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Girls, i just don't understand? (long:/)?


So i don't know what else to say or do, it seems fairly impossible for me to get into a relationship with anyone or for a girl to consider me for a long period of time without going and picking some other guy. I'm very aware of what i do, so i can explain about myself a little. So, I have been told by various girls that i'm one of the nicest guys they've met, i can usually make a girl laugh, i've been told i'm very considerate, sweet, thoughtful... i got voted homecoming king this year at my high school, if that helps. I will always try to help and talk a girl through her problems when she talks to me, i guess that goes for anyone too but it tends to happen with girls most often. I always put myself before others. I say sorry too often, and am kind of a shy guy. And i've been told by multiple girls that any girl would be lucky to have me, which i don't really believe, considering how things are going. I just don't understand why when i find a girl i like, it never works out, or they find someone else or something.

Here are a couple pictures just in case my looks are the issue

Any help or advice is appreciated, thank you. :)


i usually do not tend to rush into relationships, i try to wait until the given girl is comfortable with it.

21 Answers

  • Ricky
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are super hot! haha. But, maybe you aren't giving off the right vibes. These girls are seeing you more as friends. If you like a girl, make it obvious to her. Flirt with her. Tell her she's pretty. Compliment her. Not in a crazy way, just subtly. Just drop hints. But also don't make yourself seem to available. Sometimes girls like what they can't have. If they know they can have you and your stalking them (not saying you are just giving an example) they won't want you. But if you ask them for there number and then text for like 2 days straight and then suddenly stop texting for like 3 days she'll want you more and be sitting there thinking about you wondering why you haven't texted her. Stupid games like that. If you think a girl is pretty leave her a comment on one of her pictures on Facebook and be like "Wow, you look really hot here! ;)" she'll get the hint.

    Be nice, a TAD bit aggressive and flirtatious.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry that you're having this issue. From what you've said you seem like an amazing guy. My guess is that maybe you tend to end up in the friend zone? as for that maybe try to leave a little mystery to it make her chase you a little. Other than that maybe you just havn't met a girl thats right for you. For your maturity level. I've noticed that a lot of high school girls will chase relationships that involve drama. Just don't get too bummed. Good luck I hope things get better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You've been going for the wrong kind of girls. You say it ends the same every time. Something tells me that your attracted to women who can't stay committed to one guy.

    Your looks is not the problem. The fact that you treat women well is not a flaw, do not change who you are in order to impress women. You will find one who works for you. Consider past relationships a lesson, and move on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take your time. Relationships take work. You're a free guy with no obligations. Take this time to focus on other things in your life. When the time comes you'll meet someone who can actually appreciate a nice guy with a sense of humor:) Just don't get discouraged. It's most likely not you.

    God Bless!

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  • liz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your pictures look great. But when a girl says you're "sweet",

    Sweet = bad butt

    Considerate = thanks for not hitting on me

    Thoughtful = you're a great friend

    Nicest Guys = They like you as a friend but can't see it going anywhere more with the friendship.

    Basically, it sounds to me like the girls think you might be gay....which is why they don't/wont hit on you or flirt back....I mean, if I like a guy and I find out he's gay, I'm disappointed or I distance myself from him so I don't end up liking him even more.

    Also, it sounds to me like these girls are taking advantage of how nice you can be. If they aren't willing to do the same for you in return (give advice, listen to your problems when you need a friend to talk to) then they aren't worth your time. Try meeting girls you know would like you and would treat you with the same respect that you treat them. It's not right for girls to:

    1. Assume you're gay and

    2. To use you for you're friendship. It's just not right. I always go for nice guys. Tough guys bore me.

    Source(s): Experience. Been there, done that. (Guys STILL say the same stuff to me as those girls say to you) it's ridiculous and tedious
  • 1 decade ago

    You are that's not an issue. It's not you at all. It's the girls you are dating. Not to say you have bad taste or anything. You seem like a really great guy (you sound just like my boyfriend), so keep your chin up. Things will work out eventually, I promise. I know it's not very helpful, but there are girls out there who would give anything to be with a guy like you.

  • 1 decade ago

    To me, you just sound like a really genuine person. If these girls wanna go out and find some stupid guy that makes them feel good for 2 seconds, then fine. But you're gonna make some girl feel truly special. Just gotta wait for one that appreciates you.

    and just so you know, its not the looks (;

  • 1 decade ago

    looks are definitely not an issue, in my opinion, you're very good looking, and from what you've said, you sound like a very nice person, this may be the issue...

    i know its weird, but girls might think ur too nice, and if a guy is too nice

    we start seeing them as friends, or worse [for them] as brothers

    so sometimes you have to be a little tough, as to remind the girl that

    you are a "man" as opposed to a buddy, or a brother. its hard for guys to

    understand i guess, we do love nice guys, but you have to be a little

    tougher than that sometimes if you want a girl to see you as

    a [date-able] man. anyways, good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Girls these days want something dangerous. You seem like a GREAT guy but stubborn girls can't see something great. There immature n want the bad ones who are total jerks just keep being you and you WILL find a girl that comes to their senses

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're definitely not bad-looking. You're being a little self-deprecating, though, and that's not attractive to anyone. Relationships built off sympathy never last.

    PS: I understand that sometimes people post these in hopes of receiving responses like those above. Ugh.

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