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My 3 year old is hitting the brakes on potty training?! She makes attempts then regresses... what should I do?

She turned three in June and I guess we have had problems with regression from moving and stuff but it is getting frustrating for me to think of having three kids under the age of four in diapers come March. What can I do to help encourage her to want to be the big girl and use the potty by herself?!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My 3 year old daughter is the same, she wears pants to Pre school and at the weekend and at other times opts for pull up nappies. I'm just letting her choose what she wants to wear, because I don't want to push her and put her off.

    She's been tired today and opted for pull ups in the morning, but was persuaded to wear pants this afternoon, then had a near accident, then changed into dry pants and leggings and had another accident.

    I never make a fuss when she wets herself, as she obviously gets upset with herself and there is no point adding to it.

    Moving house is a major change and can upset all children, give her a few more weeks to get used to her new surroundings. I'm sure by March she'll be wearing pants the majority of the time.

    We bought a sticker book and give lot's of praise and 'high 5's', whenever she uses the potty. She seems to prefer using the toilet at pre school, but that's probably because she copies the older children.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) You can't force a child to be potty trained. You will only train yourself.

    2)The child has to recognize first that they went potty/poop, that they are doing it right at this moment, and that they know that they have to go. They must recognize all 3 of these signs before being ready.

    3)a big event, such as moving can set a child back. So can a new baby coming into the family. Remember that while your trying to potty train.

    4)Reward with hugs, kisses, high fives, praise. The candy, cookies, treats only work for so long. If you reinforce that she is a big girl with praise only that will be more helpful that candy!

    5)It's a long process, and you will get frustrated, but before you know it you will be buying "big girl" underwear, and she will love it!

    6)Do not make her feel bad if she doesn't make it. Don't make a big deal about it. Eventually she will want to be a big girl, and will not like feeling wet or dirty.

    7)another sign is if she can sleep all night in a diaper without waking up wet!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Helping your youngster turn out to be totally comfortable utilizing the potty independently – and educating methods this kind of as how to pull his pants down and back up, empty the potty, and wash his hands it only take 3 days with this technique

    Start Potty Training can benefit any individual who is getting difficulty potty training his or her child.

    Many folks encounter conflict in the course of this phase, and it’s a beneficial reminder that you are not alone, and delivers techniques for feeling far better about it. This can be a great precursor to embarking on the training, so if your tiny one is even now also little, have a read and come to feel ready for this difficult and however quite rewarding time.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Can you think about possessing the pressure of potty training fully over inside just 3 days! It sounds like a dream or a gimmick, doesn't it? The notion that your kid could get relaxed making use of the potty in a handful of days – or even one afternoon – may possibly appear unbelievable to mother and father expecting potty training to be a lengthy and tough procedure but with this plan you will do it .

    Start Potty Training, a 3 days method sets about dispelling all myths surrounding this massive step in your kid’s social advancement, searching for to expose the truth about potty training to mother and father.

    Start Potty Training is a strong answer to transform and accelerate progress and you will be surprised at how successful these tactics are in assisting nurture an independent little one.

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  • casey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Dr Phil claims to have a method that works in 1 day. I am sure you can find it on his site, it has

    something to do with a baby doll..

  • 1 decade ago

    Most people begin training when their child is about two, but some kids may not be ready until well into their fourth year. Watch for the right signs, such as imitating others' bathroom habits, and don't pressure your child to start before they are ready. It's worth running through a basic checklist to see if they are ready.

    First and foremost, this means investing in a child-sized potty or a special seat to attach to your regular toilet. Whichever you choose, make sure your child can stabilise themselves with their feet so he can push when they are having a bowel movement. You may also want to pick up an explanatory picture book or video for your child to help them get interested in training.

    Sit your child fully clothed on the potty seat once a day -- after breakfast, before their bath, or whenever else they are likely to have a bowel movement . This allows them to get used to the potty and accept it as part of their routine. If they do not want to sit on it, that's okay. Never restrain your toddler or physically force them to sit there. And especially don't push the issue if they seems scared. In both cases, it's better to put the potty away, or at least aside, for a few weeks or a month and then try again. If they are willing to sit there, fine. But at this stage, don't even try to explain why they should use it; you just want them to get used to the thing. Make sure it's always in a convenient place -- since it's portable, your child's potty can be used in the garden or the playroom.

    Sit your child on the potty seat without a nappy. Again, let them get used to what it feels like to sit there this way. At this point you can start explaining that this is what Mummy and Daddy (and any older siblings) do every day. That is, undressing before you sit down to go to the bathroom is the grownup thing to do. If they get the idea and produce something, that's fine. But don't push them to perform. Again, wait until they are ready and demonstrates a clear interest in using the toilet on their own.

    It may help to show your child where their bowel movements go. The next time they go in their nappy, take them to their potty, sit them down, and empty the nappy beneath them into the bowl. This will help them make the connection between sitting and producing. After you've emptied their potty into the big toilet, let them flush it if they want to (but don't make them do it if they are scared) so they can see where it goes. Teach them to dress theirselves and wash their hands when they are done.

    Encourage your child to use their potty whenever they feel the urge to go. But make sure they know that they can tell you, too, and that you'll take them to the bathroom whenever they want you to. If you can, let them run around sometimes without a nappy (or any clothing below the waist), with the potty nearby. Tell them they can use it whenever they want to and remind them occasionally that it's there if they needs it.

    You may like to try using training pants whilst potty training. Some children like them and they help, others just think of them as a slightly different type of nappy and they defeat the object of the exercise. Some children are encouraged by having real underwear instead.

    Virtually every child will have several accidents during potty training before being completely trained during the day and at night. Don't get angry or punish your child; after all, it's only recently that their muscles have developed sufficiently to allow them to hold their bladder and rectum closed at all. Mastering the process will take time. When they have an accident, calmly clean it up and suggest that next time he try using his potty instead.

    Even when your child is consistently clean and dry all day, it may take him several more months or years to master night potty training, so don't throw away his nappies just yet. At this age, their body is still too immature to reliably wake him up in the middle of the night just to go to the bathroom. You can help cut down on wet nights by not letting your toddler drink too much before bedtime and telling them that if they do wake up in the middle of the night they can call to you to help them get to the potty. You can also try leaving their potty near the bed in case they want to use it.

    Believe it or not, when your child is ready to learn this new grown-up skill, they will. And if you wait until they are really ready to start, the process shouldn't be too painful for either of you. They will eventually be trained, and you won't have to think about it again

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