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Lv 6

Parents of 2-3 year olds, how clear is your child's vocabulary?

Do you still have trouble understanding them or do they speak mostly clearly?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    K will be 3 in less than a month and I'd say his speech is very average of a child his age. You can understand the majority of the things he says- some words are said a little off, or sometimes if it's a word he's not used to using he says it a little slower, but for the most part yes his speech is clear. Clear enough that he can have little conversations with whomever.

  • Moojoo
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    My three year old's vocabulary isn't particularly large (on the smallish side of normal), but she speaks very clearly. When she wants to. She has a habit of whining we're trying to break, and a habit of mumbling. She also tries to talk really quickly sometimes, and then her words get all slurred together, but when she talks to other people they can pretty much always understand her, because she doesn't whine or mumble to strangers. Usually.

    My 2 1/2 year old also speaks pretty clearly (for his age), although there are a lot of words he uses that he's sort of mashed into one word, so we can understand him fine, but other people have to decode a bit. He's just a teeny bit ahead with the talking thing, because his sister won't ever shut up.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My 3 year old speaks super clearly. Only time we have a hard time understanding her is when she is shy and covers her face when she speaks. She always says she is 16 years old and married to Justin Bieber. So if people other than my husband and myself can understand her then its pretty clear. We read to her everyday and her hearing how words are supposed to sound and living in a house with no slang she is picking up on the language fast.

  • 10 years ago

    I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old. The 3 year old I can understand just fine and she has a large vocabulary. The 2 year old I think is clear to "me" but may be hard for others but still he has a wide variety of words that he uses. I also have a 6 year old that NEVER stops talking, which I am told play a huge role in thier large vocabulary. As much as we as parents try to teach our kids, and we talk to them. "Some how they can learn better from someone close to thier own age" quoted from my pedicatrician. Every child learns as his/her own pace. So no worries....

    Source(s): Been there/ Done that, and Dr. Miranda pedicatrician
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  • 10 years ago

    The younger one I nannied was very clear at 2.5. The older one still was a bit difficult to understand at 3.

    The older one had been on sippy cups for too long, and it can warp speech. It is the strong suck used on those. It strengthens the wrong parts of the mouth. WHich would likely be fine if everyone was like that, then we would all talk with a funny lisp and would be used to hearing that.

    Source(s): 15 month old twins who don't speak clearly at all! ;) But previous nanny to boys from ages 1 - 5.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    My son didn't start talking clearly till 3 but my 2 year old daughter speaks clearly. I have heard that if thy have an older sinking or somebody older that talks well that They will talk better and sooner. My Brice will be 2 next month and she's hard to understand most of thetime

  • 10 years ago

    At 2 and a half my youngest daughter was not saying much at all. I was concerned about that, but then by the time she was almost 3 she had this language explosion where she didn't STOP talking. Every child is different and reach their milestones at different ages but perhaps if you are concerned speak to your pediatrician and they can refer you to a speech therapist. They might be able to help you with some excercises to help you little ones speach along.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I'm not a parent, but my mothers friend encountered some problems with speech.

    It really depends.

    If your child sucks his/her thumb, it could form her teeth weirdly, and cause speech problems.

    Another thing, no two children are the same.

    Children are complex, and many different things can change a childs vocabulary, like you (His parents) using slang. Go to your doctors, and maybe make an appointment with the speech and language therapist.

    I wouldn't worry.

    If it turns out that your child DOES have a mental illness that effects his speech, then there are most likely medication, or some way of helping.

    >>>>> matt.

  • 10 years ago

    My son started going to a babysitter at 14 months and all he did was babble. But after about a month of being with other children at the sitters house, he started talking. And you could understand everything he was saying! Being with the other kids helped him a lot with speech and other things. But every child is different.

  • 10 years ago

    My two year old cousin will be three soon and she speaks amazingly -she says things like "In my school, we have a big lady teacher who reads stories and makes duck noises when she talks about mother ducks". She's such a character, she can talk for England.

    Harley has a big sister, Kaydee and she's learnt nearly everything from her because Kaydee was using words like "enclosure" and "electricity" at aged two.

    But she's got a cockney accent so it's so funny.



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