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Lv 6
RADHA asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

Space is empty or filled with emptiness ----How will you explain it?

"Scientists claim to have produced particles of light out of vacuum, proving that space is not empty."

18 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Great Question !

    Emptiness can create subatomic particle. The infinity, Infinitude, is only the space.

    There is a say, Nothing is Permanent.

    This can be concluded in two ways, one is nothing (no object) in this cosmos is permanent, and the other is only Nothingness the Emptiness which is Eternal only Permanent.

    For imagining Emptiness one should have a good imagination power. The only thing which has no boundary, spread eternally all sides which only has no beginning no end is the EMPTINESS !

    Yes the Nothingness the Shunya can produce a subatomic particle. The subatomic particles so created over zillions of zillions of years have united to cause the Big Bang.

    But the creation of subatomic particles by the Emptiness is a never ending continuous process. Even today Scientists concluded that the Visible Universe mass accounts for only about 17 % of the total estimated mass of the Universe. The remaining mass 87 % is believed to be in the form of Dark Matter.

    From this we can conclude that even after the creation of Universe, the creation of subatomic particles by the Emptiness is continuing for ever.

    This is my way of understanding.

    I will add Bagawad Gita reference on this before this evening !


    Bagawad Gita Reference:

    You can see in my profile page “about me” something about Emptiness.


    This nothing is the emptiness of space.

    It is nothing, but for that “Nothing" nothing in the universe can exist!

    Can anything exist if there is no space at least to the minimum of its most compressed volume?

    So the "Emptiness”; the "nothingness" of the Space is essential for the existence of everything in this cosmos.

    But that "Emptiness" - that "Nothingness" needs nothing for its existence. Nothing can exist without it; but it needs nothing for its existence.


    That means for existence of everything in the Universe, Emptiness is required. But the same Emptiness does not dwell in anything.

    Now in Begavad Gita Lord Krishna said in 4th Slokha of Chapter 9:

    The whole universe is pervaded


    all creatures exist in me,

    but I do not dwell in them. ………...(..4 0F 9TH TEACHING)

    So Lord Krishna is that Emptiness and everything encompass Lord Krishna. For existence of anything, Lord Krishna is required, but for existence of Lord Krishna no one else is needed.

    What a wonderful Science already millenniums back explained in Bagawad Gita by Lord Krishna !

    That Emptiness, The Lord Krishna creates light particles and those particles manifest in to everything in the cosmos today !

    Read 'Infinity's answer in the link below.;_ylt=Ao...

  • 4 years ago

    Emptiness Of Space

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There has never been such thing as a total vacuum. Even in intergalactic space there are still a few hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.

    Space is only mostly empty. Though for all intents and purposes, it can be considered a vacuum.

    As to the producing particles of light out of vacuum, I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying, you can change energy from one form to another and transmit it via photon through a vacuum, but I'm pretty sure light can't just come out of vacuum.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Space i filled with in a way empty. Believe it or not there is huge amounts of pressure in space that appear at once.

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  • manish
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    When we say the space is empty we simply mean that there is no matter in space. Emptiness is the abstract state only meaning that there is no matter.

    When things move at the velocity of light they are transformed in to light energy which only can move at that high velocity. Thus things go invisible. In other words they change the dimension.

    In ancient times the same technique was used by divine powers like NARAD to move from one world to the other in a blinks time.

  • 7 years ago

    Reality is as we believe it to be. Otherwise at subatomic level its mostly just vacant space..?

    It is a fact that diameter of nucleus of an atom (of carbon as an example) is about 1/10,000th of diameter of the atom. But nucleus is also 99.94% of the atom's mass. Very few negligible sized electrons and some atomic bodies are going around the nucleas super fast not occupying even a millionth if the balance space. Meaning, physically any atom and hence the universe is mostly just empty space.

    Isn't it worth a thought that WE and ALL around us is almost all vacant space? Our bodies, and people and things around us are all around us are mostly space -well over 99%!!

    Yet we place all our realism on all these.

    Now, Hindu Vedas suggest that 'the universe and time are creation of a play of consciousness with the mind. An illusion created by complex interplay of imaginations and our involvement with it. World is reactions reflection and resound of our thoughts.

  • krk
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Outer space is the void that exists between celestial bodies, including the Earth.[1] It is not completely empty, but consists of a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles: predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, and neutrinos. Theory suggests that it also contains dark matter and dark energy. In the space between galaxies, matter density can be as low as a few atoms of hydrogen per cubic meter. The baseline temperature, as set by background radiation left over from the Big Bang, is only 3 Kelvin; in contrast, temperatures in the coronae of stars can reach over a million Kelvin. Plasma with an extremely low density and high temperature, such as warm-hot intergalactic medium and intracluster medium, accounts for most of the baryonic (ordinary) matter in outer space; local concentrations have evolved into stars and galaxies. Intergalactic outer space takes up most of the volume of the universe, but even galaxies and star systems consist almost entirely of empty space. As of yet, space travel has been limited to the vicinity of the Solar System; the remainder of outer space remains inaccessible to humans other than by passive observation with telescopes.

    There is no firm boundary where space begins. However the Kármán line, at an altitude of 100 kilometres above sea level, is conventionally used as the start of outer space for the purpose of space treaties and aerospace records keeping. The framework for international space law was established by the Outer Space Treaty, which was passed by the United Nations in 1963. This treaty precludes any claims of national sovereignty and permits all states to explore outer space freely. In 1979, the Moon Treaty made the surfaces of objects such as planets, as well as the orbital space around these bodies, the jurisdiction of the international community. Additional resolutions regarding outer space have been drafted by the United Nations, but these have not precluded the deployment of weapons into outer space.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Space is empty

  • Energy
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Emptiness has no reference so its empty in one point, But aren't we told that space is full of stars and galaxies?

    Source(s): Only empty in this world is a sage's mind, Which is far from delusions and won't even know the meaning of emptiness.
  • Raj
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Filled with emptiness.Nothing is empty.

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