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Hand sanitizer and hand moisturizer?

In winter with cold dry air I know that you want to wash your hands before applying hand moisturizer. And I also know that you want to wash your hands first before applying hand sanitizer to be the most effective at preventing the spreading of germs and disease. But when you want to sanitize your hands and also keep them moist in the harsh winter weather, which do you apply first and which do you apply last to be most effective?

7 Answers

  • Vicky
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Always wash your hands OR use the hand sanitizer first. Use moisturizer last.

    There are some good sanitizers that include moisturizers as well.

    In the workplace, I deal with the public and so do my co-workers, many of which have small children in daycare. (major germ carriers, those kids are, lol).So I am emphatic about clean hands all year long. I also had to be extremely careful about spreading germs when I was taking care of a cancer patient, who's immunity system was impaired due to the chemo therapy.

    I am always washing hands and/or using sanitizers.

    To keep yourself and your family healthy, it's important to clean your hands, especially after you've used the restroom or prepared food.

    Vigorously washing your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds is still a tried and true method. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be a convenient alternative, however, as you can use them on-the-go--after you have been on public transportation, touched an animal or grocery cart, shaking hands, etc. Be sure to use enough to cover all surfaces of your hands, including between your fingers, and rub your hands until they are dry.

    You don't need to do BOTH (hand washing AND sanitizing).

    The main_germ_killing_ingredient in the sanitizer is alcohol. <--That, in itself dries your skin. Always look at the labels on the sanitizers. They should contain at LEAST 60% alcohol.

    The alcohol actually can cut through most hand lotions. And soap & water does too. So that is why you should use the moisturizer last. And use both OFTEN, especially during colds_and_flu_season.

    To help prevent the drying affects, you can choose a sanitizer that includes moisturizer and vitamin E.(I recommend the one by Purell)

    And use a heavy/deep moisturizing cream at night before you go to bed.

    Source(s): In the auto business since 1983-shaking hands all day long Sister is a day care worker Was the primary caregiver to a terminally ill parent
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Hand Moisturizer

  • Reena
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wash your hands with soap and/or use hand sanitizer then dry your hands with a clean towel and then you moisturize. You can wipe off any excess moisturizer with a clean hand towel and that should do it.

    Make sure not to share the tube of moisturizer with anybody.... that is exclusively yours because if only you touch the tube then you can be sure that no germs have been transmitted to the moisturizer cream and you won't have to worry about getting germs on you again from other people using the same tube of moisturizer.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Hand sanitizer and hand moisturizer?

    In winter with cold dry air I know that you want to wash your hands before applying hand moisturizer. And I also know that you want to wash your hands first before applying hand sanitizer to be the most effective at preventing the spreading of germs and disease. But when you want to sanitize your...

    Source(s): hand sanitizer hand moisturizer:
  • 1 decade ago

    Wash, Sanitize and then moisturize I guess? Maybe a moisturizing soap....I wonder if there is a moisturizing sanitizer....hmm.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Hand Sanitizer Lotion

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Moisturiser first.

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