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Lv 7
D asked in PetsCats · 10 years ago

Cat recently started peeing right outside the litterbox?

I have a cat (3 cat household), who would occasionally miss part of the litterbox when urinating- about once a month, some would go out on accident, because she likes to pee right at the entrance. Within the past 2 weeks, she now misses partial or completely every other day- only with urinating. I have seen her- she is standing in the same spot as always, in the litter box, just not getting it all in the box. When done, she usually digs litter out of the box to try to cover it. No problem with feces- everything in the box, and not even every urine misses.

It doesn't have to do with cleanliness, she has done it right after cleaned, right before cleaned, etc, and she is going in the litterbox, just the urine isn't making it. Bloodwork was ran on her about a month ago and no abnormalities.

Any suggestions on why she is missing so often lately, even though still in the litter box? Nothing at all has changed in the household- litter type, box, etc. It has gotten warmer, but that is it (and we shave her because she gets heat stressed easily).


I should add in- do not think it is a UTI- I don't have a urinalysis done, but no straining, rare in females, bladder palpates normally and she goes like clockwork. She is only missing the litterbox because she needs to step forward another step or two in the box, not standing outside the box. Most UTI cats can't void full urine amounts, seek cooler areas, urinate around the house, strain, etc.

Also, she is no longer covering her feces like normal, which is odd- usually she will come from another room if it is stinky and cover other cat's poo. She is not dominant- is extremely, extremely submissive.

Any behavior suggestions or how to modify?

Update 2:

I should add- I have tried the boxes with doors, and our cats are too stupid to figure it out....all 3 of them. They already have covers and I have also tried uncovered with no change

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take a look at They have an excellent article under "Cat Care" on "Litter Box Problems." It tells the many reasons for such problems, and how to solve them. Hope this is helpful!

  • 10 years ago

    It's possible that she has a urinary tract infection. That wouldn't show in bloodwork. You can take her to the vet and see if they can obtain a urine sample from her and test it to see if she has something going on. If you want to see if it's just accidental missing, you can try a new litter box that has a hood/cover. ( If you try one of those and she doesn't go outside of the box, I'd say that she was probably just accidentally missing.

  • 10 years ago

    UTI see a vet

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