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paula r asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

The Gospel:Imperfect, yet right?

How can somebody expect others to believe in a gospel message that is "imperfect, yet right"? Someone said that on here yesterday.The true church established in 33 A.D. in the book of Acts in the Holy Bible(if you need the reference) is perfect in every way! Even when man is imperfect, God's Word will always prevail.Any ideas?! Thanks!

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you say the 'true church' was only established in 33 A.D then you are making God and the whole trinity out to be a fraud. These thoughts come direct out of the pit of hell. You must know this; when God moves, Satan moves also. When God says, 'Yes', Satan comes and whispers 'No, or maybe' in your ears, causing who are you going to listen to? Do you know the voice of the Good Sheppard?

    The perfect gospel comes from heaven, and when you find it you yourself will be made perfect. You see, God commanded that we become perfect as He is perfect. Those pastors who teach otherwise have never met this perfect gospel, and as a result can only give birth to the same kinds of people as he is. The Bible says, 'A student can never be higher than his teacher.' This is why you can only find imperfect people in the Church with sin.

    Here is the perfect gospel. Follow it alone and it will lead you to the righteous path and into heaven as the righteous. Reject this gospel, then you will be rejected for sure.

    The true gospel that saves you from sin completely is called the water and the Spirit. This is the original gospel Jesus gave to mankind, and when you believe in THIS gospel truth God then makes you perfect, for its the perfect gospel that saves perfectly.

    Therefore, John 3:3-5 means, "If someone wants to be born again, they should be born of water and the Spirit. Here water means the baptism of Jesus, which does away with all the sins of the world once and for all. The Spirit means that Jesus who received baptism from John the Baptist is God Himself.”

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If man uses the Bible and twists the meaning of it to justify their own means then is that the Bibles fault? Does that make the Bible imperfect? No that makes man imperfect and that is because man is sinful by nature and the Bible never changes man changes. The Bible is perfect as they are the words of Christ and God themselves. There have been books left out and there has been other people who have written the books also. However this does not change the words of Christ or God and as long as you live by what they said them you know your living perfect and doing your best.

    The Bible is not to blame for the atrocities Christians have caused in the past man is. Jesus said to love one and other and to turn the other cheek now if people lived by these two simple saying then humanity would be 100% better. The Bible is good man is evil.

  • Ynot
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Things don't have to be perfect to be right - Do they?

    Things that seem perfect today probably won't still be perfect tomorrow, and things which looked reasonably perfect 2000 years ago are far from perfect today. The Gospels themselves demonstrated that the books of the Old Testament were beginning to show their age, and needed updating. Perhaps, with modern technology God could issue updates the same as computer programmes, like Matthew v 3.5.11 for example, just to keep everything perfect, but that would be a terrible thing to happen. Better to keep our imperfect gospels and accept them as being right.

  • 1 decade ago

    The "Bible" was actually assembled at the Council of Nicene around 370 AD. It is very imperfect and complete fiction. Sorry, but that's the facts. Find out the real history of the Bible for yourself and prove just how it very imperfect and a complete myth.

    Source(s): Years of Study
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