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Lv 6
Near asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Leftist, aren't you contradicting yourself with your "tax the rich" slogan?

First, a few things need to be said.

1. Businesses are not charity organizations.

2. We live in a global economy, meaning governments would also be competing for their business.

3. Businesses are not obligated to stay, meaning if their environment becomes less desirable, they have the right to leave, just as you would if America (or whatever your homeland is) turned into a wasteland.

Many of you who say this will also say something along the lines of, "The rich don't pay enough, they dodge their taxes." Wouldn't raising taxes want them to dodge taxes even more? A tax rate of 50% would mean dodging it is worth an extra 50 cents per dollar vs. a tax rate of 28% is another country would mean it's only worth 28 cents per dollar.


I'm sorry, it should have been "Leftists" and "Yourselves."

Update 2:

The contradiction is that leftists want to tax the rich more because they dodge taxes, but they're actually encouraging them to do so.

Update 3:

OK, J_Spicol. Since you're so smart, why don't you elaborate on why?

Update 4:

Hockypuxx: No matter how small the percentage, you're still encouraging them to leave.

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All good points, but all you need is a history lesson.

    Sweden pulled this crap a few decades past. The rich told the country to FOOK off and left. Leaving the middle class to pay for all the new taxes designed to cover exorbidant government programs and spending.

    The big deal I have with liberals and leftists are they always whine against the so called "rich" even though the Democrats are the party of the rich now days.

    Yet, They never bother to consider just how much the "rich" income changes in bad times, they never consider how much they are taxed already (with nearly the bottom 50% not even paying taxes today) and they really can't get over the fact that "government" doesn't produce anything, they only steal our money in the form of taxes and re-distribute it.

    Some taxes are warranted, sure, but not one of these pricks actually get up the courage to scrutinize where its all going, to stupidly trust government spending and not bother to attack its fraud, waste and abuse. Almost as if government were thier old perverted uncle that everyone see's in the other room but won't talk about.

  • 10 years ago

    I agree with your "things that need to be said", A couple of things you need to add to them:

    4. "Our country"'s tax laws state that you are duty bound to pay taxes, including income tax. However, it also says that you should pay the minimum tax you can.

    5. Good business people know that their main income comes from their community. As such, it is the duty of every good business to ensure that the communities in which they operate are able to buy their products, as well as stay healthy and good for the people in the community.

    the trouble is that the leftist agenda isn't about raising taxes, or taxing those who have the money. It's about controlling the means of production. Controlling the means of production means that the state takes control of those means. Taxes, the way most leftists look at hem, are intended to really take the means of production away from the individuals and corporations, and place them where they will do the least amount of good - in other countries that can take them when they feel like it. To get there, they will lower business taxes to a minimum, but....

    So, no, they're not contradicting themselves: they are just making sure that their agenda is achieved, whether it's in "your country" or elsewhere.

  • 10 years ago

    Let me give you a picture of what I think needs to be done.

    I don't think that businesses should pay a higher percentage than the rest of the population. Everyone should be paying the same thing.

    My problem comes in with companies that get these giant tax breaks from our government and at the same time ship the majority to jobs overseas. So they jip the country by cheaping out on labor costs AND they get to keep a lot of their taxes? What the hell? They shouldn't get their cake and eat it too...

    I think that everyone should EARN their tax breaks by proving that if there are skilled Americans (or in my case, Canadians) who can do the job, that company should have to hire those people instead of people from China or wherever in order to be able to get a tax break. You'd think that the people whining about Mexican immigrants taking jobs would be concerned about the fact that companies basically get rewarded for bad behaviors like shipping jobs to china.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Still don't see how taxing rich people is contradictory elaborate on that please?

    Oh ok i got you

    Well taxes aren't a new idea so the whole act of starting a business in America, making a huge profit in America then not wanting to pay taxes is treason plain and simple

    Do people that make hundreds of millions and billions in the American market think they can do that anywhere else?

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  • 10 years ago

    Don't forget the inherent contradiction of despising the rich while relying upon them to fund exorbitant social programs for the rest of the people. What if you actually succeed at ending income inequality? The whole country will be dependent upon government assistance and there will be no rich people left to pay for it. Punishing the people who generate wealth and rewarding those who don't is a path to economic suicide.

  • 10 years ago

    All we want is for the rich scum to pay their fair share, which they have never done.

    next, businesses are not people and do NOT deserve the same right as people.

    And if a business decides to leave the U.S. then they be considered a FOREIGN company and their products should be deemed FOREIGN goods, and tariffs should placed on them. If the amount of taxes is less than the tariffs that would be placed on the if they were to leave they would most likely stay.

  • 10 years ago

    I never say tax the rich, I say tax the top two percent. They are using the rich for their means. Rich with talent, rich with knowledge and rich with the american dream that is getting further and further from reach.

    Opinions are like body orfaces. You have a few. I have a few. You asked.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    no contradiction here. If other countries can't observe the natural rights of man, their products should be assessed tariffs

    "Free commerce and navigation are not to be given in exchange for restrictions and vexations, nor are they likely to produce a relaxation of them"

    --Thomas Jefferson: Report on Foreign Commerce, (1793)

    The idea that we ought to COMPETE with an country like china by adopting the same economic system is unAmerican in the extreme o_0

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    This question does not follow any logical train of thought.. it got derailed and and is no a heap of smoldering scrap along the siding of logic.

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