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How do you naturally correct hard water stains in the dishwasher? Tried an after wash rinse, no luck!?

My glasses look like they were washed in milk. Also this is a brand new dishwasher. Help!!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look for a product called "Lemi Shine" sold with dishwasher detergent. It's an additive for hard water. It comes in a container like coffee creamer and is granulated. It's a yellow and green container and it says "Lemi Shine" 'The Hard Water Experts' 'Removes Tough Hard Water Spots & Film' I found it on the top shelf in the grocery store. A dishwasher repair man recommended it to me.

  • gsjjs1
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I would put half cup of vinegar in during the wash or rinse cycle. Try soaking the affected glasses in vinegar and warm water.

  • CJlove
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Run a delimer thru the wash, at least one a month, It's called Lime Away.

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