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Do ALL witnesses believe that Jesus, if on earth today, would go door to door preaching for the Watchtower?

This is a real quote:

"If Jesus was here he would be going door to door with Jehovah's Witnesses preaching the good news of the kingdom of God."

Do all witnesses believe that Jesus would work for a Publishing company based out of New York?

So, is this elder mistaken that Jesus ought to do the bidding of men?

What's the scriptural answer?


so, should we all take rolando's assurance--that he knows what Jesus would do? what kind of guarantee can you give all of us rolando?

Update 2:

Actor man's question: Would he (Jesus) be offended, because we have material that better explains that kingdom? Would he be offended that men have taken an active lead in spreading this message?

So, the watchtower is BETTER than the Bible? And Man is taking the active lead over and above what God has done, eh?

Strong's Number 5273--

I hope you have a chance to read what you consider less superior to the watchtower publications:

Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh this is too too funny ! Esp that Rolando guarantees it!

    The scriptural expose on this would be that the multitudes came to Him, to hear this Jesus whom Moses and the Prophets did speak . One only has to look at the crowds Jesus drew as He went about teaching the Kingdom of God . He had to stand in the bow of a boat away from the shore as the crowd was so great.

    In defense of those who do out with the Gospel to the community, Jesus did say to go, and preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God & make disciples. Jesus did delegate this to be done by all believers. The Apostles went out and planted churches, The 70 went out, etc to give the Good News of Christ. There are many missionaries for Christ & world wide crusades.

    Sadly, some teach a false Christ saying He is not God, which is then a false Gospel.

    The Good News is Jesus will come the same body He left in , as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, The Word as incarnate Deity for the whole world to see and hear.

    Just as most everyT.V. came on before the 2nd Tower was hit in the U.S, So it will be when Jesus returns. It is said He will land on the Mt of Olives.

    Sorry Bethel, He wont be coming back to go door to door for the Watchtower..



  • RB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am not JW, but did have an oppertunity to witness to two last Saturday. It was a fairly short conversation when I made my beliefs known. Even though I don't agree with them, I will give it to them that they do get out door to door as Christians should be doing. To answer your question more directly, Jesus would only be teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven as He did when He was on Earth. He wouldn't be with any "organized" group. He wasn't before.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a simple English lesson.

    It's the action that the Witnesses are doing that Jesus would be participating in, not the supporting of the earthly organization that is offering the teaching aids.

    This can be proven by Jesus' own ministry while on earth: He taught the principles of the Mosaic Law, yet condemned the religious leaders of his time for their failure to do the same.

    We are preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. Were Jesus to ask us what it was we were doing, that is how we'd answer.

    So how do you suppose Jesus would respond to our statement "We are preaching the good news of the kingdom of God?" Would he be offended, because we have material that better explains that kingdom? Would he be offended that men have taken an active lead in spreading this message?

    Or do you believe Christ to be petty? Do you believe that he would question the motives of sincere, honest and hard-working people?

    If you believe my second statement, then you do not know the Christ I know from the scriptures. You know a Christ preached by men full of themselves, with titles like "Dr. of Divinity" and dozens of "theocratic" titles after their names.

    Here is the most important fact: Jesus would not only be going door-to-door sharing in the preaching of the good news of the kingdom of God, we as imperfect humans would acquiesce and let him show us how to do it PROPERLY and effectively!

    Wait... that's what we do already when we read about his earthly ministry from the Bible!!! :-)

    Perhaps you could answer a question for me: Why is it that members of Christendom have such a hard time with the fact that Jesus went door-to-door preaching, and preached and taught in the public places?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Replacement theology is another gospel Galatians1:8-9 And JW'S think they are Jews THEREFORE REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY

    Ephesians3:1-9 reveals that Gentiles are called to be fellow heirs of the same Body and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel... They were justified by faith by reason of Covenant and the Gentiles are justified through faith and that by grace Romans 3:30 the promise in Christ is the ministration of the Spirit 2 Corinthians 3:3-9.

    The remnant by election of grace among Jacob's house will be saved in the time line of the Great Tribulation Jacobs trouble.

    By faith must be understood that the redemption which is in Christ is the faith and they letting a promise slip , then given to be declared to the Gentiles , and until the fullness of the Gentiles be made full or come in, Romans 11:25-36 Through faith is seen in verse 27 which isn't based upon believing, because in the time line of Jacob's trouble the LORD APPEARS TO DESTROY THOSE THE ENEMIES OF ISRAEL AND THEY WILL SEE HIM AND NO NEED TO BELIEVE. The faith of Christ has already saved them. It is a matter now of a willingness to do truth on their part, for the faith part was fulfilled by Christ. We Gentiles hear of the righteousness which is of faith the preaching of the cross of Christ and when we believed , we believed unto righteousness therefore it is through faith we are saved by grace

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  • 1 decade ago

    You misunderstand the Scriptures, what JEHOVAH has taught through Christ [John 6:44-45].

    Colossians 2:8-10 (Worldwide English (New Testament))

    8Do not let anyone fool you by his wise words. They are not true. They are what men say. They are the teachings of this world and not what Christ says.

    9Christ has everything that God has.

    10And you, too, have everything when you are in him. He rules over every power and ruler.

    Listen please to what Paul was further inspired to write:

    Colossians 2:12-13 (Worldwide English (New Testament))

    12You were buried with Christ when you were baptised. You were also raised with him to a new life when you were baptised. You were raised because you believed in the power of God who raised Christ from death.

    13You were dead because of the wrong things you had done, and because your lives had not been made clean. But God gave you life with Christ. He forgave you for all the wrong things you did.

    And, further:

    1 Corinthians 15:15-28 (Worldwide English (New Testament))

    15If this were so, we would have been telling lies about God, because we said that God raised up Christ. He did not raise up Christ if dead people are not raised up.

    16If dead people are not raised, then Christ was not raised either.

    17If Christ was not raised, then what you believe is no good. Your wrong ways have not been forgiven.

    18If that were true, then the people who believed in Christ who have now died, are lost.

    19And if we have hope in Christ for our life in this world only, then we are the most unhappy of all people.

    20But Christ really has been raised from death. He was the first one to rise of all who have died.

    21It was a man who first brought death. So it was also a man who was first raised from death.

    22All people who are of Adam die. And so also, all people who belong to Christ will live.

    23But each one has his turn. Christ rose first. Then those who belong to Christ will rise when he comes again.

    24After that the end will come. Christ will hand over the ruling power to God the Father. Christ will stop all other rulers, and everyone who has any rights and power.

    25Christ must rule until God has all power over all his enemies.

    26Death is the last enemy to be destroyed.

    27The holy writings say, `God has put all things under Christ.' But it does not mean that God is under Christ. God is the one who put all things under him.

    28One day the Son will be over all things. And God will be over the Son. So in the end God will be over all things.

    Source(s): Bible
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Nope,and no.Respect would come first.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    what about people who don't have doors?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I can guarantee you that.

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