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When will the US relly get pissed off by Israel?

I just can not help amazing how long the US people and tax-payer is going to tolerate the current sort of relationship with Israel? The UNCONDITIONAL support of Israel by the US (don't get me wrong I am not against their friendship in principle, but a more reasonable one)?

It's bitter to say that Hitler would now be quite satisfied with the long term result of his ugly crimes: strongly nationalistic militarist state (in political sense) supported by the most powerful multinational democracy - the US.

When after all are the American Jews going to understand that their great religion and culture are in fact brazenly exploited politically at their own expense and what they get on the receiving end is terrorists acts like 911, Iraq and Afghan wars and this kind of staff?

When will Israel, like any adult state be forced to account for his actions and words on his own (without parental cover-up of the US) before the international community and when it's economy stops getting advantage from endless ever-smoldering war (thanks to the goodly 'military allowance' given regularly by the US)?

The US has always supported Israel - it allowed that country to do such 'mischievous pranks' that it never allowed itself. And the result of this was that it hopelessly spoiled this 'adolescent state', having done it more harm than good. I have long been puzzling what are the actual benefits the US tax payers get from Israel in exchange for their overzealous parental care and help. You cannot hope for the better as long as Israel has this sense of ABSOLUTE impunity and the privilege to do everything it wants - the privilege which the US had never allowed itself. In some respects Israel behaves like Russia, but the main blame for this is the US overindulgence.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Never. Us is owned by its politicians. Politicians are owned by money bags. Jews own biggest mony bags. I will just quote a few excerpts from the book F.D.R. - My Exploited Father-in-Law

    by Curtis B. Dall

    Pg. ii:

    The American people are not reared and trained to become international minded schemers. As a result, we have become the ready victims of those who have been reared and steeped in that type of training. In addition, as a people, we are too inclined to hedonism, deeply absorbed in a program of pleasure. Toward that end, we are being encouraged and daily "moulded" by our foreign influenced press, radio, and TV programs. We are encouraged to become absorbed in the trivial, for obvious reasons, by dedicated world planners.

    Let us not fool ourselves. The wealth, freedom and liberty of the American people are being stolen and steadily nibbled away. Today, as easy suckers, we are buying many over priced, political "benefits," all paid for, of course, with our own hard-earned money!

    We have also been goaded into trying to run the affairs of other nations which yields a fine profit for the world money powers who are in the know on credits and markets. Whether you realize it or not, that has all been planned for you in just that way.

    Pg. iii:

    Furthermore, our land has been and is being flooded with vast numbers of "image making" books, carefully written about numerous important citizens in public life, which aim to further certain long range international policies.

    False images and "managed news," however, will soon lead to the destruction of a free people, if we allow it. "We" means you and me. It is for you, primarily, that this book has been written.

    There are those, no doubt, who may disagree with some observations that appear in this book. That is quite all right with me. However, by all means let such a voice come forward suitably, not to disagree and not to disprove, but to improve! My only request is that the well known "smear technique," so frequently employed as an argument, be replaced with facts, not by smears that approach blackmail handed out by anyone, including some well paid columnists. I do not plan to retreat.

    Well do I recall a meaningful observation - "It is better to light one small candle in a dark room than to live forever in the dark!"

    I hope this, my modest "candle," may burn brightly and be of some value to my fellow citizens here and also to citizens of other lands. Then, the "dark room" may thereby become a bit "lighter."

    Curtis Dall

    Pg. 67:

    I did not foresee also that the Professor (Felix Frankfurter) would be quoted, in due course, as saying, "The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." This startling observation is somewhat a paraphrase of a statement by Benjamin Disraeli, who, in 1844, published his novel, Coningsby, in which occurs the passage, "So you see, my dear Coningsby, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's see, how many muslims surround Israel today?

    It's been a long time since I looked up the numbers but something like:


    And Israel?

    Not counting arabs the Jews make up 5.6 million.

    As an American I'm for the little guy.

    Go Mossad!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The way I know I should support Israel is by looking at the human vermin opposing Israel.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm pissd now and have been for along time.

    In America you can't really say anything bad about Israel or you're a marked person.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the Arabs hadn't attacked Israel in the first place & continue to bomb & harass & threaten them with extinction, none of this would've happened.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could your left hand cut off your right arm?

    USofA IS Israel, just not the land..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Welcome to Israel ... YOUR American Tax Dollars at Work.

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