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fast and furious why?

easy,,Obama/Holder floods Mexico with guns,,,blames America,,,sez answer is more control,,,I mean why else? unless ATF is so dumb they actually have no clue..and i dont believe anyone is that dumb,

every gun owner needs to join NRA,,dont b shocked when they come 4 ur guns

8 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The decision to direct gun shops to sell to straw buyers so that the firearms could be smuggled to Mexico was made at roughly the same time that the claim by our government that 90% of Mexican drug lord guns were from the US. When you look at all the statistics the real number is more like 8%, but Sec State and the media needed a strong talking point to keep a lid on gun sales and if possible close down as many gun shops as they could. So hundreds of Mexican nationals and at least two US law enforcement agents died so that the administration could have the numbers to justify their agenda to pay back the Brady folks and the rest of their anti gun campaign contributors.

  • Quinn
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    It's call a setup and if you read the book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky who is Obama's hero you would know this is the standard operating procedure. Destroy your enemies by setting them up as the perpetrators of evil and elevate your standing by stepping in to fight them for the safety of the public. But in this case, they got caught in the act. If this was the pre-internet days where only ABC, CBS, and NBC reported the news, the public would never hear anything about it. Even today, the leftist media outlets have been very successful in not airing any report on Fast and Furious except for maybe a few minutes in the first couple of days.

    Obama is anti-gun. But he doesn't have the clout (yet) to directly unilaterally disarm Americans (yet). So, like the little radical who-thinks-he-can, he (and yes, I believe this came from his little twisted mind) wanted an excuse to further anti-gun legislations.

    If you think this is bad, it will be nothing compare to what he will do if he wins re-election in 2012.

  • Problem with the NRA.

    They are TOO goddamn apologetic.

    There is a difference between being reasonable, and just apologizing to people for owning firearms. There is NO excuse to apologize for a birthright.

    "The ATF forced gun shops to make illegal sales so these weapons could be sent to mexico. In so doing they hoped to vilify our 2nd amendment right and do away with it. They got caught red handed and are STILL trying to vilify the 2nd amendment. The founding fathers would be shooting by now, we are all asleep at the wheel if we allow this to happen."

    Bingo. This is what happens when democracy borders on communism. EVERYTHING, is merely a means to an end.

    Source(s): Avid shooter/Experienced Machinist/We live in a liberal world...
  • 10 years ago

    The ATF usually likes to have a major FUBAR and then cover it up.

    Ruby Ridge in 1992

    Waco in 1993

    2000-2010 was kind of quiet for them, but they were working on the predecessor to Fast and Furious. The difference being that they didn't let guns walk, and they didn't flood the borders.

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  • MJ
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    If the powers that be at the BATF truly thought this was a good way to fight crime they are criminally incompetent or negligent.

    But I'm of the opinion that there was something more behind this: To pave the way for more gun control legislation because "Hey, these guns came across the border from the U.S.!"

    A typical Obama administration backdoor move, both literally and figuratively.

    That's right folks, we get bent over and they stick it in our azz.

  • Don
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I am of the opinion that the only reason that Obama did not attempt any more restrictive gun policies, is that he knew that it would be political suicide.

    If he is re-elected, you can bet that he will be coming for our God given right to own firearms.

    Oddly enough. Just because of his presence, more firearms, and ammunition were sold than had he lost the election.

    The notion that neither he, nor Holder knew anything about this operation is ludicrous. If true, it stinks of incompetence. If they did know, then it is criminal.

    Source(s): My opinions only.
  • C T M
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    The ATF forced gun shops to make illegal sales so these weapons could be sent to mexico. In so doing they hoped to vilify our 2nd amendment right and do away with it. They got caught red handed and are STILL trying to vilify the 2nd amendment. The founding fathers would be shooting by now, we are all asleep at the wheel if we allow this to happen.

  • 10 years ago

    That's not a question

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