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Is evolutionary theory real science or is it based on faith?


Moon Ninja: C'mon, who was there millions and millions of years ago. How can this stuff be tested in the laboratory?

25 Answers

  • Carl
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is what the Scriptures call false science or false knowledge (1 Tim. 6:20)

    It is not science, in that it has not been observed (despite what some have posted - but without reference) it cannot be repeated, measured or recorded.

    It relies on people accepting a premise without proof, the same way a Christian accepts the Bible; by trusting that what is stated is truth. People make a decision to believe statements as truth, therefore in the strict sense of the word it is a supposition based on belief, i.e. = faith.

  • 9 years ago

    Evolutional theories have been proven false years ago.

    Evolution is based on a religious point of view which says, "Since there is no god, the Bible can't be true, therefore how can I explain how this world and the universe got here without a god?"

    Evolution is the religious answer to the above question.

    Science agress with the Bible. Whenever in history it appeared, for a time, that the Bible and Science did not agree, as time went on, it later became clear that the Bible had been right all along.

    Evolution is at best, junk science.

    Source(s): 45+ years following a Jewish Carpenter & studying His Book! I am the real Pastor Art, not the clone.
  • .
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It is a type of science that requires a great deal of faith, as "historical science" cannot be proven the way operational science can (e.g. it is not repeatable or observable in the present or in a controlled environment).

    Evolutionary science is a lot like the "Gnomes" episode they had on "South Park" a few years ago. The gnomes were businessmen, and they had a business plan. They had a beginning, a middle and an end result as such:

    1. Collect underpants

    2. ???

    3. Profit

    Their problem of course, they didn't know what step 2 was, but they continued on with step 1 in faith that they would figure out the secret.

    This is kind of like how evolutionary theory works, only the order of the steps is not quite the same:

    1. There was nothing

    2. ?????

    3. There was something

    4. ?????

    5. There is what we see today.

    Thus evolutionary theory requires faith in the absence of "concrete verifiable repeatable falsifiable" evidence.

  • Mike K
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Hello Nina,

    It is based on real science and after 160 years no theory or anomaly has come along to shatter this model. Should that ever happen, scientists would be the first to knock the theory down and build another hypothesis. For example we saw just last month for example that experiments in the giant cyclotron collider in Europe showed there are sub atomic particles that move faster than light which will contradict Einstein's theory of the universe that nothing is faster than light. He will; have to be re assessed now and so it would be with evolution as well.


    Michael Kelly

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  • 9 years ago

    This is kind of hard to answer. Of course evolutionary theory is real science. The question here is, can you believe that enough coincidences occured to make complex life forms like yourself possible.

    It is of course not coincidence if the universe is near infinite, because infinity allows an infinite number of coincidences.

    You should put your faith where you want to put it. But you should never stop asking the right and also the wrong questions.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Real science.

    Evolution is an observed fact. The theory that explains how the observed fact works (mostly by natural selection) is shown correct by literally hundreds of millions of pieces of evidence. No "faith" is involved in any way.


  • 9 years ago

    Real science. Real science accepted by more than 99.98% of working biologists and medical professionals in this country. It has also produced somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 MILLION peer-reviewed articles and papers in the English language alone in the last decade alone. It is pretty solid stuff and we actually understand it in greater depth than many other scientific theories, like gravity.

  • 9 years ago

    It is real science on account that it is a theory. By definition of it being a theory in cannot be proven as 100% fact. some things about have been proven but not enough to substantiate it as fact. so its not based on faith rather very small amounts of evidence when it comes down to the big picture.

  • 9 years ago

    It's real science. As in, there are various experiments going on around the world to see whether what actually happens is anything like what the theory predicts ought to happen. And it is.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Biology is a real science. "Evolution theory" is a caricature. Read a textbook.

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