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Ari Gold asked in SportsHockey · 10 years ago

Miller out with concussion?

Lucic has a meeting with Shanny on Monday.. originally I didn't think this was a suspendable offence, but with Miller out with injury now something tells me Lucic is going to be sitting out a game or two. How many games does he get, if any?

How will the Sabres o under Enroth for the time being (he's 5-0-0 on the year)?

19 Answers

  • JuanB
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Are you kidding? Lucic is a Boston Guin. They are the most dangerous team in the NHL and that is because they don't get the suspensions they deserve. Pacioretty, Raymond...just add Miller to the list.

    while I like the idea of contact with the goalie out of the crease, going for the head isn't acceptable.

    As for the Sabres. Many back up goalies play well, based on playing few games well rested and the team stepping up their defensive game. not to mention getting the start against beatable teams. He has beat Columbus, Calgary and Ottawa twice. I see his best test was a win over Pittsburgh without Crosby. It does look like he will play the most games he has ever had to in a season.

  • jay k
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Spaceboy, that has to be the most ridiculous thing you have said here. How can you fake a concussion? Why would Buffalo scratch their number one goaltender just to make a point? Did you think this through at all?

    Enroth will do just fine, but there is no telling how the Sabres as a team will do. There are many many problems with the team, especially team defence. They have been hot and cold and there is no telling which team will show up when they play the next game.

    Fun Fact: the Sabres are 12-0-1 the last thirteen games Enroth has started

    Add- and also, you are wrong about your 'facts'. From the rulebook: "A goalkeeper is not 'fair game' just because he is outside the goal crease area. The appropriate penalty should be assessed in every case where an opposing player makes unnecessary contact with a goalkeeper."

  • 10 years ago

    This is a weird case, because Miller clearly got into Lucic's path of the puck, but it's also Lucic's responsibility to stop when he sees a goalie.. I believe it is Miller's fault because Lucic was going full speed to get to the puck, and Miller came out of nowhere. Miller might go into Reimer's path, where everyone thought he would be OK and ready to play against Ottawa a few weeks back, but now.. I don't even know what's happening to him. I predict he's out till Mid-December considering he has a concussion.

    Enroth is a great goalie, certainly one for a back up.. but when you look at his 5 wins, the teams were Ottawa(2 games), Calgary(1 game), Columbus(1 game), and Pittsburgh(1 game, also without Crosby or Malkin).. so in reality, he played teams that are technically non playoff contenders, excluding Pittsburgh... Enroth will struggle, no doubt about it. Expect an up and down season for the Sabres with Miller out.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't know how many games he would be suspended... I would guess 2 or 3. Miller entered a dangerous area on the ice but Lucic should no better when hitting a goaltender. I know a lot of people in here talk about goalies should be fair game when they move away from the net but systems can't be deep in goal like other positions. Also, consider what a goalie does compared to a skater: his focus is the puck during a breakaway, goalies shouldn't be expected to defend themselves also in a situation like that. Lucic had a huge advantage in the play because Miller's focus was entirely on stopping the scoring chance. The league has to consider the roles of the positions in situations like this.

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  • Siggy
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    This is a shifty play by the Sabres brass.

    Concussion? PAHLEEEEZ!

    The guy was well enough to swing his stick immediately after the incident...he was well enough to put coherent (albeit foolish) statements together after the game. This is a dirty tactic in itself...claim the guy has an injury so that the other player may get a suspension, or at least a visit from the Commissioner; today's PANSIFIED NHL will revisit the hit because an "Injury" was the result of a marginal play.

    Hell, this is fine with Buffalo since Enroth has been playing better than Miller anyway!

    Fact- Miller was free game

    Fact- hitting is a part of hockey

    Fact- Goalies are NOT exempt from hitting (although there is an unwritten code)

  • 10 years ago

    Did you see the video? Miller got hit hard enough to make his helmet go flying off while he was airborne.

    It was an ugly deliberate attack. Lucic is an overpaid goon who has no conscience. Most players in the NHL wish to avoid Lucic.

    Bottom line: THIS WAS NO ACCIDENT. There should be a hefty suspension out of this!

    I don't care if Miller was coming out of the bathroom, nobody should get away with this crap.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    He's not gonna get any games for it Shanny just wants to have the kid in to shake his hand and laugh at the Sabres' "response" and how emo Ryan Miller is. There's nothing suspendable there, Miller just doesn't know how to poke check and his team clearly hates him.

    Enroth is overrated, he is bulky, doesn't change direction well, you get a team that plays well off the cycle and he's toast... any team that approaches him like we all now know how to approach Luongo is golden on the score sheet. Actually, its easier than that b/c the Sabres don't have a defenseman close to as good as Bieksa... Tyler Myers is a freakin pylon! You run at their defensemen and they cough the puck up to the wings every time.

  • Emily
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Lucic should be suspeneded. Conussions are obviously being taken very seriously and goalies should be off limits. I think the Sabres will be just fine with Enroth, he's been their best goalie this year. Call me crazy, but this might be a good thing in the long run. Maybe Miller needs a little time off with no pressure to get out of his slump.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I really dont think anything will come of Lucic's hit on Miller- 1. It was a clean hit (no hit to the head) and 2. Miller put himself in that position by coming out of his crease in the first place 3. Even if it was dirty, the NHL is a joke and it wont suspend Lucic. now if it were a goon (ala Colton Orr) the NHL would be all over it with fries on rice.

    I feel bad for Miller and the sabres/fans (this is coming from a leafs fan)- We had a similar thing happen to our #1 goalie (Riemer) last month when Gionta elbowed him in the head causing him a concussion. Riemer has been out ever since, no timetable for his return and the leafs havent been the same since he has gone down with his concussion. I hope for your team that Miller is ok and makes a quick return, nobody likes seeing their teams best player down for the count.

  • 10 years ago

    Even though I don't care whether Lucic gets suspended or not, because to me it looked like he could have avoided a hard hit into Miller, I just don't understand one thing. Obviously Miller has a history of concussions...and isn't a player that has had a concussion before more likely to get one again after being hit? I mean, to argue if Miller leaving his crease and him being "fair" game is one thing, since I'm really on the fence on that one. But when does ones prior medical history come into play? Lucic very well could have gave him a concussion, but how do we know Miller is specifically out from this concussion because of Lucic's hit, and not some other hit/incident? It's just impossible to tell how the player specifically got the concussion.

    Source(s): Red Wings Fan :o)
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