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poohbear asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Is it possible to lose 40 -50 pounds by December? If so how to do it.?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Above all else eat right. Get on a diet plan and stick with it.

    Then design a good workout program for your goals. If you hit the weights, you will lose the fat, gain muscle, but not lose weight as quickly. But in the long run, it will be best as muscles use more calories to maintain. You will also become more toned and defined.

    Now if you want to just lose the weight, then a higher cardio emphasis needs to be utilized. I suggest doing moderate to light weight training for definition.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How tall are you, what is your weight and how active are you.

    You can lose this much weight by December 2011 and without it being so difficult if you can spend about $50 per week on groceriesl.

    My husband and I have been losing about 12 to 15 pounds per month by going to the grocery store and buying prepared frozen meals. I am a woman, 5' 1" tall and try to keep my Lunch and Dinner meals under 350 and allow myself 3 (70 calorie or less) snack per day. I east less than 200 calories for breakfast. Protein mainly. I eat a Owens Breakfast Burrito (170 Calories) No cereal or anything sweet for breakfast. You may eat a bagle but not with anything sweet on it. Sweets stimulate your appetite and will have you running to the refigerator in a couple of hours. Caffeine will make you get hungry quicker. So the less the better.

  • what?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, very possible since it's like nine months away. All you have to do is cut down your portions and calories and exercise here and there. I lost 40 pounds in 2 and a half months. So you have a lot longer to go and you wont really notice the struggle You need figure out how many calories you need to just maintain your weight with this calculator you might be amazed by how many calories you consume in a day. Then it will tell you how many calories eat a day to lose weight based on your goal date.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure! They say that it's safe to lose 1-2 lbs a week, and if you work hard and stick with it, you could totally do it.

    Calorie counting and portion control are usually the best way to manage food to lose weight, and any extra exercise will only add to your success.

    There's tons of resources online available - you can join for instance. it's completely free, and they have lots of tools you can use. There's also a really great forum if you need help getting started.

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  • 5 years ago

    properly my cousin worked out 2 hours interior the morning and 2 hours interior the after midday, and he lost a lot, like each and every he did replaced into walk those 2 hours, i could no longer have self assurance it he replaced into skinny, i propose he lost one hundred pounds, yet in 6 no longer 2 months so yeah if so yeah in case you do the comparable element in what 3 months in a 0.5? yeah you will lose a particularly some pounds.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately there is no easy way to lose weight.

    Unfortunately there is no easy way to lose weight.

    If you want a life changing weight loss you need to follow a maintenance diet for the rest of your life after you reach your target weight with one of the many diets you can choose from.

    You can see further details in

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try zumba! you dont have to buy the dvds youtube has many videos :) i attatched three that i use. i am on a new diet plan and it has been working so great ive lost a lot of weight. when i wake up in the morning i do at least ten minutes of exercise to boost my metabolism and get me awake faster and more energized and im in a better mood through out the day. for breakfast i eat a serving of oatmeal with fat free milk for fewer calories and i always put about one teaspoon of cinamin in it becuase cinamin really boosts your metabolism too. i like to eat a banana as well to help keep cramps away through out the day and from working out. then for lunch i eat an apple and a banana and i eat a kellogs fiber plus bar because it tastes like candy to me but its not fattening. then if i snack its usually apple slices with cinamin sprinkled on them. try to always eat apples when they are sliced because i find that it is easier to fill up faster because you eat slower. my dinner is usually the same as breakfast but with some wheat toast with cinamin again :) and i try to drink some green tea because that boosts your metabolism as well (i also take b12 vitamin for same reason) another great choice for a dinner would be soup. progresso makes the best because they make so much with so little calories! just read the label before you buy it.

    as for my exercise i try to do a lot of zumba! i like to do squats. i know like 4 different kinds of squats that work out different parts of your butt and thighs. i like to do some push ups to work on those arms. i do girly pushups though becuase i am a girl. for my love handles i like to hold dumbells in my hands and at my sides then i lean to the right, pulling the muscle in the region and i stand back up and lean the other way. or i hold the dumbells together in front of me at my chest and i twist my torso right to left. try tightening your abs in when you do that. fast way to work on your calves, wear high heels or just stand flat footed then slowly stand on your toes and slowly back down. it helps if you are on a step and keep your heels hanging off the edge so you can stretch the calve as well. another good thing to try is the 100 workout. you can go to youtube and look it up, its fast and kinda fun but like i said i try to do a lot of fast pased zumba it works a lot in my core and my stomach is getting a little flatter just after three days.

    if you would like to contact me to get any more information about my diet and weight loss plan i would be more than happy to help you out! here is my email

    i hope this all helps you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Use P90X

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