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DELL Inspiron 530 Desktop Motherboard?


I have a DELL Inspiron 530 Desktop with Foxconn G33M02(RY007) motherboard and 300W PSU.But since last 1 week it is malfunctioning due to the motherboard i.e.Foxconn G33M02(RY007) which has gone bad.Now after searching online i found that their are two models of motherboard which are being shipped with DELL Inspiron 530 Desktop these are Foxconn G33M02 (RY007) and Foxconn G33M03(FM586) with respective PSU units as 300W and 350W.The Foxconn G33M03(FM586) supports upto Core 2 Quad while the Foxconn G33M02(RY007) supports upto core 2 Duo.My original configuration are as follows:-

Intel Pentium Dual Core E2160

Foxconn G33M02(RY007) motherboard

300 Watts PSU/SMPS


Bluetooth module with 13 in 1 card reader

firewire 1394

TV tuner card

Intel's onboard LAN

HDD 160 GB

Now i searched for the same motherboard and found the G33M03(FM586) model available,but my question of concern is that whether or not can i swap the old G33M02(RY007) motherboard with the new G33M03(FM586) motherboard?I'm asking this because the PSU which came along with the original configuration is 300W while the PSU DELL ships with the G33M03(FM586) motherboard is 350W.So,kindly confirm whether can i swap the new motherboard with the bad G33M02(RY007) motherboard.And yeah according to me it should work without any problem with the original configuration i.e.Intel Pentium Dual Core E2160

Foxconn G33M02(RY007) motherboard

300 Watts PSU/SMPS


Bluetooth module with 13 in 1 card reader

firewire 1394

TV tuner card

Intel's onboard LAN

HDD 160 GB

although it may not support core 2 Quad processor until i upgrade the PSU unit.

Thanks in advance.


One more thing which i wanted to confirm is that since it's a DELL original motherboard(although the model number of the motherboard is different), i wouldn't face any difficulties with the OEM version of Windows Vista installed on my system i.e. I suppose that i wouldn't be required to purchase a new retail version of the Windows?

2 Answers

  • Karz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you put your E2160 on the new G33MO3 motherboard its power requirement is same as before, thus 300W PSU should be adequate. It is really when you put a high wattage quadcore processor and/or a high wattage graphics card that you would need a higher wattage PSU.

  • 4 years ago


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