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Natasha asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

i have a problem with my mom..?

ok. so the problem is this guy my mom has know for about lets say 2-3 yrs... i was 19 going on 20 and now im turning 23 so yeah thats about rite. when i was 17 my dad died.. murdered actually and my mom never really reacted to it the way i thout she would.. not like in a shocked way but like a .. meh w/e hes gone ok time to move on... all her crying and sobbing around other people made me feel like punching her strait in the mouth.. i did here her crack a effing joke like hours after her was pronounced ead.. she said well now i can date!!! hehe or w/e sumthing like that... so any ways shes had all these affairs ( i knwo shes not cheating cause shes a widow) but still slow down. littereally 3 months into him being gone she flew to india to take his ashes to his family home to a temple where they lay ashes into the water.. anyways 2 weeks later she home looking like she was out for a vacay and my g-pa was effing pissed and didnt say anyhing... i later find out a week afytre shes home that she was skrewing around out there with my grandfathers PERSONAL DRIVER (ewww) and he was married.. then after that she moved outthere to be with him 3 months after .. she dumped him and whent for this 20 sumthing yearold and was buttt ******* ugly and then dropped him for a guy whe people thought could be my brother or husband.. i was 18 when i went to love in india to have to whitness tis was like WTF! no food iin out house no drinking water or to bathe. i would feed the kids ( my siblings) and not eat for days while that COW would go woth her bfs and eat at hotels and stuff her face.. she never really acted like a mom ... well now shes with this 29 /30 yr old guy who does nothing and wants to get married .. hes doesnt do anythinkg like not even capable of supporting himself...... and he yelll at e and im like well f***er im born in the same decade as you dip sh!t so p!.ss off and he cries to my mom like tasha said this and that yeh well i did and? -_- ...(sigh) .. he gets money from her and the kids have to wait .. always.. and its ieeitating all the money i had saved up to myself for skewl ect.. i used to pay for their food and clothes and school fees...and he ( my moms future huuuuggh--sband) needs her money for his clothes PLUSSSSSS she doesnt want to see me succeed in life.. anything i do isnt good enough for her like well yeah and so what im a professional make-up artist and i sing aswell ( i do shows ect) and shes got the nerve to say that im useless and that i song for money and called me a hooker,,,,, ANYWAYSZZZZZZZZZ.... i guess im not really looking for an answere as this isnt really a question i just hade to vent a lil bit!! but some insite and ur thoughts would be nice!!!!

sorry for the essay lol i needed to vent and im sure in a few short yrs ill need therapy ahHA!

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    u should have to be strong that her behaviour will never interupt u to suceed.Remeber only one thing that u have to make ur way , now u cant do anything because she is not even her hand.So its better concentrate on your self nd when feel depressed used to do MEDITATION, it might be help to u.

    tc nd b the winner.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what a ***** of a mum, shout at her, no one should act like that after your husband has died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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