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rogerglyn asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 10 years ago

Is the BBC the Tory Government Propaganda Machine and funded by the British Public's Licencing Fee?

A Politician makes a fatuous statements such as ''The reduction of housing benefit in Stoke on Trent will increase the number of jobs available and won't cause homelessness''.

That statement was NOT challenged by the BBC commentator.

12 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are many who claim that the BBC is riddled with Left wingers - so your assertion is highly debateable. All of us have a degree of political bias and in a corporation the size of the BBC we're bound to find a wide range of opinions. When it comes down to a one-on-one interview it's very much down to the qualities of the individual reporter and it seems to me politicians of all shades get let off the hook too easily and too frequently by not being challenged.

    We are presumed to be reasonably intelligent and I suppose it's thought we can make up our own minds when a politician is given air-time to waffle illogical twaddle such as you refer to. I often get exasperated when complicated subjects are only given say 2 minutes for comment, which almost forces those interviewed to fall back on rehearsed 'sound-bites' rather than give more relevant answers.

  • 10 years ago

    Would you bite the hand that feeds?

    The BBC is a British Broadcasting Conspiracy designed to keep the sheeple distracted and misinformed. Like you said it is a government funded propaganda machine, but so are the other channels, they are all owned between Murdoch and the government.

    Don't read newspapers and throw out your brainwashing mind dumbing TV.

    Do your own research and read books to become informed.

    Watch BBC caught out lying about building WTC 7 collapsing on 9/11, Jane Stanley reporting that it had collapsed, yet you can clearly see it still standing over her left shoulder! They released the sound bite too early and when the powers that be realised their mistake the so called live feed was cut.

    BBC have tried to ban this film about 7/7 and the film maker was extradited and arrested from Ireland and tried in court but won his case and was freed.

  • 10 years ago

    The BBC is Labours puppet, it was actually the Tories that stopped the BBC raising the license fee £10 a year for the last two years, where as Labour were fine with it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    As the BBC is famously a largely Socialist organisation, accusing it of being pro Tory won't get very far.

    Apart from which I am amazed that they even broadcast any thing near the truth, that the Politician said.

    It is the shortage of Housing and the fact that the present set of comedians is following on from Brown/B.Liar's policy of not promoting house building that is the main cause of homelessness, so his statement is far from fatuous. I suspect you have been brain washed into thinking that housing benefit stops homelessness, it doesn't it promotes idleness through the conduit of it not being worthwhile finding a job if the state pays for one not to work.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think that the BBC is in general fairly neutral. For statements like this what would you expect them to do. They could have a number of academics argue against it, but then that would be biased unless you also had a number arguing for it! There are some documentaries that examine questions in depth (usually on Radio 4 with small audiences) but for a general news program I think that just reporting what was said and leaving it to the audience to decide is fine.

    Any reasonably open minded person can see arguments on both sides:


    - some people will work if they won't get more on benefit, which will increase the economy

    - is it fair that working people have to decide what size of family they can afford, when those who don't work have their income increased without limit the more kids they have?

    - is it fair that some households pay tax and then some families are given more than they earn tax free?

    - (particularl;y in London) Why should rental prices be inflated to the point that normal working people cannot afford to live in an area and commute from outside, whereas people who don't work are paid to live there?


    - Some large families could be supported by someone working who loses employment through no fault. Should they have to move?

    - Would you want to prevent a single mum and a single dad both with kids from getting married because the number of children would cap their housing allowance?

    - Is it the kids fault if their parents are work-shy dole-wallahs? should they have to move or share a room because their parents don't like the idea of work?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The editorial policy of the BBC must reflect the interests of the nation, and if that is furthered by support government policies, then that is the BBC's policies as well. This is clearly reflected in its foreign reports. British interests have always come first, then ratings, then truth, then facts. However, they comfort themselves by the oft-repeated, but quite fictitious, statement that the world relies on the BBC for truthful news. Delusional old coggers.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No,the BBC is blatantly left wing and openly supports labour,it admits this.It is reasonable to assume that when the government stops sending our hard earned cash straight to rich landlords,rents will come down.Some people will have to move, tough but we will all be better off.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The BBC is Labour's puppet

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Greg Dyke was sacked from his position of Director General of the BBC because he allowed the truth to be revealed regarding Tony Blair's involvement in the "dodgy dossier"affair and his subsequent lie to parliament. That hardly reflects the actions of a Tory led, or indeed impartial organisation.

  • 10 years ago

    Propaganda can only work if the people you are feeding it to believe what you say is true... -

    I however, do not trust ANY Politician :-)

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