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Lv 6
? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Why is physical strength equated to deserving of equality?

Again and again on this forum you'll see questions or responses that revolve around the idea that because men are (on average) stronger than women, men and women can never be equal (equal rights). This concept seems to have a huge, gapping hole in it--it works off the premise that only those who are strong are deserving of certain rights. But as men are not all physically equal either, does this mean that only men who are physically strong deserve rights?

I mean, how does this concept work when we apply it globally. There is no denying that a Scottish man is (on average) larger and physically stronger than a Japanese man (for example). So does that mean Scottish men are more deserving of rights? Or that a Japanese man and a Scottish man will never be equal? Or that a computer "geek" is not equal to or deserving of equal rights to a body builder?

If not, then why does this idea that "men are stronger than women so they can never be equal" persist?

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have said this over and over, but the men don't even think it's a fact that men say this on here.

    You said it well, yet look at all the male apologists, denying that this has been sai dover and over and over and over and over. If they'd bother to search YA for "men are stronger" or "men are better" they'd see 100s of posts about it.

    The basic problem is that people value the "strengths" of men over the "strengths" of women. They VALUE being able to jump higher, despite that having NOTHING to do with office work, for example.

    They devalue the contributions that women make such as keeping a nice household because "how can cleaning the house and taking care of kids be considerd hard work" [actual quote from a recent post--YA discovery it]?

    The more I am on GS, the more I see how self-centered and completely lacking in empathy most young men are.

    I think it's because there are so many YOUNG men on here, though. I think the older men have lived with women and come to value women's contributions and respect their opinions.

  • 1 decade ago

    What is humanity? Humanity is equal rights done to all by what is regarded as civilized and non-violent. This excludes ridiculous rights which are obviously being put there by egocentric people. Both men and women or feminists and chauvinists. Men and women will never be 100% equal and they will never be allowed to have equal rights other than the OBVIOUS ones. If such a attempt is created since it really has then they should put that in the gay rights category. I mean come on. If a woman wants to be equal to man to that degree then she should have a penis. Unfortunately many feminists have come to that point. People have rights that bring everybody up to a equilibrium. A balance where equality is shared by everybody. I have no problem with having a boss lady. But Ill have a problem if she wants me to do her nails and have me riding piggy back on a scotter with the delivery girl who is a lesbian. I know it sounds ridiculous but thats how bad its gotten. Im just glad there are people like you here for 2 reasons. You finally see it as I see it. We are not against women. Rather are against idiocracy. And its good to see that a woman sees this too. The second thing is that youre not a faceless avatar woman or avatar person wich often hides his identity to manipulate the answerers and askers to suit their offences when no offence has been done.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The fact that men are physically stronger is only one of the points we raise. We also raise others, like the fact that men's brains are wired to be better at math and science, and the correlating evidence that men have made the most contributions to science throughout history. The superiority we perceive in men isn't due to just one random attribute we've chosen, it's overwhelming combination of so many different attributes that makes it so obvious men are better, a person would have to be deliberately deluding themselves not to see it.

    With regards to not all men being physically equal, there are a couple of things I could say. The first is that I think you're trying to poke holes where there are none. It's true that not all men have the same physical strength, but that isn't the only reason men are physically superior. I am aware that there were some ancient cultures in which women fought alongside men, and I'm saying that because I'm sure you would point it out if I didn't. But most cultures (and indeed the most successful ones) had men fighting and doing work while women stayed home, because they recognized this way was a lot more practical. In a society with limited birth control options, women were bound to be pregnant for much of their lives, and since their bodies made milk to feed their young anyway, it just made sense for them to be the ones to stay at home. And as it happened, men were also stronger and better at math and science. So everything fit together perfectly.

    So the first point against you is that while we do happen to live in a society which has created so much technology that it's now easy for women to play make believe and think they're equal, anyone who's capable of looking beyond their own society sees how overwhelmingly obvious it is that they aren't equal. Our present society represents only one, very rare, very limited view of dynamics between men and women. If you want to know what the best arrangement is, you have to look for one that will work in ANY dynamic, and particularly one which will keep working once our civilization crumbles, as all civilizations eventually do. In the grand scheme of things, men are vastly, vastly superior to women. You and I just happen to live in a society which has made so many advancements in technology that it's now possible for women to play make believe indefinitely, and a few very weak-minded ones have begun taking the game a little too seriously, and they really do believe they're equals now.

    The second point against you is that the real point you're getting at is that yes, some people are stronger than others, but we've gotten civilized and decided to treat everyone fairly now, so if we're going to treat our fellow men fairly, why not treat our fellow women fairly too? That's an excellent point, and I'm all for it. The problem is you aren't. See what you wrote here: where you made it clear that when it comes to getting civilized, you only support it when it means you getting equal rights. You apparently revert to the "It's nature!" argument when it doesn't work in your favor. And the "It's nature!" argument is essentially the "Men are better because we're stronger," argument worded in a different way. It's the argument of dismissing all this stuff about getting civilized and treating each other fairly even though something different went on in nature. You can't be for that when it suits you, and against it when it doesn't. You have to play fair, and you aren't doing that. So for now, the only argument which can be reached by attempting to be consistent with your beliefs is that men are better than women.

  • Bree
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Most people agree that everyone should have equal rights regardless of ones physicality (eg. young, old, disabled, etc.)

    I guess, if there was a bias it would be because in the past a physically strong person may be able to do more hard labor and they may have been regarded as more valuable BUT in the modern times, we have computers etc and a smart/geeky type of person with the intelligence to operate complicated programs may seem more valuable to society now.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Once again you cast light on something that people percieve as a problem when in fact it is not really a problem. I always like your insights.

    In answer to this I point out (yet again) that people are individuals, no two are the same. This is physically, emotionally, even done to the pure biological basis that tells us that no two DNA strands are exactly the same. This said it would then seem that equality of any type is impossible. But that is not the case. I can sum up how it works in one simple phrase,


  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If you choose people based on their merit, it is equal opportunity. Obviously some jobs will favor strength and some brains.

    If I need a computer programmer, I'm going to hire the best computer programmer I can get, not the best body builder.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ^ says the physically weak.

    what's rights got to do with equality in terms of physical attributes?

    it's biology. we're stronger naturally. therefore you're not on par with us. which means *dun, dun, dunnnnn* you're not equal to us.

    that has nothing to do with rights though, and i've never heard anyone mention both of them together. what they were most likely pointing out is that a lot of women claim they're equal to men at EVERYTHING, including strength, which is obviously absurd because it's not true. but of course women come to their own conclusions on everything men try to say, uttering our points useless, like talking to a brick wall.

    men and women all have different things they're good and bad at. there's no denying it. i don't get why feminists try merging both the genders into one. diversity = good

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't seen this.

    I've seen a large inability to make the distinction between equal God-given rights and equal outcome due to equal ability, but not based on physical strength.

  • 1 decade ago

    In principle, size should not be a factor in regards to rights or respect. Though often times, it does play out like this poster....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Men and women can have equal rights, yet will never be equal. Men's greater strength is just one reason why. Other factors include men's greater intelligence, mental and emotional stability, risk tolerance, ambition, and women's gatekeeper control of sex and reproduction. Even with equal rights, the differences in abilities and desires leads to vastly different outcomes. This should all be very easy to understand.

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