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What are the big 3 anime?

I looked it up and most said that the big three were Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece..

I'm sorry but Naruto is total crap! I've seen about 15 episodes of it and it was just ridiculous, plus the animation is pretty terrible and Naruto's voice is unbearable!

Bleach, I've only seen a couple episodes and it didn't seem entertaining to me at all and the animation (especially some lady wearing some white dress thing with puffy sleeves) wasn't very good

One Piece I use to watch all the time when I was little and I liked it but I was 10..

so could someone tell me why these are considered to be the big 3? and if they're not could you tell me what the real big 3 are?

Inuyasha is pretty much the classic of all anime so why isnt that one of them? and I'd say Fullmetal Alchemist is pretty epic but I don't know how popular it is

Thank you!!! :D


ok before anyone else says I'm judging these, can i just say that I've seen a lot of episodes of Naruto and it's just my opinion that I don't like it and i know that obviously doesnt mean that everyone doesnt like it. And Bleach, yeah I know I judged that cuz I only watched 3 or 4 episodes, but in my defense it almost had as much filler as DBZ! And I did like One Piece cuz I like pirates :3 I just haven't seen it in a while

And I know Inuyasha might not be that great, it's just it's been on Adult Swim since I was really little and it's still there so yeah :)

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    naruto, bleach and One Piece. have been going on for so long that they've gone down in quality. There is too much filler. I never liked naruto because all the characters annoyed me. bleach was good, funny as well, but the filler was unbearable. and I just couldn't get into one piece.

    Inuyasha was actually boring for me.

    Fullmetal alchemist is awesome and is popular but now that it is finished it won't get a lot of hype like naruto, bleach and one piece. I'm thinking that those 3 are just going to last forever.

  • 7 years ago

    There is a funny thing about the big three. You see in Japan there is no big there. There is just One Piece on the top and then there is the rest of the anime. And have to admit it has a greate story line, greate characters that you grow to ike and care about.

    I used to make fun of Naruto myself even when I started watching it. But I think it was around episode 20 or 30 when one of the villains dies that I started to like it. Also the more I found out about the backstory of each character the more I liked the anime.

    Bleach was the first long anime that I watched and like the other two it has a lot of fillers and the story starts kinda slow. Also has a lot of characters with little backstory (Although they're all hundreds of years old) but two good good points always makes me like it. First it has nice battles specially in the beginning when the main character is growing. And second which is the reason why I really consider Bleach as one of the big three is that it had one of the best plot twists of all anime I've ever watched and since it happens around episode 300 in which the backstory of a number of characters is revealed at the same time and many things start to make sence. But I don't expect you to accept that as a reason to watch it.

    In the end if you like shounen you just have to give these more than 20 to 30 episodes to prove themselves and if you don't there are a lot of awesome short animes that one can recommend but they don't gather too many fans since they finish soon, FMA and FMAB being in that category.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's the big 3 in Manga because of it's popularity. Popularity is gained by being long running and the storylines. They're also top grossing, selling more copies of the anime and manga than any other series. While your personal preferences may say otherwise, you can't argue with the masses.

    Personally I'm also done with the drawn out Shonen series that's all about one character gaining so much strength, getting beaten by a stronger opponent, going through training and then beating said opponent (repeat as desired.)

    But it's a simple concept that Teens and young adults who are the target audience can follow, and it's worked for years, and it continues to work. Luckily there are plenty others out there that think that and therefor there are plenty of anime's to satisfy everyone's personal tastes. Continue to explore and give a mental facepalm to the noobs who think that naruto, bleach and onepiece are the greatest stories ever. I know I will.

  • Dean
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They are said to be the big three because they are the most popular and best selling manga in Japan. The is the figure from 2009: (1) One Piece: 14,721,241 (2) Naruto: 6,836,494 (3) Bleach: 6,471,021 and (4) Full Metal Alchemist: 5,810,522. And they are just the manga sales, imagine the people who watched the anime or read them online or just borrow them from friends, and you can see that they are massive. Because this is just about popularity and not personal taste some of the series you think are better won't be considered the "best". But if 15million people read one piece you can say that it's pretty dam good. Pick it up again! Bring out the 10 year old kid in you!

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  • 7 years ago

    They are not crappy but they are not the greatest anime. They are all on my favorites list. One piece will last forever guaranteed. Bleach i think is ending soon and Naruto is ending soon i think in the manga. Great stories but it just has to match your taste. Those anime match the majority of the audience's taste so it makes sense how there is a lot of hype bout it

  • 7 years ago

    I think they are the big three because they all have a large amount of episodes super strong and obviously if you watch the first few episodes of a anime with 200+ episodes don't expect much some people say there is the big four with Natsu of Fairy Tail and carry amazing all popular also got big hits

  • 5 years ago

    First of all it do you really like op art over bleach or is it just because u love pirates

    It seems you aren't mature enough for those animes

    It's no doubt that they are good because they cant be running for something like 15years without having content ... I created this account just now to answer your question...I REALLY wish I hadn't seen it... So you feel the story about a boy who tries to gain the respect and acknowledgment of his villagers while learning morals like teamwork and keeping up promises is total CRAP... But YOU LIKE PIRATES and I was like what the **** I was reading...dont just watch for action understand the message... Personally I like naruto of them all.. It and many other anime are not just about how hero beats the villain...Naruto has many mature themes like effects of war,revenge,loss on people life,and how the protagonist makes it disappear... That's why naruto mostly uses the so called TNJ instead of killing his opponents I think I cant use this many

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Theyre called the big 3 because they are very popular animes/mangas in japan one piece at the moment is ont top of them all first it was dbzand i think narutos sales are going down bleach i think is ok when it comes to sales just look up manga sale rank on google or something

  • 7 years ago

    Lol, you might not like these 3 anime series, even though I think they're cool, but it's your opinion. Even though I would like to explain that the name 'The Big Three' does not come because of their quality as anime, it comes because they're the longest anime ever made and still running. I also watch other short anime bthw, and i think they're cool, too. My favourite of 'The Big Three' is Naruto and I suggest you watch Naruto Shippuden, which is maby the best of all and my favourite short anime is Elfen Lied.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    i think the big 3

    1. DragonBall

    2. Naruto

    3. One Piece

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