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How do you use antifreeze stop leak in a car with no radiator cap?

I have a very slight leak in one of my heads on my car. It leaks like a tablespoon of antifreeze every few months onto the top of one of my spark plugs causing it to misfire. I usually just pull out the wire and clean out the antifreeze when it does this. I decided to try some stop leak today though and it says to pour it directly into your radiator. My only port to my cooling system is through the reservoir which is also part of the pressurized system. If I pour it in here isn't it going to take many warm ups and cool downs to get into the whole system?


I'm sure its the intake because the antifreeze is above the plugs and not in the cylinder itself. The plugs go directly into the top of the heads where there are no gaskets.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    loosen your petcock & drain out about a gallon of anti-freeze, empty your reservoir pour the stop leak into the reservoir. crank the car & allow it to warm up keeping an eye on the temprature this will allow the stop leak to be pulled into the engine, then add the same amounty drained back to your engine throught the reservoir. you can save a lot of time by pulling the top hose & pouring it right in throught the hose.

    Good luck

    Source(s): 30 years as a mechanic
  • 5 years ago

    I don't know where you live but for starters, putting water in the radiator can freeze if the temperature drops and that will create havoc. You need to have your car pressure tested by a reputable mechanic to find out where this antifreeze/coolant is leaking from. This is a must because this small problem could eventually turn into a major one. The reason why the heater isn't working is probably because the fluid is so low. Good Luck..

  • 1 decade ago

    you can,t ! the only place to put it is in the reservoir and it will settle to the bottom. if that,s all that,s leaking i would wrap something around the plug wire to keep it off the plug and keep driving it. the only true way is pull the head and change the gasket. are you sure it,s not the intake gasket leaking instead of the head gasket? the head gasket is usually below the plugs.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's probably not going to get in there at all, and wouldn't work anyway if it did. The best thing is to fix the problem, not pour gunk into your engine, easy though that may seem. If you still insist, take off the radiator hose and dump it in there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is no cure for a head gasket but to replace it. If you put that stuff in there it will result in more expense. That stuff is made for small leaks in radiators and as a temporary fix.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't use that crap, it does nothing but make you wallet lighter.

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