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Could an Alcubierre Drive just contract space at the front of a ship instead of expanding at the back?

This would eliminate the need for exotic matter if possible i don't see why this isn't possible?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The ship would rest in between the expanding and shrinking space-time, essentially surfing down the side of the bubble. Imagine an ocean wave without its characteristic bulge. There would be no way to surf on such a wave.

  • 1 decade ago

    The concept isnt much different from the thrust of an aircraft, it creates a vacuum in front of the engine and high pressure behind it pushing the aircraft forward as the air tries to return to the low pressure side to equalize.

    The Alcubierre Drive is similar in that you create a low pressure state of the fabric of space and a high pressure state behind you then ride the wave as it tries to return to equalize pressure...sort of..

    The problem with the theory is that the only way so far that anyone can figure to make such a wave is to already have one, none are known to exist, and even if it did it would travel by so quickly we wouldnt get a chance to hop on board. Hopping on board isnt even really possible as youd have to pass through the bubble of space fabric to get in which, would pop it.

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