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Why are so many anti-Catholic "questions" so immature and ignorant?

I hate to be so blunt about it, but every time I come on here I read some of the absolute dumbest and immature and poorly thought out "questions" about the Roman Catholic Church that it just turns my stomach. Do we have so many participants that are truly so ignorant of the Roman Catholic Church, or are there so many individuals who just love to act so immature and ignorant? I laud the well thought out answers given by some of my contacts, and wonder how they can actually take the time to address the "questions" posed about the Roman Catholic Church and faith. Please, especially from my contacts, and others I guess, can you help me understand the extremely poor quality "questions" about the Roman Catholic Church / Faith?


Maybe I should add that the "questions" are always negative and critical in nature. If some of the "questions" were at least worded in a constructive, "wanting-to-know" verbage, then they'd sound like real questions, but, as it is, they sound so pathologically ignorant and immature.

Update 2:

And even so many of the answers are equally immature and pathologically anti-Catholic, such as the ones from some who describe themselves as "pastors". God help us if they are!

9 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Ignorance. They are told "this is what Catholics believe" and nothing will convince them otherwise. I am a protestant but I am very knowledgeable about the Catholic church. I spend a lot of time correcting misconceptions people have. I can't count the number of times I have told someone no Catholics don't believe that and I get told "well I read" or "I heard" or "so and so told me" that they believe this. Some people just don't want to know and understand if it means they have to give up their favorite whipping boy.

    EDIT: Midge - remember how I used to be? Can you believe I am seriously considering taking RCIA classes?

  • Matt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is very true. More people hate the Catholic Church for what they THINK they know about it than any true fact about the Catholic Church.

    Being a bigot against the Catholic Church has become sport in the United States among the uneducated.

    I tend to point out some real basic facts when people start insulting the Church.

    1. The Catholic Church is THE CHURCH set up by Jesus Christ Himself. All other Christian religions are just Catholics or others who have turned away from the teachings of Jesus.

    2. The Catholic Church is the inventor of the hospital and the university. Yep, the first ones on earth were formed by the Catholic Church.

    3. The largest private charity on the planet is the Roman Catholic Church. That is an awful lot of people being helped.

    4. The vast majority of clergy and employees of the Catholic Church and its institutions have NEVER had so much as an accusation of wrongdoing. The abuse rates in Protestant religions, Judaism and especially public schools are far greater. Why does the media not report this? Ignorance, hate and bigotry. Again, bigotry is a sport with so many in the world today.

    Many people on here also claim to be atheist, but their hateful posts towards God in general prove they are simply people who believe. They are just lashing out with hate towards God for some problem in their life. They need our prayers.

    Peace to you all and please show respect to people on here. You don't have to agree, but every question that is full of bigotry and hate just lowers the bar on this site.

  • WileyC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Many other Christians are threatened by the tolerance of other faiths which is taught by the Church. This is why their pastors have "drilled into them" that Catholics are not real Christians. They rewrite history to make believe that their faith is not an offshoot of the Church but rather the "real Church".

    For the same reason, atheists will readily attack the Church for any reason they think up... true or not. They will probably continue to harp on the sexual abuse scandal of a very small percentage of Catholic priests for the next hundred years. The reason is that almost every single one of their arguments are aimed at fundamentalist beliefs. They cannot answer Catholics who believe in evolution and a non-literal interpretation of the Bible. As a result we threaten their beliefs as well.

  • Anon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What you say is true of any question or response that condemns another religion. People who know nothing of a religion, such as the RCC, often are parroting (repeating) answers they've heard or read from anti-Catholics. This is also true of the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Jews, Islam, or any religion that has enemies.

    And... people are gullible, but perhaps the most absurd position to take is to reject going to an authorized web site of that religion or to the religion's own published literature on the grounds that those in the religion are going to lie to you.

    For instance, where does your information about the Jehovah's Witnesses come from? What about the Seventh Day Adventists or the Mormons? We may complain about others, but how reliable are our own sources of information about other religions that we do not like or disdain?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Satan twists our minds away from unity and understanding. Its sad, but some people don't want to learn because they know they are right and thats all that matters to them.There are SO MANY misconceptions about Catholicism that protestants have.Many times, these lies have been drilled into their heads by people who have No understanding whatsoever of Catholic beliefs and practices. It all goes back to the fact that The protestant reformation caused a serious lack of trust and understanding between Catholics and Protestants which will probably remain until the day of Judgment Comes. It would take a miracle to sort these differences out.

    Pray for Unity.

  • As a former anti-Catholic (or at least, moderate anti-Catholic), I can say that I quite simply wasn't open to studying Catholicism. I thought I had learned about it, but the fact is, I only ever studied Catholicism through the lens of anti-Catholics, which made me think that it was wrong, of course.

    Most anti-Catholics never get to that point. They hate and fight against what they believe the Church is, without bothering to verify what they've learned... and they never intend to find out if what they learned was right.

    But I think many of them just protest too much, if you know what I mean. Catholics should continue to give the anti-Catholics kind, well thought out answers, and pray for them. Considering how many I know of who have converted or are considering converting (like myself), what you guys are doing *is* working!

  • 5 years ago

    Ummmmm...I feel you have got matters a little bit backward to your reasoning. You do not get to call for whatever from God. He's God. He calls the pictures. If He wants to provide you a exact grace, then He will provide it to you. You do not get to inform Him that He has to provide it to you. And you aren't getting to maintain your worship of Him hostage -- that is what the complete, "If You provide me X, I will cross to adoration each and every week." Frankly, that is a load of b.s. Did you develop up treating your mom and dad that method? "If you provide me X, I will do my chores and train well desk manners." --? To be definite, your parent angel is traditionally frantically looking to redirect your concentration to a Novena rather of all this egocentric and disrespectful bargaining. God is not a merchandising desktop that allows you to spit out what you wish while you push the entire correct buttons. Look, simply cross to adoration day-to-day and awareness at the novena and ADORING GOD, now not looking to wheedle what you wish out of Him. Love Him and placed your possess wants apart. Go to chapel now not anticipating whatever in go back however rejoicing that you've got an hour (or something) to name the Creator of the Universe your Father and your King.

  • Midge
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    they say the stuff just to get a reaction or they are just repeating junk they've heard from some so called "pastor".It is generally the same crap from the same people so it is obvious they do not care about the answers from good Catholics who know their faith, they just want to repeat the same garbage over and over again


  • Catholics decided to make their own rules living away the true teachings of Jesus

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