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Anonymous asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Why does my cat continuously knock over her water bowl?

She is a solid black, American short-hair. She is going to be 4 this November. She is an indoor cat and is the only cat in our apartment, no dogs or other free roaming animals.

I bought her one of those half gallon water bowls with the small water container on top (as she drinks it, the bowl refills itself). Only problem is, she seems driven to knock this thing over and spill water everywhere. I tried tying this water bowl down, tying the container on top to the bowl on bottom then tying them both to the corner of a microwave stand, she still manages to knock it over somehow.

So, we downgraded to a small water bowl. Nothing fancy. Well, she does drink out of it but every night when I come home from work, the bowl is halfway across the kitchen and the water is spilled everywhere. The bowl sits on the floor so it's not like she knocks it off a ledge and it rolls. She HAS to be moving this bowl on her own ...less my apartment is haunted (don't put that thought in my head).

I'm at my wits end with her. I love her to death but I never thought a damn water bowl would be so much trouble.

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Any advice is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

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10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here's a trick I used on a male cat named baby years ago. LOL I duck taped the water and food bowl to the floor. Duck tape is so strong with plastic bowls they might be able to splash a little water on your floor by the water bowl but not going to move it around the house. Cut off long enough pieces to fold one end to the other place it on the bottom. on both sides. Yes some tape will stick out but that's the idea. Not only will it stick good but, cat walks up to bowl and drinks from middle.

    When the cat tries to know it over they put their foot on floor where the tapes at. Once they get struck to the tape a few times with paw then pull away and lick paw. they get the point. Shows them you try this your paw will get sticky on it. They hate stuff on their paws. Witch hazel gets it off there paws when you get home. It won't hurt the cat. It does get point across.

    Or you have another thing you can do. Buy a metal or glass water bowl heavy enough they can't move it. It they strong enough to move that duck tape the bottom as well. End of problem. Make sure you do it to cat food bowl as well. Once they figure out they can't with water bowl they might start on the cat food bowl. LOL

    We had a male cat named baby years ago that did this. Hubby finally told me after work 1 night when he'd been cleaning up water & cat food for like 2 weeks. I worked nights he worked days. Getting woke up while sleeping because of water & food from baby was a pain. LOL

    I told hubby why you wait so long. Watch this. Duck tape both bowls to the floor tape sticking out on both sides when baby got his paw stuck a couple of times. He never did it again. LOL

    Also got him cat nap balls that roll round the floor for when I was at work. So he was easily amused when hubby was sleeping. Tacked string toys with real bird feathers and squirrel fur we found at parks to the string. Kept him busy for hours. Got my hands on a giggling motion mouse as well.

    Just before work would turn it on and leave. When cat walks by the mouse would move and giggle.

    It your duck tape eludes you. Try a medium sized metal dog water bowl or medium size glass mixing bowl. I use both metal and glass ones. Now one when playing in them knocks them over. Hope this helps.

    Source(s): Cats are wild instinct creatures. Anything they find in the wild is either prey or a toy to play with. The motion of the water intrigues your cat. so they play in it. Once the plastic bowl gets moving the noise makes it even more fun to do. Yeah they gonna keep it up until bowl is empty and they get bored with it. Your other bowl was really interesting. Your cats smart. Kitty was trying to figure out how the water making that funny sound refilling worked. One your kitty learned it they kept it up because the sound intrigue them. Kitty just happen to find out when they knocked it clean over on your floor it was wet and no more interesting sound. That why I use glass or metal bowls. they can only put paws in bowl not knock them over.
  • 1 decade ago

    Get a stoneware rabbit food bowl, it's heavy and shallow, and should be harder to move. And don't over fill it, but wash & fill it twice a day.

    Or glue it to the floor with a hot glue gun! just kidding.

    If the heavy bowl doesn't work, then offer her water a few times a day, and remove it when she's done drinking. After a few days or a couple of weeks, try leaving it out for her again, but go back to removing it if she dumps it again.

    She may have separation anxiety, and this is her way of telling you she doesn't like being left alone. Does she do this while you are home? If not, leave the water for her while you are at home, and remove it when you leave--just don't forget to give it when you first get home.

    Source(s): 45 years experience with kitties
  • 1 decade ago

    I had the same problem with my cat when she was younger, she finally out grew it around age 6. I did find either putting tape down or even a piece of the 3m velcro, the tape would loose its stickiness within a couple of days, but once I used the velcro & she couldn't move the bowl, it was no longer fun & she lost interest, now I have the bowl loose & she does not play with it anymore. Of course if you do decide to use velcro, be prepared for some dirty looks, for the first couple of days, my cat would give me the look, like, how dare you take my fun away. But she got over it & now, there are no more floods in my kitchen.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is entertainment, and I do give her credit for her strength and persistence.

    When she moves the bowl you currently provide, the water makes ripples. The more she shoves it, the bigger the ripples. And for one bowl I used, it turned out when the sunlight was at a certain angle, a rainbow was on the wall. Push the bowl, and the rainbow shimmered. Push it real hard, and no more rainbow, as all the water was gone.

    So while I do also provide a fountain, the other water bowl is now an 8" square heavy glass baking pan. A small level of water is actually quite a bit of water, and it is quite heavy. I have rarely seen it moved.

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  • 1 decade ago kitty likes water games and your tired of cleaning up water on the floor when you come home. Does she like watching the toliet flush? Getting sink drinks? Drinking water when it is coming out of the faucet? If you don't mind kitty on the counter, you can leave a faucet lightly dripping if she is taught to drink from a faucet. Many kitties LOVE fresh drinking water this way. Plus she can bat at it some if she wants. You could leave a sink full of some water and she can drink from there. Point is it doesnt have to be from a bowl on the floor she can make a big mess from. I'd also leave some play balls around the house, some toys for her to entertain herself. Kitty is getting bored during the day. Then lets see if she doesn't out grow her boredom. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a British Shorthair, Beautiful aren't they? You must feel lucky to have her. I have the perfect Cat bowl that would work well for you, go on to google and type in Alessi on line shopping then you will see the others, click on that, then click on Pet Products then scroll down the page till you come to a blue cat with two bowls the Reference number is MMI09 and it's called Tigrito, Cat bowl it's priced at £39.50 well worth it. My Cat likes it plus it looks trendy. My Girl couldn't knock it over even if She wanted to. Your Feline is probally going through a phase but if you are worried type in on google Debbie Ottway cat behaviorist. You could phone her up and tell her your problem, I don't think a Vet would be able to help it might be a behaviour problem. Cats tend to do things out of the ordinary but that is furrie Babies for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe she likes to play in the water. I watched my 8-month old kitten, who is pure hell to shower, step purposely into her water container, shake her paw and prance around then do the whole thing over. I would suggest barricading the bowl in a corner, so she can't get it past the barrier. This way the water is in a specific location at all times. That's all I got and I sure hope it helps. Must be annoying.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can you set up a video camera to try and catch her in the act? Maybe you can get a better idea of what she is doing as to WHY she does it.

    Mine sometimes "wash" their paws in the water to maybe test the temperature first? Sometimes they chase each other and knock stuff around too.

    Try getting her a new "toy" to play with. Sometimes they get tired of the "old" toy when a "new" toy comes around.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most cats find it entertaining, like a piece of string. Just attach some tape with it on a wall or something so she can't knock it over anymore.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because your cat is thirsty.

    Source(s): you should your cat a milk or water
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