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Christians: Can you explain this to me.?

God created man. Adam and Eve sinned. Generations of man sinned. Then came Noah who was perfect and blameless in his faith. He was so perfect that he and his family were spared death by flood.

Geneis 6 : 8-9 (KJV)

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

New International Version

Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.

So here are my questions.

1. If Noah was perfect and walked with God, how would the sin of Adam and Eve still be in effect?

2. If Noah and his family were witness to this flood, why are there different beliefs in the world?

a. The splitting of the languages at the tower of babel does not mean that memory was lost. The story would have been the same and those of the same language would have created or written a bible or text with the same information. Creationist claim that ancient man was as smart or smarter than we are today. If this was the case, even after the splitting of the tounges why is there no bible (torah, talmud, etc.) written in other languages except for Hebrew and greek (orginally)

b. The teachings of Noah and his generations (which Noah was perfect in) would have taught their families the same thing and would have had evidence of this flood. Conversations like "Yes my son, I was there when god sent the flood waters. Believe and do not sin because he will punish you." Makes for a very strong argument for belief. First hand experience.

I know it's a long question and there are a couple. Very interested in responses across the board.



I see where you're going with the mistranslation thing. Try this. He was perfect in his faith with god. When adam and eve sinned, they concensus is that they died spiritually and were not perfect in their faith. that was the original sin. Noah and his ilk did not suffer the same problem. They were spared because of their perfect belief and faith in god. So much so that he and his were spared death and basically used to recreate civilization.

also, you never answered the second question.

Update 2:


I understand what you're saying but a split of the languages does not denote different culture. Plus what took them so long to learn to interpret each others new languages? There is a disconnect that is not explained yet the story is taken as truth by many of the people of the book.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your questions, while interesting, are stretched somewhat, from a biblical point and appear too contain too much reading into something which is not there to begin with. That aside, I will try to offer some answers:

    1} Noah being 'perfect' in his generations really means; that he was marked out by God, so too speak, for his allegiance to God among his contemporaries. However, Noah was still the product of Sin, caused by the Fall and is demonstrated by his 'drunkenness,' see chapter Nine.

    2} and 2 a,- are synonyms; in so far as the language being broken up caused the populace too separate and go there own ways, (biblically speaking) so not having the details written in other languages is no surprise, remember the Hebrews considered themselves to be the chosen people of God, so other nations would not have written about the flood in the same way. However, they have written about how they see the beginnings of the world and how they see they God or gods, it is general in all cultures. There are flood stories in many cultures for example. Moreover, there is no memory loss here due to the separation of language, merely a transference in ideas uniquely pertaining to the different cultures. In any event, it is 'reading into the Bible too much,' and is a mute point.

    The stories of old were passed down from one generation too another.

    I hope this helps a little.

    Edited on:

    True, a split in language does not denote different cultures, but it does help to explain it a little, and who can say with any certainty how long long it took for them too understand one another's new language?

    It would be quite wrong for one to expect the Holy Bible to explain everything, it is not a book of world knowledge, but of humanities journey back to God, from the Fall too Grace.

  • 1 decade ago

    I applaud your efforts for studying the words themselves and not just reading them.

    All of your questions can be answered by 5 simple commonly known facts.

    1. Every culture in the world on all 7 contenants have pre-history artifacts suggesting they all knew of the same events of worship involving pyrimids, temples, alters, dragons, serpents and blood sacrafices. How would they know these things in South America.

    2. The descendants of Ham founded all of the middle eastern kingdoms, including Egypt.

    3. How do you explain the Egyptian Pharoh knowing it was a sin for him to sleep with Abraham's wife. This happened some 400 years before Moses.

    5. How did you know right from wrong, good from evil when you were a child?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) "perfect" does not imply "perfect in all ways" but, rather, only "perfect in one or more ways". It's a reasonable guess that his faith in God was perfect. Humans are generally not capable of perfection in most areas (morality, physically, mentally, etc.) Noah could NOT have been "perfect" in ALL ways. He must have been perfect in only one or maybe a few very particular ways - ways in which it is possible for humans to be perfect. It is not possible for humans to be without sin (at least, not since the time of Adam and Eve - with, of course, the very important exception of Jesus).

    2) For the same reason that you don't know the name of your great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather - even though YOUR ancestors knew him personally and had evidence of his name. Information can (and usually is) lost over time. Sometimes, it is intentionally changed to serve someone's agenda. The Bible / Talmud / Torah / Tanakh were not written until centuries AFTER the time of Noah.


  • 1 decade ago

    there are 3 interpretations of these verses




    what is meant about perfectioin might only apply to genealogy.

    Noah was the only one saved, is different than 8 souls being saved through the flood

    salvation is only give to the chosen, everyone else was disobedient

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  • vallee
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It's first-rate...I had a overwhelming feeling to be a higher character. I converted such a lot of matters in my lifestyles. I desired to understand the whole thing approximately Christianity, and approximately Jesus Christ. I might now not get ample of studying the Bible. I learn extraordinary types and requested questions. It is a pleasant feeling, to have the Holy Spirit in you, You love everybody, and also you cry, alot! And you consider sorry for the humans, who simply do not get it!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    1 a mom and dad could be rightous anbd their sin could still walk away from god

    2 he wasent perfect your mixing up hebrew words and translations...he was rightous but he wasent perfect

    roman 3:23 for all have sinned and will fall short of the glory of god

    the hebrew people were gods chosen people to spread the word of god in the time...they had many rules they had to follow from leviticus.....the whole world at the time wasent gods appointed people to spread his name

    father abraham..he had many sons

    until they walked away from god and made their actions on the outside and not on the inside....zec 11 Two shepereds read ti try to understand it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Yahweh is a god who punishes children for the sin of their fathers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
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