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Jo Ann
Lv 6
Jo Ann asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 9 years ago

My 42 yr. old son disrespects me with anger, and yells at me on the phone.?

I have submitted this question January 14, 2012 but it was before I joined Yahoo Answers. My 42 yr. old son has recently yelled at me, has hurt me so many times. I was a stay at home mom to my two boys. My younger son is a great father and husband. His group of friends are friends that don't curse and neither does he. My older son's friends are treated with great respect as he wants to make a good impression on them. My son is a me person. HIs father also was. Both my boys seen their father use verbal and physical abuse on me. Their father was killed by a drunk driver. It is sad that I never felt free until he died. I thank god that I found a wonderful man and we have been married almost 20 years. We are Eucharistic Ministers at our church and a caregiver for one of our neighbors. My son does drink beer, only the expensive kind and cigars as well. He is a " Me" person. He has tried to start 3 business, white water rafting, Texas Hold em gambling, breakfast bars, 3 Harley's, Motorcycle clubs, Leather crafting, 3 college enrollments, Masonic Lodge, never attends a meeting now. Now he is in college studding Bio-Med. He has a great job at $80,000 now but he probably will not save much. He doesn't do drugs and never has and I don't think he has a drinking problem. He has given up the motorcycle club due to his employment now. He's a great father but he raises his voice often. His wife is patient and I don't think he is mean to her. One day he is high spirits and other times it's like his fuse goes off. I suffer depression and for 15 years I have been on medication. I have had 3 nervous breakdowns, 2 while I was married 25 years to my first husband. I have been diagnosed with mild bipolar. I think my son is also bipolar and needs anger control. I love him very much but I have to make a decision and take care of my emotional health. I have cried for 3 days, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, unable to think of anything to take my mind off this situation. He yells at me on the phone telling me I need professional help. I think it is time that I tell him I did seek professional help because my Dad verbally abused me and my siblings. My son's dad also verbally and physically abused me and now my son is verbally abusing me. When my son was 18 after his father was killed, he told me he hated me and he wished that it would have been me instead of his father. He lost a child and became angry with God. I am 70 yrs. old and I pray that he will one day find himself and his problems belong to him and stop blaming his mother. I worked as a psychiatric nurse and I was able to counsel young adults but they knew me as a nurse and not a mother. I have been reading some answers on this web site and now I must follow through. I will not tolerate his behavior, language, disrespect and anger. He hasn't called to apologize yet but when he does, I will accept his apology and thank him for calling and tell him that I will love him forever but I will tell him his behavior is unacceptable and that I will not tolerate it ever again. It may be the best thing that this passive mom can do for her son. I have tried and cried but nothing has helped. He needs professional help but he needs to know that he needs help. I ask for your prayers and opinions. I am sure that I am only one mother out of thousands who are hurting in this situation of mine and some are hurting worse. Jo Ann

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dearest Jo Ann,

    Sometimes in life we have to realize that we must do what is in our best intrest. Personally I think this is a sign for extreme action. No mother, and i mean no mother deserves to be treated badly no matter what the situation is. Children should be respectful to their parents. From the sound of it your son is lacking that distinct knowledge. No fault of your own because i know in my heart that a mother can not raise their children to enter into the world hating one another. There is two things we give our children one is roots and the other is wings.

    Your son doesnt know that when you pass that he will loose the only true love of his life. I hope he sees it now before its too late and the love and patience that he someday will find will be for nothing because the one person who needed it wont be there. In all i think you should inform your other son and if you all live close to each other call a family meeting. To discuss whats going on. If all this doesnt help consider elderly abuse, or stop talking to him. Sometimes tough love does the trick.

    I hope this helps.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Angry at 8? Therapy seems to be a good advice. Yet, not everyone can afford it. What can be done otherwise? When his sister was born, he was four, after being the Prince, alone for 4 years! The apple of the eye of his mother, I guess! Then that, a competition. Although he may love his sister, he may be so jealous at times. Often it helps when the older child arpound this age gets a baby doll to take care of, when mom takes care of the baby. Then the emotions go to this babydoll, instead of feeling neglected because of this sudden addition to the family. needs so much attention. I would observe, when he gets angry. Was there any indication of your attention toward his sister, or even mere mentioning of his sister before the anger fit? If so, he may be jealous. Beating or punishing him would only make his anger toward his mom and the jealousy of his sister worse. I would get him a punch ball or bag, he can punch hard when he starts punching mom. Or, teach him to use a padded beating stick to beat up the bed instead. Many adults have done this: motion (movement) and emotions go together. When they are separated (you cannot do that), destructive behavior may surface. When beating up the bed, emotions (anger) and motion (movement) are joined and can be released. At the sign of anger, I would send him to the punch ball and make it fun, may be at first punching together. In addition, I would set up an afternoon a week, may be only 1 hour, for mom and son. Leaving the house, doing something special he likes. He alone with mom, he will be so happy! Mom's big boy! I would make this day a week dependent on his behavior. At first, three days out of the past seven with no anger display, and mom and son will have fun together. Anger display, ooops, the meeting will be postponed. You may want to mark the events in a calendar to keep track. Thus he learns to let steam off beating the punch ball, and control his behavior to get what he likes best: being with mom - alone. Later I would make it 4 and 5 days, then 6 or a week. Gradually, so that he has a chance to make it and learn. Wishing you the best and happiness for you and your son.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well it sounds to me like you already know what you need to do. My mother and I don't have a great relationship. She's pulled a lot of crazy, deceitful stuff in my life. At the end of the day, she's my mother. I love her. I wouldn't dream of ever being so abusive to either of my parents. We may not like eachother very much, but she raised me. I have never had to go without . No offense but your son sounds like an *** and at your age, you shouldn't have to worry about these things.

    He's 42 but it sounds like he's going on 12. Unfortunately (and I speak as a recovered addict) there isn't much you can do to change people's behavior. He'll have to realize that on his own and sometimes it's impossible. Telling him to get help may just upset him even more. It's important to make sure he knows that you love him, but it's more important for you to live the rest of your years as happily as possible.

    You're a mother. You did your part. You raised those boys and he needs to grow up and realize that blaming you and resenting you are not going to change how he feels.

    Don't take this abuse from him. Cut the cord until he's ready, willing and able to prove to you that he can be a healthy influence in your life.

  • If your 42 year old son what to act like a baby then treat him as such. Tell him that if he cannot talk to respectfully he need not bother to call. Or hang up on him when he starts. Do not let him treat you that way its time he stops. You teach him how you want to be treated it is your responsibility to teach him right from wrong. Do not let him disrespect you anymore. May you have only Divine Love & Blessings from this point on you are in my thoughts & prayers.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    My Son Yells At Me

  • 9 years ago

    He's gone through some pretty harsh things, my brother is 15 years old, and when my mother got divorced with my father, he started acting mean too. I'd possibly get a family counselor and talk things over, and maybe you'll be a better family again.

  • 9 years ago

    I'd say stop speaking to that moron untill he does appologize & seems to mean it!

    You are a gr8 woman & i suggest get your self involved with your good work that is what you do & less with your son.He doesn't deserve you.

    God Bless!

  • 9 years ago

    He yells at you because you let him. Tell your son he can't yell at you like that. Tell him that you will hang up on him whenever he yells at you. If he yells again, hang up. If he disrespects you, hang up. For cryin' out loud, your 70 years old! You can't let people talk to you like that! Stand up for yourself!

  • 9 years ago

    tl;dr. Anyway, he's not your responsibility anymore and you can't force him to get help.

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