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If marijuana is so bad, why did God put the plant on earth? Genesis 1:29.?

I have been struggling as to if I should get my medical  license card or not.  I have many friends and family who would not approve of my choice.   I'm 36 and have chronic pain.  I had back surgery 14 months ago.  Just found out through another MRI that I have more problems and need more surgery.  I DO NOT want more surgery, what's the point, since the first surgery didn't work.   Also, taking pain medication is not how I want to live the rest of my life.

If you read the bible.

Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; (Genesis 1:29 NASB) 

Why would he make the plant if he didn't want us to use it?  

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Bradygir,

    It's good medicine. Get a card if that's what helps you. Don't care what other people think. For Pete's sake, they prescribe pills like Oxycontin that will mess you all up all day long every day to people. If marijuana works for you and it improves your life, then I say do it. And yes, God put it here along with many other medicinal plants. I'm sure you'll get all kinds of answers on this Forum, but it's you who needs to decide what is best for your health.... not some person claiming to have an answer from God. If you need an answer from him, all you have to do is pray about it.

    Hi coffee,

    You my girl have given the best answer so far. If it works, then it should be used. It wasn't outlawed until the 30'S. Prior to that you could get it at the local drug store... over the counter. You could also get cocain, Morphine, and many other regulated drugs. Just because it was outlawed doesn't somhow make it evil. It's people that make rules in this life, and it's people that force their ideas and beliefs on others... no matter how stupid those ideas are. The Bible doen't say you can't use it... nor does it say it is harmful. They use snake venom, and bee venom, and opium, morphine, and a ton of other drugs to treat a range of human problems.... why should marijuana be excluded from that group? It's because it was thought to be a "black" cultural thing that a few people in power were afarid of, and thus it was regulated, and then criminlized. The history of this drug is well known , and has been a topic of the History Channel just recently. The title of the show was Marijuana a chronic history. It's a very enlightening piece of work.

    Hi No Chance,

    Man did you disappoint me with your response. You my friend shouldn't lean so far to the right. You remind me of something Michell Bachman would say. Rattle snakes???? Really? If you were puking your guts out after a dose of chemo, you'd change your tune and thank God for putting this type of plant on good old planet Earth! And you start to eat food again so your body could start to heal. Please think before you respond to great questions like the one the asker asked.

    Hi Wicked,

    Good response! Your point is well made. My guess is you aren't so wicked after all.

    Hi KLD,

    Your comment about not doing anything that requires responsibility is way off base too. Many people function quit well while under the effects of marijuana. Most people base their opinion on what they've heard, and not on reality. Just a thought.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Insomnia Solution
  • How is smoking a natural pain medication worse than taking a handful of percocet every day?

    Let's see, side effects of marijuana, appetite stimulation, insomnia cure, pain relief, mild buzz.

    Percocet side effects, liver damage, insomnia, drowsiness, bleeding ulcers, addiction, to name just a few, not to mention the way it reacts with other prescription drugs and alcohol.

    Sure, smoking anything releases carcinogens, you don't even have to smoke it to get pain relief, it's better for body pain if you eat it anyway.

    I have my mmj card, my Neurosurgeon suggested it to help with the arthritis in my hands, neck and the pain from my broken, unfixable back.

    I can sleep, I can eat, I don't have terrible pain 24-7 and I can function, none of which were possible while I took synthetic pain relievers.

    Go natural honey, it's the best way, better for you, better for the environment, better for your wallet.

    Only ones it hurts are giant Pharmaceutical companies.

    I'd much rather grow my own meds than put billions in the pockets of their CEOs anyway, wouldn't you?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You know what, if you think smoking weed is going to help you with your back pain and help you live a better life- you should try it regardless of what anyone thinks.

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  • 10 years ago

    There is, also, poison ivy. Would you make a tossed salad out of that?

    There are many plants out there. However, not all are useful for our consumption.

    GOD bless

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    it isnt bad and anyone who lets a book filled with hogwash tell them otherwise is an idiot

  • 10 years ago

    It's like why God put us on this world if he knew we were going to sin. Love isn't true love unless it's from your choice. He put it on this world to test what our true ethics are.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    How many rattle snakes have you hugged today

    simplistic thinking

  • KLD
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    He said "food."

    Source(s): Personally, I have no problem with anyone smoking it...just don't try to do anything that requires responsibility after toking up.
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