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Does anyone get weird flutters in stomach with the IUD?
I got the Mirena IUD about 3 months ago. Ever since I got it I get random flutters mostly in my mid to upper stomach. I know for fact that I am NOT pregnant as I had my tubes tide 11 years ago and I got the IUD for heavy periods and not for birth control.
As for the feeling, it's not painful, just really annoying. It truly feels like a baby is kicking and rolling around inside my stomach( I've had 2 pregnancies, and this feels the same) It's not gas bubbles either. It happens very randomly. While hiking, sleeping, sitting......
I have read some women who have the same feeling but that they don't know what was causing it. I think there is a link to the IUD bit my doctor does not. So please help me solve this.
1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years agoHad Mirana IUD placed a month ago. I need a tampon because I'm bleeding so heavy.?
I know it's normal to spot bleed for up to a year of getting the Mirana IUD. But I'm not spotting, I'm having a light period everyday......I'm needing to wear a panty liner and tampons. The whole reason I got the IUD was to help my very heavy monthly flow. I would rather have a really bad week bleeding than a nonstop period. It's ruining my sex life with my husband too.
My question, is it normal to bleed so much with placement of the Mirana? The doctor made it sound like a little spotting.
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoCan you use the southern Cali Disney city pass for more then one person?
So my family will be going to Southern California for a week and half. Our friends are coming also. But, they are only coming for one week. So, I was wondering if we all buy the city pass and (they only want to do Disney 2 days vs the 3 days allowed) we use their pass for one day( the day they don't want to go). And then we all use our passes for the days we are all going to be there. Is that possible?
That way we could go 2 days before they come down? And when they get there we go just the 2 days plus the Sea World and Universal Studios.
1 AnswerSan Diego8 years agoWhat do I get my husband for Christmas.?
What should I get my husband this year for Christmas? We have been married for almost 18 years so its getting harder to shop for him because he has everything he NEEDS. I want to get him something he WANTS. I have giving homemade coupon books (yes, you go pet the hint), guns, ammo, video games, PS3, XBox, clothes, coffee maker, wallets..... The list goes on. So, please give me your list of YOUR top 3 things you want(that I can actually buy without him around)and maybe it will trigger an idea for me. I don't want to spend more then a few hundred. And I would only spend that much if its really a good idea. So probably under 100.00. THANK YOU
My husbands likes and dislikes are
LIKES: hunter, little fishing, camping, hiking, rafting, beer, hair bands,
DISLIKES: skiing, sports, gambling,
7 AnswersOther - Entertainment9 years agoWhy can I swallow cold water easier than say warm(not hot) water.?
When I drink water that is really cold I can drink a large glass quickly. But when I drink water or tea that is just warm, I can't physically swallow it in more then one swallow.
Since the water in not hot you would think you could swallow it at the same speed.
IDK, I've just been curious about this question for a long time now.
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years agoWhat is the right age to start shaving a child's legs?
My daughter who is physically age 10 but is disabled and is cognitively around the age 6 or 7. ( She has a rare birth defect that causes this) She is in the 4th grade.
Her legs are very hairy and I know how mean kids are already about her being disabled and I want her to fit in as much as possible. So what do you think would be the appropriate age to shave her legs( electric shaver)? I know I can't stop kids from being mean but this is something I can do.
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years agoDoes therapy/counseling really help depression?
Been depressed off and on for many years, as I I am a very angry person. I am constantly scaring people off. I try so hard to be happy and do things that make me happy. But the evil me seems to come out of no where sometimes. I have tried a few depression medications but, had some rather scary side effects including a full on medication endured seizure.
So my question is: Does counseling really help people with major depression? What are the pros and cons to going to one? And how to pick a good one?
