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Lv 7
Kojak asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 10 years ago

How many times must President Obama be wrong before we realize he does not know what he is doing?

OBAMA'S OWN WORDS ....from his rash inaccurate uninformed statements he made about campus police and their actions..... to his latest 'triumph" (?)

2008: "Navy Seal Team 6 is Cheney's private assassination team."

2011: "I put together Seal Team 6 to take out Bin Laden."

2008: "Bin Laden is innocent until proven guilty, and must be captured alive and given a fair trial."

2011: "I authorized Seal Team 6 to kill Bin Laden."

2008: "Guantanamo is entirely unnecessary, and the detainees should not be interrogated."

2011: "Vital intelligence was obtained from Guantanamo detainees that led to our locating Bin Laden."

Just reread President Bush's statement about the capture of Saddam..... He gave the military credit for doing a good job

Just reread President Obama's statement about the killing of Osama.....He gave himself credit

Now he is running on a slogan "Re-elect the man who saved America"...... 40,000,000 unemployed Americans do not feel "saved"..... He gave billions to those making under $250,000 a year.....and did not create one REAL job with that money.....

In the dictionary next to the word "incompetent" is Obama's picture....... even Palin could do a better job

Are you going to re-elect this "failure"?


JIMMY....."Has not done that bad of job..." Do you realize he signed into law a bill that prevents hunting and fishing on Federal land..... he destroyed the hunting and fishing sport industry..... destroyed wild life management programs.....put thousands of small bait shops and other business OUT OF BUSINESS.... reduced state revenues for hunting and fishing licenses.....

He put over 9,000 people out of work in Florida alone..... at a time when the nation can least afford to destroy jobs

He is using Keynesian Economics..... the same theories that failed during the last depression.... He takes money from those that can create jobs and gives it to people who CAN NOT create jobs.....

Please.... list the non-economic things he has done well..... we will ignore the fact that the economy is the most important issue in America.....the one that can DESTROY America

Update 2:

BOBO..... I asked a serious question and you want to play..... Palin may not be qualified to teach history.....but she has more REAL executive experience than Obama.....BTW you need to do a little are getting Palin confused with Tina Faye..... your quotes are not accurate

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This article may help explain some of obama's behavior.

    Other than that, I'd say Obama is one of those people that checks to see which way the wind is blowing (not what he said beforehand) before making a statement.

    EDIT: I just noticed something interesting in one of the comments on the aforementioned article.

    """Are the neo-cons reduced to this? don't you have something more important to do, like take back labor relations a hundred and fifty years and get children back to work 14 hours a day 6 days a week with no minimum wage so that you can give THE TOP 1% WEALTHY WHO POSSESS 25% OF THE WEALTH a tax break?"""

    Typical Knee-jerk reaction.

    He obviously didn't read the part of the article where the top 1% of the wealthy owned 25% of the wealth, but paid 40% of the taxes.

    I'm no math whiz, but it seems to me that these numbers show that the "rich" aren't getting too many tax breaks.

    So, someone may ask, why does it matter if some rich fat cat gets a proportionately higher tax than me?

    Well, let's look at it this way. Suppose it gets to the point where another countries taxes are much lower than the United States', so much so in fact that this the top 1% decide to MOVE THIER BUSINESS OVERSEAS to avoid the higher taxes.

    How are you going to tax the ""rich"" if they've moved out of the country?

  • 5 years ago

    Those thousands of homeless customarily all decide upon to be that means. We have such a lot of types of support, refuge, and meals techniques - those individuals do it by means of option and dependancy aides this choice. America does not have the "homeless" drawback you suppose, I recognize you are mad we support different international locations, however utilizing the homeless is not the correct argument right here, their a number of drug addicts and/or alcoholics who decide upon to be that means. Think approximately it - do you ever see homeless households at the streets? For me on no account, it is constantly a few aged guy watching for a nickel to get a forty ounce. In my state if you happen to keep on the homeless refuge for greater than forty five days, they placed you in backed housing and support you discover a task, many states do the equal. Being homeless within the US, for essentially the most side, it is a option.

  • Mary
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    The Americans were dumb enough to elect him in the first place.

    They are too dumb to realize he does not have a clue about running a country.

  • 10 years ago

    you think maccain would have done better? i hope republicans get a real candidate for 2012 because the all the crisis we face wont wait.

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  • Bobo
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Well, yah know Peter Revere had something to say about this as He who tried to warn the british of the bad tea in the harbor, yah know the one that is not as close to russia as mah house, but he tried to warn them not to take our arms or legs and they ran off to whatever country they were from...yah you betcha!

    Not qualified to be an American History teacher, but can she run the country.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i dont like obama but he hasnt done that bad of a job just the economy is still fd up and is gettin worse and ppl will never say hes bad he has them in the palm of his hand

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Nope, he's not getting my vote. One term president.

  • HD
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    A lot of people realize it, many will never admit it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Don't blame me. I voted for McCain.

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