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I need serious advice from ladies only?

{ story is kinda long} I had fallen in love with 2 wrong men,one is my ex who betrayed my feelings after which I fall deep in love with a married man.Now I cannot deny I still have feelings 4 him,my lady friend told me 2 break up this relationship in order I'll get hurt even more.I didn't heed her advice,yet I lie her that that I had broken up with him.I dont have the heart 2 break up his family as well,but feelings can't be controlled when I'm meeting him I feel like my world is on a cloud nine.I hope when u're reading this,don't scold me I'm a bad girl.I want 2 ask u(ladies),I want 2 continue this friendship with him I don't want 2 lose it is there any way(s) 2 stop my feelings 4 him?u may email me your comments,NO insulting or bad comments please!thanks in advance,

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't see anywhere in your explanation about how the 2 men feel about you.

    Since your ex betrayed your feelings, I assumed he cheated on you and doesn't love you.

    He did that once, he will do it again in the future, if he doesn't really repent for what he had done.

    Don't go for him. So that scraps him off.

    And the married man, I am not sure if he loves you, but since you said you lied about breaking up with him, I assumed you guys are dating.

    Let's assume that you are to continue loving him. He will have to break up with his family to be with you. His wife wouldn't be pleased with it. His children (if he had any) will have to face a lot of problems coping with the fact that their father cheated on their mother, probably going to think him as irresponsible and will be having trouble with their relationship in the future. You will feel bad for breaking them up, but you're happy to be with him.

    In the other hand, if you break up with him, you will have the chance to meet someone new, someone who's better than him, someone who's right for you. You will be sad about breaking up with him, but since you said you're in love with 2 men at the same time, you can tell that they are both not for you. It's your choice.

    If you decide to stop seeing him, then stay away from him for a while. If he's really your friend, he will still consider you as friends even if you don't speak to him for a while. Go meet new people and have fun with your life. Stop thinking about him and free your mind a bit from all these complication. Your feelings for him keeps burning because you feed it. If you stop feeding it, it will disappear someday.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Ive never ever heard of a married man leaving his wife for his affair. Ive heard too many times if he does leave her, he leaves them both. Save yourself the hurt later on down the road and end it 100% now. No matter what he says, marriage is stronger then what you have. Think of it from the wifes side, what if you were her and you found out. Dont look like the fool, get out now.

    and the screen name is jasmine so im guessing woman..

  • kaup
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i'm not suited the two. My dad has taken care of me like his lady chum extra advantageous than his daughter maximum my existence, and females he has cheated on my mom with, I relatively have extra in uncomplicated with than all people else, because of the fact that we've been all victimized and deceived with the help of my dad. i know for me, as quickly as I have been given a Dianetics auditing consultation, I discovered how lots accountability i mandatory to take for myself. i'm not attempting to make an assessment for you, yet i'd advise Dianetics auditing. it works, and helped me alot. do not pay attention to those appearing all 'morally better' to you, basically because of the fact which you committed adultery, would not advise you are able to not talk approximately your faith in God. all of us make errors, all of us have reactive minds, and don't continuously make solid judgements. i think because of the fact which you probably did not use protection, you additionally must verify you do not have an STD. I relatively are transforming into into hardship like this previously... my element is you're actually not on my own. there are a number of human beings who make errors, or be apologetic approximately some thing we've accomplished. possible have faith and have faith in God and you nevertheless have God's forgiveness. i'd suggestion you in looking somebody you have faith or you're close to and turn to them for help in this hard time you're experiencing. i'm attempting to get by lots on my own, and it is impossible. i've got had a one nighter previously, yet by no potential been pregnant, or married, for that be counted. no be counted what you chosen, first you would be able to desire to make certain once you're even pregnant yet, yet think of long and stressful, and don't take the common way out. And know that God loves you, and you will desire to turn to God for situations like those. interior the advise time, concentration on looking after your self, and take accountability on your strikes. i'm right here in case you like somebody to speak to.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Well maybe we can help if we knew if you we're a man or a woman, I'm not being funny but it's the way you're writing this... anyway please don't play around with a married man you'll get hurt for sure...

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