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:) asked in Family & RelationshipsWeddings · 1 decade ago

Unique engagement photo ideas?

I'm looking for a fun/unique idea for my engagement photos. I live just outside of Boston. I don't want the typical park. I want it to be fun and a little crazy. I'll be doing them within the next couple of months.


5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Me and my husband went to a local children's playground and got a ton of shots of us playing on the playground equipment. From the see-saw to the swings. We did do some of the cutesy regular ones (us sitting on the grass together, etc) but we loved the ones of us playing around because that is our personalities. We ended up using one of us kissing on the swings on the front and on the back was an awesome one of us jumping off the swings at the same time, flying through the air. Took a bunch of shots to get it perfect but it was worth it.

    Have you considered Castle Island in Southie? They have a playground, plus you can do ones with the water and the planes in the background. And the castle itself is a great backdrop. A good friend of mine went to Faneuil Hall and did theirs. It was cool with the cobblestone roadsand historical buildings, like the Custom House, in the background. I work in Faneuil Hall so as a tip do it early in the morning before the tourists take over lol. Also a good location because the waterfront is right there and the greenway has new art structures etc that are great for backgrounds.

  • 1 decade ago

    3D Photos! There are a few 3d Camera out there now.

    Forest Hills cemetery (eccentric but pretty)

    The Blue Hills (either the Chicatawbut Overlook or the Great Blue Hill.) Great views. Maybe you could talk them into letting you take photos from the Weather Observatory

    Monster Minny Golf in Dedham.

    Spectacle Island?

    Boston Harbor Cruise?

    Duck Tour?

  • 1 decade ago

    Do something Fun and different, whats good for this is funny hats, have a large selection of hats and face accessories and a profession photographer, then start putting hats on eachother and yourselves, that way you get the smiles, and silly faces and the naturalness of the relationship, with a light funny mood.

    Or you could take a photoshoot where you first met?

    where you proposed?

    something crazy would be, a bride and groom skydiver, where you take photos of you holding hands and looking romantic while falling at 1000 ft. a second = P.

    Maybe do something totally different and do a time lapse photo of you guys in a busy street in the city with all those people rushing past you? then it would symbolize both the time you have for eachother and that you wont leave eachother behind = )


  • 5 years ago

    A sculpture garden, like the DeCordova in Lincoln or Arts on the Point at UMASS Boston. Fort Independence on Castle Island. Rent a schooner in the harbor. Mini golf course.

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  • 1 decade ago

    here are some location ideas

    sleepy hollow cemetary

    uss constitution

    franklin park zoo

    new england aquarium

    sandwich glass museum

    fenway park

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