3 AnswersMental Health9 years agoWhat's do I need a brain MRI and EEG if my CT scan was normal?
Hello, I have had many health problems over the past several years. Tonsillectomy, sinus surgery, and cervical C5-6 fusion 3 years ago. I now have C4-5 herniation and trying to just deal with it because I don't want another surgery. I am/was on several medications ( oxycodone, Robaxin, Naproxan, Nortriptalyn, Wellbutrin). The Nortipalyn and Wellbutrin were newer medications. After Being on the Wellbutrin for 4 weeks I had a first time seizure(seizures are common with both of these medications). While seizuring, I fell from a standing position and fell on the back of my head. Was rushed in for a CT scan that came back normal, and my head stapled. Saw a neurologist who said I now need a EEG and MRI before I can start driving again. I told him I don't have any problems with my head. It's my neck that hurts.
So my question is why would I need a MRI and EEG if the CT was normal and I'm not complaining of head problems. What does a MRI show that a CT scan can't?
3 AnswersCancer9 years agoDay one of my period. Blood was very dark red. Normally it's bright red?
What do you think is going on? I started my period today. Normally on day one my blood is bright red. Today I started and my blood was very dark red.
I'm in my 30's
2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoJuicing cannabis (marijuana leaves) what IF ANY, are the benefits?
In Oregon it's legal to have a medical marijuana permit. We have dispensaries everywhere here. my friend in Arizona got her card too. They do not have the dispensaries there. The doctors recommend juicing cannabis leaves daily.
SO MY QUESTION IS, WHAT ARE THE REAL BENEFITS TO JUICING THE LEAVES? Is there really any? I looked it up a bit on YouTube and there are people who do it.
4 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years agoWhat's causing my sore throat? Not feeling sick and had my tonsils out a few yrs ago.?
What could be causing my sore throat? I had my tonsils out back in 2007, so it's not that. I don't have a cold or nasal drip issue. The pain feels to be more one sided. I have had this going on now for a 2 days.
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years agoSending care pkg to Australia from USA?
What kinds of things should I send in my care package to Australia? What do USA have that are hard to find in Australia? I don't want to send to many heavy things because of the cost to ship, but I want to ship a few good things that they will enjoy. I hear Peanut Butter cups is a must, but what else?
5 AnswersGeneral - Australia10 years agoWhat kinds of cool stuff should I send in my care pkg to Australia from the USA?
Hi I live in Oregon and I want to send a cool care package to my friends in Australia. What kinds of stuff do we have that you can't buy in Australia? I know Peanut Butter cups, but what else? Also, I made homemade Hucklberry jam and it's sealed in glass jars that I canned, can they be shipped?
4 AnswersMelbourne10 years agoWhat's a good game to play @ kids birthday party?
My daughter is having a birthday party next weekend and I want to play a few simple indoor games. What do you have in mind?
1 hot potato
2 piñata toss
3 ..........?
The age range of the kids are 7-11.
4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years agoIf marijuana is so bad, why did God put the plant on earth? Genesis 1:29.?
I have been struggling as to if I should get my medical license card or not. I have many friends and family who would not approve of my choice. I'm 36 and have chronic pain. I had back surgery 14 months ago. Just found out through another MRI that I have more problems and need more surgery. I DO NOT want more surgery, what's the point, since the first surgery didn't work. Also, taking pain medication is not how I want to live the rest of my life.
If you read the bible.
Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; (Genesis 1:29 NASB)
Why would he make the plant if he didn't want us to use it?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoHave you ever experienced your brain wake up before your body, and your paralyzed for a brief time?
It's so scary when your eyes are wide awake but you can't move any body part or talk. It's like your briefly paralyzed. And then after 20 or 30 seconds you can move and function again.
It almost felt like something was pushing me down.
6 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years agoHad planters warts removed and now foot has tingling.?
Had several planter warts removed 3 days ago. Now the foot is tingling. Do you think this is a normal thing? When I say they were removed, I mean they were cut out by a podiatrist. I am changing the bandages 2 times a day.
3 AnswersOther - Health10 years agoCan you give blood after having a fusion?
I just had a cervical fusion and was wondering if I will be able to donate my blood again? I had ground up cadaver bone used in my fusion.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago