much needed pounds and is absolutely beautiful now. The vet is amazed at her teeth. Seriously they were as brown as her coat the first time that vet saw her, now they pearly white.

    2. Absolutley and then some.

    3. When I first tried raw it was nerve wracking. We're taught "never feed chicken bones" and here I am handing my dogs raw chicken leg quarters bone and all. I had car keys in one hand, phone in the other waiting to rush to the vet.

    4. Nope. The only "con" now is that I'm a meat department addict. Doesn't matter where I go if they've got a meat department I HAVE to check it out.

    5. California Naturals, off the top of my head. Although when I did feed kibble I fed a kibble rotation.

    6.No, how can kibble be a natural diet.

    7. Most any situation. What's more healing then letting the body use what it knows how to use.

    Hmm most unusual, nothing to off the wall yet. They've had prime rib, whole fur on rabbits, and I was offered musk ox once but that deal fell through.

  • 1 decade ago

    1.) My dog has severe allergies and stomach issues and he was getting worse. I exhausted all other options so I decided to go Raw with advice from a Holistic Vet and a Good friend.

    2.) Yes and more so.

    3.) I was a little apprehensive with the whole Raw meat thing and the fact that I do not eat meat and I find it gross.

    4.) No I have NO apprehensions now because my dog has done so amazing on it.

    5.) Natures Variety Instinct or Natures Logic

    6.) If they did not have a dedicated owner who was committed to feeding right.

    7.) I think dogs with weakened immune systems would do better on Kibble and I have told that by several professionals. I thinks dogs who are having a hard time fighting SERIOUS bacterias or infection or have some autoimmune disease should be on kibble. But it would depend on the circumstances as well. The Raw Meat does have bacteris in it and if those levels were off more the dog may have a hard time dealing with it if his/her systems were already compromised.

    8.) Buffalo, Elk, Venison is what he normally gets.


  • 1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet

    Common sense says animals don't eat cooked food of any kind.

    2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start


    3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what

    None, cheaper, healthier, and the dogs like it more.

    4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons


    5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw)

    I wouldn't. I wouldn't feed a horse hamburger and I won't feed my dog meat flavored corn tortilla chips...

    6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why


    7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness

    Possibly...if you had a dog with a very weak immune system. BUT, in my opinion. If your dog is so sick it can't eat what BILLIONS of years of evolution have molded him to eat it's his time to go. He needs to be put down. If I had a horse who was allergic to grass and oats I'd put him down. I'd do the same for my dog.

    8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog

    Nothing too crazy..."crazy" things are expensive :)

  • 1 decade ago

    1. what was the deciding factor to switch to or start a raw food diet

    Biologically, it makes the most sense to me. I wanted something that would improve the condition of my dogs' teeth.

    2. did a raw food diet satisfy the reason you decided to switch/start

    Absolutely. Without a doubt.

    3. did you have any cons about feeding raw, if so what

    I was a little worried about the time factor. Being a student and working and having limited time, I was a little worried how that would work out.

    4. since feeding raw, do you still feel the same about #3 cons

    I don't. It's less expensive for me than kibble, it's less time consuming for me on a daily basis the way I do it, and my dogs do much better on it. Since I've been doing it for a while I have it down to a science and it's much easier that I even thought it could be.

    5. if you had to for whatever reason, what dog food would you feed (non raw)

    My old man eats TOW when I am going to be away and he stays with my parents - my Mom doesn't like to deal with the raw and if she's willing to watch him for me, she gets her way.

    6. do you think there is ever a time a healthy dog would do better on kibble vs. raw, and why

    Maybe. I've yet to see it. I don't have any interest in the opinions on raw that somebody who has never tried it has to offer. If somebody has tried it and given it a fair chance and they find it's not right for their dog - that's their call.

    7. do you think there is ever a time a sick dog would do better on kibble than raw, and why, for what illness

    Again, maybe. I've yet to see it. I have seen a great number of sick dogs drastically improve on a raw diet, I have never seen a sick dog who wasn't helped by it. Obviously, that doesn't mean it will cure everything - owners need to research their dogs specific problems and make the decision that they think is right.

    8. and for fun, what's the most unusual or exotic thing you fed your dog

    My dad caught a big large mouth bass for them yesterday, it's in the freezer right now, we'll see how they like that.

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