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What was the war of 1812?

6 Answers

  • bob p
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    it was a war that happened in 1812

  • Wraeth
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Essentially it was a continuation of the War for American Independence which had ended just a few decades earlier.

    Starting in 1807, the British Empire started attacking US merchant and Navy ships. They would seize any cargo they found and impress the sailors into British Service. They had a trade blockade of Europe which we were trying to get through and were hurting the American Economy. In June of 1812, the US decided to go to war with Britain over these actions, and the United States wanted Canada as part of our still fairly new country. We invaded Canada, and British Canada sent us packing, actually then invading us and taking much of our territory including portions of New York and all of our then Northwest Territories. For the next 3 years the war went back and forth in the great lakes area. We would gain some of their territory and then lose some of ours. It went back and forth like this until British Army Regulars who were veterans of the Napolean wars arrived to reinforce Canada. They actually moved up the Chesapeake and burned Washington DC to the Ground, but were then soon defeated as they went into Baltimore. The end of the war saw neither side with any true gain. However, the British did stop seizing our ships.

    Source(s): US Army Scout
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Our 2nd war with the U K which we declared and we won they promised to stop harassing our ships at sea and we cut off their Indians allies from being supplied from Canada ,as an aside the brits never mentioned their indian allies in the peace treaty in that war.. Wellington once he found out the Americans controlled the great lakes refuse to take command of British troops in Canada

    The Brits and Canucks love to tell us they burn the white house in retaliation for burning and looting the city of York [Toronto] they left out the British troops fled the York and left its defence to the Canadians and the Indians they lowed the flag as a ruse lured the American closer and blow up a munition dump killing Gen Pike and close to 30 of his man the Americans also found a scalp in one of the indian allies home they are lucky the enraged American did not burn the whole town down. They leave out they burned every book in our national library

    Wrong down there we had no ambition of taking Canada we had the whole west to take and just 25 years earlier we frog march tens of thousand of Americans loyal to the monarchy into Canada and told them this will be you new home also tens of thousand of American indians loyal to the Brits also had to flee into Canada we felt Canada was a better storage place then killing off hundreds of thousand of people disloyal to America You might asked yourself why the Brits did not demand war reparations

    We wanted to punish them and we did

  • 10 years ago

    a war

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  • CPR
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Go ask Wikipedia.

  • 10 years ago

    i believe it had to do with spanish independance. spain was involved

    Source(s): my library
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