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What can I do with a tablet without connection to Internet yet?

I have plans to buy a Samsung tablet but getting proper connection for it it's gonna take a little more time. Can I do something with the device in the meantime like watching pictures or videos through an USB connector, for example?

3 Answers

  • Ken
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The USB connector will not allow you to connect to the Internet. You can use the tablet stand-alone, playing any games, music, or video that came with it. The challenge will be getting new content on it without an Internet connection. You can use the USB connection to another computer to transfer content onto the tablet until you get it working with its WiFi or 3G Internet connection. It would help if the other computer has music or videos already on it or itself has an Internet connection or DVD drive from which to obtain content.

  • 10 years ago

    You can use it to pick up hot chicks. Chicks love tablets, their a symbol of social status. Just walk around, tablet in hand, and watch the woman's come flooding in from every direction...I wish I had a tablet.

    Source(s): Samsung instruction pamphlet
  • 10 years ago

    Just think what you can do with a pc without internet connection you can play games, listen to music, enjoy movie, edit your docs etc etc.

    You can do all this with your tablet tooo

    Source(s): I.T Engineer
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