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School only allowing milk for lunch, and your child wont drink it!?

my five year old son just started kindergarten today and when he got out of school, I asked how his breakfast and lunch was? He said he ate a pop tart and juice for breakfast, but when I asked about lunch, he said he didnt eat. I asked him again when we got home and he said he ate some corn dogs, and green beans. I said, what about something to drink? He said he wouldnt drink the milk, thats all they had.

so, since he wont drink milk, I called and spoke to a gal at the office and she said she would have to check on it. That they only allow children with a drs note to have juice for lunch. Now from my knowledge, he is not allergic to milk, he just flat out wont drink it. Not even on cereal, etc. I've tried giving it to him, but he wont drink it.

So, they said they will give him a juice tomorrow, since they havnt heard back from the gal I spoke to about letting him have juice or letting him bring a thermose. So, I thought I'd ask if anyone had a child who just wont drink milk as well, and what you did for school lunches?

The office said if he wants to bring his own lunch he can, then he can bring his own drink, but he cant from the lady I spoke with, just bring their own drink and eat the school's lunch.


Thats how it was when i was a kid too... I recall having to choose from white milk, chocolate Milk or O.J.

But now adays, they only allow juice for breakfast and milk for their lunches.

I just wish they would allow the kids to have orange juice for their lunches too.

Update 2:

Im not trying problems, all Im saying is that my son has never wanted milk, He wont drink milk at all! They only allow white milk, and Ive tried numberous times to get him to drink milk here and he just wont drink it. His dr said it was fine, as long as he is getting his dairy elsewhere, which he is from eating alot of cheeses, yogarts, etc. I cant let my child go all day, with no liquids. Thats making my child be dehydrated. If the school tells me they can only allow it if i get a drs note, then I will call the drs office myself and ask to get a note.

Update 3:


I went in with the kids when they went to school today and I an office lady walked me down to the cafeteria, and I spoke with a lunch lady. She said it was no problem that he bring a thermos with a drink in it. As long as the drink is a juice or water, its all fine with them. The office lady thought it was against their policy to have children who are not allergic to milk to not be able bring their own drink. They told me to make sure the teacher knew about it so she can make sure he brings back his thermos to the classroom after lunch. So I talked with the teacher and she said that was fine. She herself didnt drink the school's milk as a child either. Neither did I! :)

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What about water? Most teachers at my daughter's school allow them to keep water bottles at their desk, and there are water fountains in the hallway, so they're certainly welcome to drink as often as they need to.

  • 1 decade ago

    schools have to go by nutrional guidelines for lunch, as i am sure you know. and $$ has alot to do with it also-its more expensive to offer a bigger variety.

    they probably dont allow him to bring only the drink, becuase they have to do the same thing for everyone-which means that if he gets to bring his own, then other kids will want to, and everything from kool-aid to grape soda, & juice boxes will be all over the place. they have to allow it for lactose intolarant, of course, per the doctors note.

    if he wont drink milk or choclate milk, and they wont allow a drink without a lunch, the only thing i can suggest, is putting a clear water bottle in his bag. he can fill it from the fountain at lunchtime.

    i have heard of the thermos being turned down before-for the same reason above, they wont let the kids have sodas, etc. and some parents are stupid enough to send soda with their kids. and teachers cant check everyones thermos, which im sure you know. so i would try the water bottle-that way teacher can see through it, your sending it empty, and he can fill it from the fountain.

    if thats not good enough, then i would personally say, that your son is just being too difficult or yourgoing overboard...:0) there will be alot of situations in his life that cannot be changed by mom-this will be a good lesson if it doesnt work out-good luck!

  • Flower
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well generally the school can provide plastic cups for water an there should be an option for fruit juices! If your son is not appealed by any of those beverages he can all ways pack a soda or a juice box or a capri sun with him for lunch!

    I did that some times when I didn't want to drink the milk they had with the lunches at school I all ways had my dad buy a 24 pack of soda or juice and I would take that to lunch with me an have that with my meal =]

    best of luck

    ETA... hmm that Is funny My school never had any policies against bringing pop or juice boxes to school, most of the kids who packed there lunches did maybe there starting to get more strict at schools now days. I am glad you where able to resolve the issue =]

    Source(s): ate school lunches for 12 years =]
  • CRW
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure they would be able to give him water or allow him to bring in a drink bottle with water. I wouldn't want my 4 yr old, 5 next week drinking that much juice everyday. He is about to start grade 1 in a couple of weeks and they have to eat the healthy school provided lunch everyday and they only have a choice of plain milk or water.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know my son school they can choose a milk or juice. My first son was going to kindergarten all day. He got milk with snack and could have one at lunch and milk with afternoon snack. The teacher wrote me a letter asking if I want to drink juice so he wouldn;t be drinking milk all day. I responded back saying he have juice. I didn't want my son drinking 3 things of chocolate milk on school day. He in 3 grade now. Now my second son be starting kindergarten and he going half day. So he be getting milk once a day there.

    School starts here August 24.

  • debora
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    At around age one, they could desire to be receiving milk, so i could say your previous college MIL isn't maximum suitable. What else are you going to furnish her? Juice isn't that healthful an option and has multiple sugar. as a strategies through fact the bottle, you may attempt transitioning her to a sippy that could have a matching nipple to the bottle. Then see what happens. yet do not supply up giving her milk - she desires the fat from milk (entire milk often till age 2) and there is not something incorrect along with her getting it at this age. in simple terms overlook approximately your MIL.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was a kid, we could get either juice or milk for lunch. Milk was included with lunch, but juice cost .30 more. I always got juice. Or sometimes I would get chocolate or strawberry milk if I had to.

  • I guess my elementary school was cheap, because they never served us food! I didn't drink milk as a child, but my mother always had to pack me a lunch anyways, so wasn't an issue.

    It sounds like an utterly rediculous and Kafkaesque policy to me! Own lunch, own drink OR school lunch, school drink BUT NOT school lunch, own

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