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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

btw why DO female preachers disobey these verses?

Or more specifically why do Christians ignore them? You have undoubtedly seen these verses posted before on this site:

1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. I supposed to think that not all of the bible is taken seriously even by Christians?

Also:Suggested category: Rap & Hip Hop ("female/ disobey"? hilarious)

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They cherry pick. And the women who preach patriarchal Christianity are doing their sisters no favors by "disobeying" the bible and continuing to preach that misogynistic junk.

    If female preachers REALLY wanted to piss off the whackjob who is constantly asking this question (not you, my friend) they should take up preaching reality, like atheism, or reality with a twist of awe like pantheism, or even better, go whole hog and renew feminine spirituality in Witchcraft, not the fake supernatural kind but the kind that is in touch with Nature, the kind I do.

    you rock dude!

    Lady Morgana

  • 5 years ago

    you're taking this kind OUT OF CONTEXT. you need to comprehend, contained in the early first century church, there have been a tremendous number of ladies in administration roles, and no human being had a project with it, no longer even the Apostles. Rabbi Paul, many cases, observed as at different church homes to settle for and welcome women leaders into their congregations. have you ever referred to that thhe first actual witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ were women, and those women were charged with the interest of spreading the reliable information to the disciples who were in hiding on the time. those women EMBOLDENED the timid disciples to flow out and pontificate this reliable information later, or perhaps die for a fashion. women could be leaders contained in the church. We see it for the era of scripture, that God will use women in this potential. As for the context of those particular verses from a letter Paul wrote to the church, fantastically in Corinth, the note Paul makes use of is "lalew", that is a note that means casual communication, no longer preaching/training communication. So, in reality, what became occurring in Corinth, became women were speaking for the duration of church, to eachother, or shouting out in the course of the service. They were going overboard of their new freedoms as women contained in the church. Paul became telling them to keep silent, and if there became element of training they did not understand, now to not invite the only sitting next to them, or shout out to the preacher for rationalization, yet to easily ask their husband at the same time as they get residing house. the lads in Corinth were no longer speaking and shouting out for the duration of church, in reality the girls were, so as that is why Paul in reality observed the girls.

  • 1 decade ago

    Churches have branched so far from the bible its a joke they even call themselves Christian. My church follows the bible to a T and no women preach.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no one should take the bible 100% completly seriously

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