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is the reason our press doesn't cover Ron Paul is that they can't find any scandals to bad mouth him about.?


nothing " 10 lies you can believe if you don't do any Research about him and his real platform

14 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes. he's boring, honest, not a chauvinist or attention seeker, and speaks with rationale. WHY on earth would any news agency listen to him.

    also his ties aren't the prettiest. that's the public for you.

    in the last campaign in 2008 over a third of the American public eligible to vote did not know where there candidate stood for on pertinent issues that mattered to them. sad

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Polotics are everywhere and greater so right here then everywhere else. Ron Paul may be a actual probability to the candidate that the Rep. pick. they could desire to maintain on a similar corruption that they've had administration over for those previous 8 years and McCain is their determination. the folk of usa of america pick and choose on a metamorphosis and Ron Paul could desire to be the respond, don't be stupid and think of that they'll supply any probability to every physique different than their determination. you pick somebody new, write him in and function all you recognize do likewise. freshen up D.C.

  • 10 years ago

    The bad things they USED to say about Ron Paul have been proven true.

    Everything Ron Paul was blasted for has HAPPENED.

    He is a visionary and can tell what is happening now and 10-15 years from now.

    Ron Paul knows the effects of bills BEFORE they are passed.

    Ron Paul knows when a problem is in the making and ALWAYS has a way to prevent it from being a disaster.

    They should have been listening to him years ago.

  • 10 years ago

    The press lives in "elite"osphere and the elite right doesn't think he stands a chance so the press has written him off. Only some realize the need to scrutinize the nomination process. I'd love our nominee to be Dr. Paul. That said I don't think the numbers are there for him to get the nomination...just saying.

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  • 10 years ago

    They don't cover him because they want to hide the truth about America, to the corporation media he is a threat to the elitists that run our country, here is the proof to back up my claims

    Edit: @Durian you're ignorant, he does not want to legalize drugs. Ron Paul wants to keep the feds out on the positions of drugs and let the states choose for themselves. You just say that he wants to "legalize" drugs because the corporation medias says he wants to do that and you're another brainwashed citizen that believes whatever the news tells you.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Ron Paul is older than John McCain. You will not want Ron Paul subjected to the degenerate Obama Mob, if he runs against Obama. McCain was called out by Bamamobsters in 2008 to prepare for Euthanasia.

    Source(s): Youth in Asia - Are saying NObama 2012 Perry Rubio 2012
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No that is not it at all. They, like mature adults, are fed up with his nonsense. He has no answers, tear it down is all he wants to do. He cannot do half of what he says he will do.

    I don't need to do Research. I know him. DO you? No, you are just a posting shill.

    Did your research show you why he wants to go on the gold standard? Did you show you he has no plan other then tear it down. He never has planned anything through. Did your research show that in over 20 years in congress he has accomplished nothing?

    Doesn't matter, he will be history soon. Proven loser.

  • 10 years ago

    Have you ever listened to Ron Paul with any degree with seriousness? He is extreme libertarian. How can anyone view him as a valid candidate when he wants to legalize all drugs and it is State's responsibility to defend themselves. He wants ZERO government.

    He makes fiscal conservatives look like an ultra liberal... trust me, his ideology is even more dangerous than the liberals

  • 10 years ago

    Possibly, but the main reason is that the Dems have told them not to... and the press is owned by them... we really have no free press here in America.. just propaganda machines!

  • 10 years ago

    the reason the press cannot cover him is they cannot mention magnetized protest shields as way to negate warfare or bill of rights as computer program in referendum idea.

    these the media could critique the government including him on.

    but since media is propaganda bbrloging in a national spam box folder or file naturally the u.s. media cannot cover them since the media istself is spam. sorry if seem rude.

    Source(s): reason. magnets ron paul anti war film.
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