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Jehovah's Witnesses, quick question?

As a Jehovah's Witness do you love Jesus?

Are you teaching that you are to love Jesus?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jehovah's Witnesses follow Watch Tower doctrine this includes:

    "Reverent adoration should be expressed only to God. To render worship to anyone or anything else would be a form of idolatry, which is condemned in both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. …. Accordingly, true Christians do well to direct their worship only to Jehovah God, the Almighty." Awake! 2000 Apr. 8 pp.26,27

    "Though some claim that prayer may properly be addressed to others, such as to God's Son, the evidence is emphatically to the contrary." Insight on the Scriptures Volume 2 p.667


    As a Christian is aware that this is false teaching only using the first chapter of Hebrews the prayer by Stephen is directly addressed to Jesus our Lord and Savior which gives direct refutation of thwe Jehovah's Witness doctrine.

    Acts 7:

    59 "And they went on casting stones at Stephen as he made appeal and said: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."


    Jesus states; "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." (John 14:14)


    It is quite obvious that the Watch Tower teaches apostate doctrine.

  • 5 years ago

    Yes I might. If that had been the case it is a signal of progresiveness and new gentle. Jehovah makes use of this institution due to the fact that it's meek and teachable and isn't set and certain in its viewpoints. It is an institution that appears to Jehovah for steering and path and watches his maneuvering of issues at the global scene and the outworking of parties that satisfy prophecy and it traces up its perspectives in accord with those matters. It is inclined to difference and hold up with the constructing stipulations, to hold up with the sunshine as the sunshine is found out brighter and brighter. That is why Jehovah can use this institution, and undoubtedly the info exhibit that he has been making use of it and is carrying on with to make use of it. He is bringing the expand. He is making use of this institution to evangelise the well information of the based Kingdom in the entire inhabited earth. Prophecies are being fulfilled upon this organization. We are suggested to stay just about the institution, for even supposing the institution does have perspectives which are later transformed, our defense lies in last inside the institution and replacing with it while the sunshine raises and new truths are discerned

  • TeeM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Of course we love Jesus.

    Just because we don't celebrate a pagan holiday, many accuse of not loving Jesus.

    John said 'love is shown by obedience'.

    All of Jehovah's Witnesses show this love, by obeying Jesus' command to Go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and holy spirit.


  • 1 decade ago

    Being a Christian is the True Path. Revelation 22:18-19 says, "For I testify unto everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, if anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, and from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

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  • 1 decade ago

    Of course we love Jesus. He is Jehovah's only begotten Son who gave his life for our sins. Without faith in Jesus we have no salvation and that is because that is the way our Creator Jehovah God set it up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I do... I love Jesus very much. He gave his life for someone he never met.

    And yes, I do teach that we are to love Jesus, because Jesus said that if we love him we will follow his commandments.

    Thank you for asking.

  • Reo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Once again, YES They DO, because they follow his commandments to preach the Good News of God's Kingdom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you love Jesus then you didn't need to make your own bible!!!!!!

    Source(s): A Ex-JW!!!!!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    False doctrine of the JW's watchtower, and the love of lip service, te te te te

    From one who is led of the Spirit of truth's View

  • Definitely yes!

    (to both questions)

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