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Ron R
Lv 6
Ron R asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago


15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, trees evolve too

  • 10 years ago

    No. Without conception, there is only extinction.

    But aside from the obvious, mutations occur at fertilization. Mutations which are beneficial and get passed to successive generations are the building blocks of evolution which happens in a species (not an individual) over hundreds of thousands of years.

  • 10 years ago

    For the best answer you should define what you mean by conception.

    if you mean two parents producing an offspring(which is not the clinical definition of conception) which is the definition of sexual reproduction.

    Then yes as others have stated there is asexual reproduction, primarily in bacteria and archaea occurs thus you can have evolution with out it. However sexual reproduction speeds up the evolutionary time scale because of greater ease of diversifying the genome allowing for genes that are grating a advantage to become more prevalent in the population.

    clinical definition of conception is the formation of a zygote by two gametes.

    Gametes are sperm and eggs and as such will only happen in organisms that have developed sperm and eggs.

    But yes bacteria evolve with out sexual reproduction, or as it is termed asexually a good example of them evolving can be found here

    Another example is MRSA which has developed antibiotic resistance to a lot of antibiotics even including some of the newer drugs such as azithromycin.


    Also I must comment on Home-school-produces-winners.

    Intelligent design is repackaged creationism, The supreme court has even said so link:

    That was 6 years ago by the way.

    Generally speaking science, and scientists care about facts(i say generally because sometimes they do do thought experiments like swimming in a hyper viscous liquid: that was actually tested on mythbusters creationism is not supported by facts. Thus scientists are not increasing in number in support of intelligent design, and we as a whole are fairly perplexed after it was exposed as creationism why it is still around, rather than people just being honest and calling it creationism again.

    I will try to put this into a different context for you, what intelligent design tried to do was disprove evolution, it did not try to prove intelligent design. To put this another way IF science took evolutionary theory and big bang theory, and heck every other theory you might have issue with (may be even the theory of gravity idk) off the table what scientific evidence can you show that would support intelligent design?

    My guess is none which is why it is not being taught in school.

  • TAT
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Yes. There once was a lost amoeba that wandered upon the land. To survive, it evolved. It created many more and they evolved. Evolution continued until about 8,000 years ago. If you doubt this, take a look at Charlie Sheen. I am pretty sure he is descended from a pig.

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  • 10 years ago

    Is conception possible without evolution?

  • Gadfly
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Asexual reproduction is the primary form of reproduction for single-celled organisms such as the archaea, bacteria, and protists. Many plants and fungi reproduce asexually as well. All of which "evolve" without "conception" in any generally accepted definition of the terms.

  • 10 years ago

    Yeah, there's asexual reproduction, like in unicellular organisms. Bacteria and the like evolve too.

  • 10 years ago

    Is debate possible without a brain?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


  • Which came first, the dinosaur or the egg?

    The answer is neither - God was here first and life isn't an accident.

    More and more scientists are accepting intelligent design theory.

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